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John Jacob Myers
Commission as Sergeant
1 June 1865

Text of the Commission

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Text of the Commission

Hand-written items are underscored; added notes are {italicized-bracketed}.


To all who shall see these presents, greeting:

Know Ye, That reposing special trust and confidence in the patriotism, valor, fidelity and abilities of John J. Myers I do hereby appoint him Sergeant in Company K, of the 8th Regiment of Ohio Calvary Vols in the service of the United States, to rank as such from the 1st day of June one thousand eight hundred and sixty five.  He is therefore carefully and diligently to discharge the duty of Sergeant by doing and performing all manner of things thereunto belonging.  And I do strictly charge and require all Non Commissioned Officers and Soldiers under his command to be obedient to his order as Sergeant.  And he is to observe and follow such orders and directions, from time to time, as he shall receive from me, or the future Commanding Officer of the Regiment, or other Superior Officers and Non Commissioned Officers set over him, according to the rules and discipline of War.  This Warrant to continue in force during the pleasure of the Commanding Officer of the Regiment for the time being.

Given under my hand at the Head Quarters of the Regiment, at Clarksburg W Va, this Nineteenth day of June, in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and Sixty five.

By the Commanding Officer:  Wesley Owens  Colonel Commanding the Regiment.

O. J. Hale Lieut. & Act. Adjutant of the Regiment.

This information is provided for the use of persons engaged in non-commercial genealogical research
and any commercial use whatsoever is strictly prohibited. Copyright © 2005 by John William Myers III.