Leslie Joseph Hoyt
Marriage Record
to Majorie Hannah Mears
12 Sep 1912
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Hand-written items are underscored; added notes are {italicized-bracketed}.
MARRIAGE RECORD. Applications for a Marriage License.
To the Honorable Judge of the Probate Court of Hamilton County, Ohio:
The undersigned respectfully represents that he is one of the applicants for a Marriage License, and upon being Duly sworn deposes that his name is Leslie J. Hoyt, that he was 25 years of age on the 3 day of Aug 1912, that his residence is 4726 Winton Rd. ??? ??? that his place of birth was Hillsboro Ohio that his occupation is Chemist that his father's name is William Hoyt that his mother's maiden name was Sarah Keeler that the applicant was not previously married, that he is a widower and divorced, and that he has no wife living, that he is not nearer of kin to Marjorie H. Mears than second cousin and that there is no legal impediment to his being married, and that he is not an habitual drunkard, epileptic, imbecile or insane person and is not now under the influence of any intoxicating liquor or narcotic drug.
Wherefore, applicant prays that a Marriage License issue to himself and Marjorie H. Mears
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 24 day of Sept A. D. 1912
William H. Lueders Probate Judge and ex-officio Clerk.
Jacob E. Falk Deputy Clerk
To the Honorable Judge of the Probate Court of Hamilton County, Ohio:
The undersigned respectfully represents that he is one of the applicants for a Marriage License, and upon being Duly sworn deposes that her name is Marjorie H. Mears, that she was 21 years of age on the 18 day of April 1912, that her residence is Norwood Ohio that her place of birth was Cincinnati Ohio that her occupation is None that her father's name is Stephen S. Mears that her mother's maiden name was Mary Berlew that the applicant was not previously married, and is a widow, and is a divorced woman, her married name being that she has no husband living, that she is not nearer of kin to Leslie J. Hoyt than second cousin and that there is no legal impediment to her being married, and that she is not an habitual drunkard, epileptic, imbecile or insane person and is not now under the influence of any intoxicating liquor or narcotic drug.
Wherefore, applicant prays that a Marriage License issue to herself and Leslie J. Hoyt
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 24 day of Sept A. D. 1912
William H. Lueders Probate Judge and ex-officio Clerk.
Jacob E. Falk Deputy Clerk
It is expected Rev W. A. Deaton will solemnize the marriage of said parties. And afterward to-wit:-On the same day License was issued as follows:-
Be it Known, That License and Permission of Marriage are hereby granted unto Leslie J. Hoyt and Marjorie H. Mears and any Minister of the Gospel, Justice of the Peace, or other person legally licensed to solemnize Marriages, is hereby authorized to join them in Marriage according to law.
In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Seal of the Probate Court, at Cincinnati, this 24 day of Sept A. D. 1912 William H. Lueders Probate Judge and ex-offico Clerk. By Jacob E. Falk Deputy Clerk.
Upon which the following return was made, to-wit:
To the Judge of the Probate Court of HAMILTON COUNTY, OH.
Married on the 25th day of September A. D. 1912 Leslie J. Hoyt and Marjorie H. Mears by me, a Minister of the Gospel W. A Deaton