August 8, 1862 - April 26, 1863
Friday, August 8 - Enlisted into the service of the United States of America for three years unless sooner discharged. Enlisted under E.A.Curtis. Having thought seriously upon the affair ever since the war first commenced but circumstances has been such that I have not enlisted before as I was away from home the first season and wished to see my friends before I left for war and when I visited them they were so much opposed to it I made up my mind to stay until a more favorable time. I feel that it is my duty that I owe both God and my country and may the Father of us all strengthen and prepare me to ever do my duty and my whole duty. Went to Uncle Spinney's that evening with a sad heart at the thought of bidding all my friends farewell. Visited the last resting place of my dear brother and sisters.
Saturday, August 9 - Went to Clymer and got my trunk and took it home. Stayed at home that night.
Sunday, August 10 - At home. Visiting.
Monday, August 11 - At home writing for A.B. Spinney and visiting.
Tuesday, August 12 - At home doing nearly the same as the day before.
Wednesday, August 13 - At home until nearly night then started for Camp at Jamestown. Went to Uncle Spinney's and stayed overnight.
Thursday, August 14 - In the morning went to Bear Lake and took the cars for Jamestown. Arrived there just before noon. Eat the first dinner in soldiers style. Very good.
15th - Waiting to be examined and mustered.
16th - Examined and mustered into the service of the U.S.
17th - Attended meeting in camp ground services by Rev. Forrester.
Sunday 24th - At home perhaps for the last time. In the evening went to Uncle Spinneys and had a good visit. Stayed overnight.
August 25th - Went to Panama station and took the cars and returned to camp with a heavy heart. Feel lonely in camp separated from home and friends.
26th - Not enjoying myself much being pretty near sick.
27th - Feel well today. Volunteered to go on guard. Quite rainy in middle of the day.
28th - Very rainy last night. On guard ten hours in the last twenty-four. Some folks from town here to see the soldiers but I did not enjoy their company as well as I should some others from that place.
29th - Rec'd one half of my state bounty, 25.00. Saw Joseph H. (Hoyt). Had short visit with him.
30th - Feel well today. Worked on the barracks in the afternoon. Enjoyed myself well. Weather clear and cool.
Sunday, Aug 13th - Attended meeting in the forenoon. Spent the remainder of my time in reading and thinking of my past and future life. Heard the Freedom band play towards night but it did not make me any happier.
Sept 1st - Received a part of my uniform. Did not drill any as it rained nearly all the time.
Sept 2nd - Acted police of the barracks. Had a very busy time of it.
Sept 3rd - Went to Ashville to picknick but did not enjoy it first rate.
Sept 4th - Was in camp as usual but received a visit from Henry Lewok and Betsy Lewok and Sarah Spinney.
Sept 5th - Was in the hospital in Jamestown taking care of Mr. Simmons, one of our company.
Sept 6th - Was in the hospital until nearly night. Then went home in the night. Arrived at home at 9 o'clock a.m., probably for the last time, at present at least, and perhaps forever be it as it may. May God's will be done.
Sept 7th - Sunday. Ate the last dinner perhaps that I ever shall eat at home. Who knows. O! how solemn to think of leaving our parental roof where we have spent so many happy hours. Four o'clock p.m. A little supper and then bid my father, mother, and brothers adieu. Then went to Uncle Spinneys and stayed overnight. Visited with them and had a good time considering how soon I must leave.
Sept 8th - Monday. Monday morning I took the parting hand of my friends and started for camp. Went to Bear Lake and took the cars for Jamestown. Went into camp a little after noon and then towards night, went to the hospital to take care of a sick man. In the evening, I went to the Depot to take leave of my friends that have been here that are to go away in the cars.
Sept 9th - In camp. The same as usual. In the First Battalion drill commanded by Col. Drake.
Sept 10th - Visited with brother Freeman in the morning and then took a last leave of him. Probably I shall not see any more of my near relative while in this camp.
Sept 11th - Received twenty-seven dollars from the United States government as the $25.00 advance bounty and the two dollars premium for each recruit.
