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John William Myers Jr.
Ohio Military Institute
High School Diploma
1 June 1925

Text of the Document

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Text of the Document

Hand-written items are underscored; added notes are {italicized-bracketed}.

In the name and by the Authority of The Ohio Military Institute, College Hill, Ohio.

To all to whom these Presents shall come:  Greeting:

Know Ye, That Cadet John Wililiam Myers, Jr. having completed at this Institution the Collegiate Course of Study, and having pass a satisfactory examination in all branches of said Course of Study, is entitled to the distinction of Graduate of this Institution.

Wherefore, By virtue of the authority vested in the Board of Visitors and Faculty of the Institution, we confer upon him this Diploma.

In Testimony Whereof, We have hereunto set our names and caused the Seal of the Institute to be affixed, at College Hill, Ohio, this first day of June in the year of our Lord on thousand nine hundred and twenty-five and in the one hundred and forty ninth year of the Independence of the United States of America.

A. M. Henshaw, G. B. Wood, J. M. Sawyer, E. R. Meade,

S. P. C. Roberts, M. F. Eder, W. L. Jones, C. E. Wile, P. S. Andrus


This information is provided for the use of persons engaged in non-commercial genealogical research
and any commercial use whatsoever is strictly prohibited. Copyright © 2005 by John William Myers III.