Etta Clara Hoyt
Hillsboro High School
Sixteenth Annual Commencement
15 June 1888
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Hand-written items are underscored; added notes are {italicized-bracketed}.
Sixteenth Annual Commencement of the Hillsboro High School, Friday Evening, June 15th, 1888.
Prayer, Rev. D. W. Clark.
Chorus - "The Forest Festival," Offenbach. - High School Choir
Mirrors, Jessie R. Smith.
Life's Alms and Calms, Ida M. Fenwick.
The Prevalence of War, Burch Foraker.
Chorus - "The Flower Dance," J. G. Root. - High School Choir.
The Pleasures of Imagination, Rosa B. Roads.
The Value of Variety, Anna L. Shull.
Not Prepared, Thomas J. North.
Duet - "Wanderers' Night Song" Rubenstein. - Mrs. Kinney and Miss McKenzie.
Ohio's Centennial, Edwin L. Harris.
Treasured Memories, Cora V. Shull.
We All Wear Veils, Alice C. Oonk.
Chorus - "Anvil Chorus," Verdi. - High School Choir.
The Physician of the Future, Etta C. Hoyt.
The Starry Heavens, Emma Koch.
Woman in History, Home H. McKeehan.
Trio - "Protect us thro' the Coming Night," Curshman. - Miss McKenzie, Mrs. Kinney, and Dr. Callahan.
Presentation of Diplomas, Sam'l Major, Sup't.
Benediction, Rev. W. J. McSurely, D. D.
The Board of Education - J. D. W. SPARGUR, President. H. S. FULLERTON, Clerk. P. E. BROWN, Treasurer. J. M. HIBBEN. D. F. SCOTT. T. A. WALKER.
INSTRUCTORS. - SAM'L MAJOR, Superintendent. E. G. SMITH, Principal of High School. E. E. RICHARDS, Assistant.
The Weber Grand Piano is from the firm of Smith & Nixon, CINCINNATI, O.