Sept 12th - Friday. All confusion and hurrah as we are packing up for Elmira. We must leave at six o'clock and bid adieu to our home association for three years. Oh what a solemn thought-but all is vanity and vexation of spirit. But, all I have to say is God's will be done and I will try and not murmur. Left Jamestown at about eight o'clock P.M.
Sept 13th - Arrived at Elmira about two 8 o'clock A.M. Stayed in Elmira about two hours. Changed cars in the time and then left for Baltimore. Arrived at Williamsport in the afternoon. Was served a good supper by the ladies of the City. Oh, may God bless them for it.
Sept 14th - Arrived in Baltimore a little before daylight between six and seven. Marched up through the city to the other depot. Had a comfortable breakfast and then started for Washington. Arrived there at one o'clock. Visited the capitol, and had a good time considering everything. For supper we had rather hard fare, regular soldier fare. Supper- a piece of bread and pork without either knife or fork or plate to eat with. At night, slept on the softside of the floor.
Monday, Sept 15th - Stayed in Washington until about four o'clock, then went on board a boat bound for Fortress Monroe. Sailed until 9 P.M.
Sept 16th - Sailed down the Potomac and Chesipeak Bay. Anchored just at night in front of Fortress Monroe.
Sept. 17th - Sailed down to Norfolk and stayed there a little while and then got on board the cars and went to Suffolk. Arrived there, just dark. Prepared for battle. Received gun and ammunition and slept upon the ground by our arms.
Thursday, Sept 18th, Suffolk, Va. - Between three and four was routed and drawn up in line of battle. I was kept standing until daylight.
Sept 19th - Put up our tents.
Sept 20th - Was appointed as corporal. Wrote a letter to Freeman Hoyt.
Sept 21st - Sunday. Attended meeting and wrote a letter to C.P.Graves and Miss Sarah Spinney.
Sept 22nd - In the morning, I saw about twenty-five hundred men start off on a reconnaissance.
Sept 23rd - Just before dinner were ordered to fall in line of battle armed and equiped but the Colonel soon gave up orders to eat our dinner. So soon as dinner was over, we formed in but our company soon detailed to tear down a railroad bridge which kept them busy until night.
Sept 24th - Marched in camp as usual.
Sept 25th - Drilling the men as common.
Sept 26th - Drilling and taking care of some of my sick comrades.
Saturday, Sept 27th - Acted as Corporal of a fatigue party chopping and throwing up earthworks.
Sunday, Sept 28th - Went through with weekly inspection for the first time. Wrote a letter to Sarah Spinney. Just at night, went about one mile to Fort McClelland. Stayed all night. Slept upon the ground.
Sept 29, Suffolk, Va. - Went out to picket as Corporal with six men. Had a very hard job to keep them awake that night.
Sept 30th - Stayed on duty until night.
Oct 1st - Wrote one letter to Sarah Spinney. Went downtown and got my picture taken for Mother. At night went to the hospital to take care of the sick.
Oct 2nd - At the hospital attending upon the sick. Trying to do all the good I can. {LETTER 1}
Oct 3rd - In the hospital most of the time until just night when we were ordered to form a line of battle and were marched about one mile to a new intrenchment and camped for the night.
Saturday, Oct 4th - In the fort until noon then went out on picket on the Nansemond River. Stayed overnight.
Sunday, Oct 5th - Still on picket until just night, then returned to camp.
Monday, Oct 6th - Wrote two letters.
Oct 7th - In the forenoon, running around among the pickets. In the afternoon in the hospital most of the time. At 8 o'clock P.M. attended the burial of the first soldier that has died out of the 112th Reg. Oh what a solemn day I have spent. After that, returned to the hospital and watched with my sick comrades. Wrote letter to Joseph Hoyt.
Wednesday, Oct 8th - Trouble upon trouble.
Oct 9th - In camp as usual. Visited hospital.
Oct 10th - Corporal of a fatigue party to work on Fort Nansemond.
Oct 11th - In camp. Nearly sick.
Sunday, Oct 12th - O Lord God, deliver me from the army.
Oct 13th - In camp. Feeling better physically than for a few days previous.
Tuesday, Oct 14th - Corporal of the Guard.
