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Genealogical Tree,
Exhibiting in lineal order,
up to the year 1813,
the descendants of
Isaac Cook.

First delineated by James Carrington,
a copy of which was made by
Luther Dutton Cook and his sister Sibyl Beach Cook,
from which this print was taken.

Information About This Document

Text of the Document

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Information About This Document

A copy of this tree was sent to me by my fourth cousin, Merritt Miller, who indicated that he was unsure of its authenticity.

I found a point of commonality between the tree and my own family tree (Isaac Cook born 16 Jul 1968 & Margaret Scott born 25 Dec 1792), and then matched the data from the tree to data found on online trees. There were many matches and, more significantly, information on the tree that did not appear on the online trees. (If the tree were a widespread fake, one would expect it's data to be reflected in online trees.) Also, there were several obvious errors in the tree; I would think a person making a fake would be more careful.

The tree indicates a date of 1813, but on the copy sent me there are several birthdates after that. However, it is clear that they were added later, since the type style and balloon size doesn't match the originals.

An Internet search for information about the tree yielded a letter written by President Rutherford B. Hayes in which he seeks information on the tree for the purpose of using it in searching his wife's genealogy. The text of the letter posted online by the Ohio Historical Society is as follows:

The Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Center confirmed that they have at least one copy of the same family tree, so President Hayes did get a copy.

The wife of President Hayes was Lucy Ware Webb, daughter of James Webb MD & Maria Cook. To find Maria Cook on the tree, start at the base and go up the trunk to the fourth branch on the left, "ISAAC b. July 28, 1739", then up that branch to fifth branch up, "ISAAC b. July 16, 1768", then up that branch to the fifth branch out, "MARIA b. Mar. 9, 1801".

To find James Carrington, start at the base and go up the trunk to the first branch on the left, "MINDWELL b. Apl. 20, 1750", then up that branch to the fourth branch from the left, "JAMES b. Nov. 9, 1770".

To find Luther Dutton Cook and his sister Sibyl Beach Cook on the tree, start at the base and go up the trunk to the first branch on the right, "CALEB b. Nov. 14, 1747", then up that branch to the third branch from the left, "AUGUSTUS b. Jan. 25, 1767", then up the first two branches up, "Luther Dutton b. June 21, 1794" and "Sibyl Beach b. June 23, 1797".

If you have additional information or corrections regarding this document, please contact me (see Contact Information at the top of this page).

Text of the Document

Added notes are {italicized-bracketed}.

{Click here for 1st & 2nd generation portion of tree}


First delineated by James Carrington, a copy of which was made by Luther Dutton Cook and his Sister Sibyl Beach Cook, from which this print was taken.

Kellogg Litho - Hartford, Conn.

{1st Generation, at bottom of tree}   Isaac Cook, Supposed to be one of the first of the name who emigrated to this Country. He married Sarah Curtiss, of Wallingford, Ct., where he settled and lived till his death, A.D. 1712. He had three Children: the descendants of the only male, Isaac, are enumerated above.

{2nd Generation, just above first}   ISAAC {COOK} who was called CALEB {COOK} till after his fathers death, which happened when he was about two years old, was born in Wallingford, Jan. 17, 1710, where he settled and lived till Mar. 16, 1790, when he died. He married Jerusha Saxton, Oct. 13, 1733, who died in 1795.

    {3rd Generation, clockwise from trunk}
    • {4th Generation, clockwise from originating branch}
      • {5th Generation, clockwise from originating branch}
        • {6th Generation}
{ * NOTE: Entry probably was made after the original tree since it is near or after the 1813 tree date and has a different appearance, such as being on the extended branch of another entry in the same generation and/or including the last name.}

by John William Myers III.