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Etta Clara Hoyt
Hillsborough {now Hillsboro}
Public Schools
High School Diploma
15 June 1888

Text of the Document

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Text of the Document

Hand-written items are underscored; added notes are {italicized-bracketed}.


Palmam Qui Meruit Ferat. {Let whoever earns the palm bear it.}

This Certifies that Etta C. Hoyt, having satisfactorily completed the Regular Course of Study prescribed for the High School Department of these schools, and having maintained correct moral deportment, is entitled to this Testimonial, the highest honor which the Board of Education has the power to confer.  She leaves the school with the respect and confidence of the Board and Instructors, and their best wishes for       success and usefulness.

In Tesimony Whereof, We have hereto affixed their signatures at HILLSBOROUGH, OHIO {now Hillsboro, Ohio}, this the fifteenth day of June, 1888.

Sam'l Major, Superintendent.

E. G. Smith, Principal of the High School.

J. D. W. Spargur, President.

Hugh S. Fullerton, Clerk.

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and any commercial use whatsoever is strictly prohibited. Copyright © 2005 by John William Myers III.