Oct 15th - On guard until nine o'clock. Then visited the hospital and wrote a letter.
Oct 16th - Drilling and visiting the hospital to work for the sick. Saw a man that had been shot through the leg.
Oct 17th - In camp, drilling as usual. Had a bath.
Saturday, Oct 18th - In camp and in the hospital. Sat up with Daniel M. Waite and Frank. Daniel's in the hospital.
Sunday, Oct 19th - Slept until nearly eleven o'clock. Then was called to the hospital to see my friend-my first bunkmate-depart from this world-died without a struggle. In the afternoon, made arrangements to have him embalmed and sent home. Borrowed sixty-seven dollars on the company to defray the expenses of sending his body home. Surgeon Burnham to embalm him. Paid him twenty dollars for the same.
Oct 20th - Got D. M. Waite's affairs arranged and saw him placed in his coffin. Had his body shipped to Clymer, N.Y. Go to rest, reflecting on my past, present, and future life.
Oct 21st - Attended Grand Review. Had a pretty hard time of it. Had to carry knapsack, gun, and accouterments. In the afternoon, visited the hospital and saw Henry Smith, breathing his last.
Oct 22nd - Corporal of the Guard.
Oct 23rd - Saw a soldier laid in his coffin for burial without clothing save his blanket. O! how detestable. Commenced building a log hut for the winter. Hoping to stay here.
Oct 24th - At work on our house until just night when I was detailed as corporal of the Guard at Gen. Foster's headquarters.
Saturday, Oct 25th - At Gen. Foster's headquarters as corporal of the guard until nearly night.
Oct 26th - In camp as usual writing letters and passing the time away as best I can.
Monday, Oct. 27th - Corporal of the picket guard station.
Oct 28th - Came in from guard a little before noon. In the afternoon at work fixing my house for winter.
Oct 29th - In the forenoon attended brigade drill. In the afternoon reported at Gen. Foster's headquarters as corporal of the guard at that place.
Oct 30th - At Gen. Foster's headquarters until just night, then returned to camp. In the evening attended two soldier's funerals, one from Co. C. and one from Co. G. Alas, how uncertain is life. O how certain is death. Therefore we all should be prepared. Two buried from the 130th.
Friday, Oct 31st - Was mustered for pay which kept us busy about three hours. In the afternoon assisted the hospital and studied tactics.
Nov 1st - In camp. Feeling nearly sick. In the afternoon built over our chimney. Another funeral tonight.
Nov 2nd - In my bunk most of the time.
Nov 3rd - Corporal of a fatigue party to work on Fort Nansemond. Weather very pleasant-warm as September up north. The leaves on the trees quite green. Turned on some trees. Fort Nansemond is a strong place about fifteen rods on the inside of the walls or embankments. Built diamond shape.
Nov 4th - On fatigue duty at Fort Union. Just commenced it. It is a very large work situated on what is called Gen. Wetsel's (Weitzel) front.
Nov 5th - Sick in my bunk, not able to sit up much.
Nov 6th - Sick with a diarrhea.
Nov 7th - Feel a little better today. Ate considerable. The first snow fell last night. Snowed the last part of the night but it went off as fast as it came except about two inches of snow which remained until sunup.
Sat., Nov 8th - Feeling about the same as usual. Received a pillow by the hand of (Lerent? ) Hoyt from Panama.
Sunday, Nov 9th - Not able to sit up near all of the time.
Monday, Nov 10th - All quiet, peaceable in camp. Not drafting here. Not feeling well-by considerable.
Nov 11th - Wend downtown and bought a quart of milk but got pretty tired.
Nov 12th - Lay in my bunk most of the time, not feeling as strong as the day before. General review by Gen. Dix today. Just two months today since we left Jamestown.
Nov 13th - In camp as usual. Feeling a little better than the day before.
Nov 14th - O! how small amount of care a sick soldier gets. It is a wonder that more do not die. Our pickets driven in for two nights past.
Saturday, Nov 15th - Received some things from home last night. O! how thankful I am that they still remember us and are willing to divide with us, or send us some things we so much need. Oh, it is a great help to me to get a few things such as I cannot get here for any price.
Nov 16th - Gaining a little but quite weak yet.
Nov 17th - Our regiment went to Black Water on a reconnaissance but I was not able to go with them but wish I was.
Tuesday, Nov 18th - In camp as usual.
Nov 19th - Our men return from Black Water all safe and sound but very lame. I think I am on the gain but very slow.
Nov 20th - The frogs sang this morning nicely. I am not feeling quite as well as common today.
Nov 21st - Feeling some better today. A little cooler. Wrote a letter to Joseph.
Nov 22nd - Feeling better. Feel that I have been greatly blessed since I have been sick.
Sunday, Nov 23rd - Spent as much of my time as I could conveniently in reading my Bible, a good paper.
Nov 24th - Pretty cool wind.
Nov 25th - Very warm and clear for this time of year. Feeling quite well.
Nov 26th - In camp visiting the sick and enjoying myself as well as I can.
Nov 27th - Spent the day as well as I could in writing letters. Did not have any big Thanksgiving dinner but got along just as well, I suppose.
Nov 28th - Feeling quite well. Weather warm and pleasant.
Nov 29th - Had some oysters for breakfast. Feel pretty well.
Nov 30th - Wrote a letter to Dr. Graves and to Freeman. Read my Bible what spare time I could get.
Monday, Dec 1st - Another expedition started for Black Water with two days rations.
Dec 2nd - In camp as usual.
Dec 3rd - The expedition returned from Black Water with two guns and twenty prisoners ragged enough.
Dec 4th - Warm and cloudy with prospect of a rain.
Dec 5th - Rainy all day. The regiment ordered to move out to Fort McClelland about four o'clock P.M. As I did not feel able to march, I concluded to stay in my tent.
Dec 6th - Clear and cold, disagreeable weather.
Dec 7th - In my tent as usual writing and reading.
Dec 8th - Very cold. Ground froze.
Dec 9th - Writing letters and cooking. Took a bath.
Dec 10th - Weather quite warm. Am feeling quite poorly, not as well as I have been for few days previous.
Dec 11th - Another expedition started for Black Water. More prospects of a fight than any time previous. Seven regiments of infantry, two of cavalry, eight sections of artillery. Weather very warm and pleasant.
Dec 12th - Stayed alone last night. Enjoyed it very much. In the morning went to Ft. McClelland to where our regiment has been in camp. Found-received-a box for Co. G.
Dec 13th - The 112th returned from Black Water all well. Saw a man that was shot through the heart at Black Water, five killed, fifteen wounded. Rebs unknown.
Dec 14th - Warm and pleasant. Too warm for comfort outdoors. Wrote a letter to Lewis and one to Stephen (Pasmenter? ). Attended meeting at the 6th headquarters.
Dec 15th - Visited Fort Halleck. Got pretty tired.
Dec 16th - Went out on fatigue but it rained so hard that I did not stay.
Dec 17th - At camp. Lousy but not on duty. Weather quite cold. Walter Reisley died this morning. O! how certain death is. The strong as well as the weak must fall.
Dec 18th In camp. Short rations.
Dec 19th - Corporal of the fatigue party at Fort Union.
Dec 20th - In the forenoon, out on Co. drill. In the afternoon on Battalion drill.
Dec 21st - Corporal of the Guard again.
Dec 22nd - Dismissed from Guard in the morning. In the afternoon on Battalion drill.
Dec 23rd - Up with James Lewis from one o'clock in the morning until early daylight. Spent the day in drilling.
Dec 24th - In the morning we marched upon the color line for the purpose of monthly inspection. While there, saw them shoot the guns of Ft. McClelland and saw the shells fly nicely.
Dec 25th - Christmas. Not on any duty or drill. Spent the day in visiting various places. One of the most interesting was the camp of the 11th Pennsylvania Cavalry. I saw the two pieces of the celebrated rocket battery that was captured from our men on the peninsula and recaptured by Colonel Spears at Black Water.
Dec 26th - This Christmas and the one I spent one year ago-what a contrast-last year surrounded by my friends and now not one near me, far removed from them all on this errand of death. O! God help me do thy holy will.
Dec 27th - Went to James Lewis' funeral. Saw a woman weep for the first time since we left Chautaugua County.
Dec 28th - I am sorry to say I have not spent this day as I ought having been obliged to move. Set up my tent which has kept me quite busy except time to write a letter to Freeman. A large fence gone to reinforce Gen. Foster at Nubern, North Carolina. Sat up with Capt. Curtis Sunday night.
Dec 29th - Sat up with Capt. from twelve midnight to six o'clock P.M. Corcorans Legion came in last evening. Corcoran takes command.
Dec 30th - Taking care of Capt. Curtis.
Dec 31st - In the forenoon, mustered for the last two months. In the afternoon and first part of the night taking care of Capt., thinking of what has transpired in the past, and gone. Oh long will I remember this eve as I am seated by the couch of my sick captain with little or naught to cheer me as the wind howls around our camp. Ah, many a poor soldier this night is shivering for want of clothes and fire. Many a one lies upon his couch languishing with pain for want of care, for some kind hand to bathe his fevered brow. Oh how many, yes, how very many are wishing in his heart that a kind mother or sister or companion or friend might wipe the teardrops from his eyes and relieve his aching heart. As I sit here to see the last minutes of 1862 pass away, I make a vow to live a better life for a year to come than I have for a year past. O! may God help by his grace me to do. There, another year is gone and I am still alive and for what purpose God only knows.
Thursday, Jan. 1st - Weather clear and cool. In the forenoon taking care of Curtis. In the afternoon moved over to the old camp to take care of Capt. Andrews.
Jan 2nd - Jan 2nd - On duty, the same as all the week.
Jan 3rd - Busy as a bee taking care of the Captain.
Jan 4th - Busying myself as usual. Did not have any time to read or write.
Jan 5th - In the morning went to the other camp and got a turkey that Aunt Spinney had sent me.
Jan 6th - Attending the sick as usual.
Jan 7th - In the forenoon at work on our tent. In the afternoon taking care of the sick.
Jan 8th - Another expedition started at six o'clock on a reconnoiter. 112th gone but I still stay with the Capt.
Jan 9th - Some snow on the ground for the second time this winter. Snowed some in the forenoon. Nearly gone before night. Received a quilt from the hospital dept.
Jan 10th - Our men returned at 11 o'clock evening.
Jan 11th - Wrote a letter to Freeman and waited upon the Captain and Lieut. Andrews. About four P.M. went to the depot and returned with Capt. and lieutenants wives.
Jan 12th - Choreing for Capt. and Lieut.
Jan 13th - Visited the Pennsylvania Cavalry. Wrote a letter to Joseph. Weather warm.
Jan 14th - Wrote a letter to Sarah Spinney. In the evening picked some poultry.
Jan 15th - Windy and warm weather.
Jan 16th - Need a few things from home-butter and cheese.
Jan 17th - Corporal of the Guard. Weather clear.
Jan 18th - In the morning came off guard. In the afternoon went and got a load of wood for the first time.
Jan 19th - On company drill in the afternoon.
Jan 20th - In the morning went downtown and bought a peck of apples. Returned to the depot to see C. W. Hoyt and several others leave for Chautaugua. Rained and blew very hard tonight.
Jan 21st - Running around downtown. Bought some oysters and fish. Invited Lieut. Damond and Corporal Zucher to eat with us.
Jan 22nd - In camp as usual. Weather cool and misty.
Jan 23rd - Corporal of the Guard. Lieut. Damon left for home. I am sorry. In the evening went to the Darkies dance to play the banjo.
Jan 24th - In the forenoon went downtown. In the afternoon wrote a letter to Freeman Hoyt.
Jan 25th - Attended church downtown. Preaching by Chaplain Hyde.
Jan 26th - In the forenoon downtown. In the afternoon attended Battalion drill and dress parade.
Jan 27th - In the forenoon wrote a letter to S. S. (Sarah Spinney). In the afternoon slept most of the time. Weather rainy.
Jan 28th - Weather cool and rainy. Corporal of the Guard at the old camp.
Jan 29th - Received my pay from eighth of September.
Jan 30th - Awoke at 5 o'clock A.M. and the first sound that greeted my ears was the rattle of the cannon eleven miles away. Ate breakfast and we soon got orders to go and reinforce our men at that place; started at 8 o'clock. Marched about seven miles when I had to stop and rest. The regiment left me but soon they stopped and I overtook it. Again was obliged to leave it again but kept moving slowly after it, but did not overtake it until it arrived on the field of the lake encounter. Oh, what a bloody looking spot. But nothing to what some places are. At sunset started for camp ahead of the regiment. Arrived at camp twenty minutes to twelve at night. Tired and sore. The regiment arrived at one o'clock with the loss of one man, Orderly Watson of Co. C.
Jan 31st - In the forenoon visited the hospital and Davises battery. Saw the gun that was disabled yesterday.
Sunday, February 1st - Wrote a letter to Freeman and attended church at the Methodist Episcopal Church in Suffolk. Preaching by Chaplain Hyde. Enjoyed it well.
Feb 2nd - Went with the Regiment as an escort to Orderly Watson's body to the cars. Some of the Reb prisoners on board. The cars bound for Fort Monroe. Nineteen in all. Sent ten dollars home by Rubert Reisley to Freeman. Eight dead bodies in cars.
Feb 3rd - In the forenoon went after a load of wood but found it very snowy and windy. Snow as much as six inches deep. In the afternoon wrote a letter to Joseph and his wife.
Feb 4th - Got a load of wood and wrote a letter to Sarah and Freeman. Weather cold, snow six inches deep. Corporal of the Guard but did not stand guard because of the cold.
Feb 5th - Detailed as corporal of the guard but not act on account of the cold.
Feb 6th - Corporal of picket. Weather very rainy. Snow all gone.
Feb 7th - Came off picket. Saw the Second Wisconsin Battery practice with their guns. Weather warm and pleasant.
Feb 8th - Attended monthly Regimental inspection and went to classes at the M.E. Church in Suffolk.
Feb 9th - Weather warm and clear. Visited the 11th Penn. Cavalary in the forenoon. In the afternoon went on Battalion drill and after dress parade helped raise the flagpole in front of the Colonel's quarters by singing and cheers.
Feb 10th - Visited the hospital and Howard's Battery and I saw the 4th Wisconsin shoot at target.
Feb 11th - Attended drill. Weather damp. Rained a little.
Feb 12th - Weather cool and misty. Battalion and company drill.
Feb 13th - Attended company and Battalion drill. I slept in Ft. Union at night. Weather clear and warm.
Feb 14th - Went downtown. Visited the C Battalion drill in the afternoon.
Feb 15th - Spent my time in reading except what time I spent at the African lunch in Suffolk. Saw flowers of different kinds in bloom. Picked a dandelion. Walked over the cemetery in Suffolk. Graves adorned in various styles. Rebs graves open.
Feb 16th - Attended drill as usual. I made a ring for Charley. In the evening heard a darky playing banjo in our tent. Feeling rather sober and absent-minded.
Feb 17th - In the morning, the first news heard was that one of my bunkmates, Robert, was shot about two o'clock on picket. Went to the hospital and made him a short visit. In the forenoon made Edson a ring. Weather very rainy and disagreeable.
Feb 18th - Reading most of the time. Rainy and cool weather.
Feb 19th - In the forenoon visited the hospital. In the afternoon made a ring for Butler.
Feb 20th - Spent my time in reading when not on drill.
Feb 21st - Attended drill as usual and visited the hospital.
Feb 22nd - Snow fell last night to the depth of two inches but it rained all the forenoon and took it off. Visited the hospital and wrote a letter to Freeman. George Washington's birthday anniversary.
Feb 23rd - Corporal of the Guard. So cold that they did not stand.
Feb 24th - In the morning went to the hospital to get the boys requisitions for clothing. At four o'clock the whole regiment formed on the color line and marched to the front of the Colonel's headquarters to receive a splendid stand of colors presented to us by the ladies to the hand of Colonel Allen. O! long may it wave. Speeches were made followed by cheers.
Feb 25th - Had a good night. Weather warm and pleasant.
Feb 26th - Visited the hospital. