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John William Myers Sr.
& Etta Clara Hoyt
Ohio Wesleyan University
Commencement Booklet
17-23 June 1892

Text of the Document

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Class Roll

Text of the Document

Hand-written items are underscored; added notes are {italicized-bracketed}.





You are cordially invited to attend the Forty-Eighth Annual Commencement of the Ohio Wesleyan University at Delaware, Ohio, June 17th to 23rd, 1892.



Commencement Week, June 17th to 23d.

Zetaganthean Annual, Friday, 8 p. m.

Amphictyonian Annual, Saturday, 8 p. m.

Baccalaureate Sermon, Sunday 11 a. m.

University Love Feast, Sunday 3 p. m.

Y. M. C. A. Address, Sunday, 8 p. m.

Euterpean Concert, Monday, 8 p. m.

Battalion Parade, Tuesday, 10 a. m.

University Lecture, Tuesday, 8 p. m.

Class Day Exercises, Wednesday, 9 a. m.

Alumni Address, Wednesday, 3 p. m.

Promenade Concert, Wednesday, 8 p. m.

Commencement Exercises, Thursday, 9 a. m.

Commencement Banquet, Thursday, 1 p. m.

President's Reception, Thursday, 8 p. m.

Class Roll:

Class Roll.


Edgar Downing Albright, Olin Hanson Basquin, Susan May Bentley, Nathan Davis Bigelow, James Marion Butler, William Deweese Cairns, Mary Elizabeth Calhoun, Cora Belle Calhoun, Horace Greeley Chambers, George Phillip Chatterton, Pennell Cherrington, Charles Emory Copeland, Wilbur Lawrence Young Davis, Herbert Downs Deotz, John Knowles Doan, Willliam Thaddeus Ellis, Frederick William Fink, *Dudley Merrick Flowers (*Deceased), Frank Reber Foraker, George Hiram Geyer, Lewis Baltzell Hall, Ralph Harroll, Harrold Heath, David Herr, Frederick William Hoffman, Richard Deming Hollington,

Clyde Rollin Jones, John Francis Keating, Charles Colson Kennedy, Franklin Moses Marple, Homer Hudson McKeehan, David Channing Meck, Nellie Christine Morgan, Katie Elizabeth Moss, Allen Alvin North, Helen Augusta Plowman, Edward Austin Roberts, James Crawford Roberts, William Thomas Robinson, Kernan Robson, Samuel clark Rogers, William Arnold Rosenzweig, Worthington Scott, Charles Gaylord Smith, Ella Louise Smith, Elisha Cranston Walden, Harry Bright Weaver, Charles Edwin Williams, Noah De Orville Wilson, Henry Collier Wright, Howard Elmer Wright.


Albion Joseph Andrews, Wilson Andrus Carter, George Foster Collier, Mary Ro Illa Hillman, Edward David Jones,

Victor Hugo Madden, John William Myers, Charles Jared Parrish, Mary Druit Potter, Charles Reynolds.


Martha Scott Anderson, Lydia Marsh Austin, Etta Mae Barkdull, Mary Katharine Barnes, Florence Eudora Bishop, May Esther Carter, Luella Pauline Chase, Nellie Ellen Conkling, Lena Curren, Anna Cutler, Adela Elizabeth Fischer, Mrs. Sallie Fisher, Lulu Elizabeth Frey, Helen Frizell, Belle Garrison, Mary Etta Hart, Etta Clara Hoyt, Nancy Kennedy, Nancy Kennedy, Nettie Kennedy, Don Elijah King,

Florence Lakin, Maggie Clo Malick, Helen Louise Mather, Minnie Maud Morgan, Anna Bell Newton, Maude Emengatde Peters, Nellie Phellis, Adelaide Post, Jessie May Riggs, Katharine Christine Scheck, Mary Regina Schock, Inez Shaw, Louise Elliott Stewart, Mittie Suter, Mary Harriet Welch, Olive Welch, Alta Rebecca Williams, Hannah Elizabeth Williamson, Linnie Mae Wilson.

This information is provided for the use of persons engaged in non-commercial genealogical research
and any commercial use whatsoever is strictly prohibited. Copyright © 2005 by John William Myers III.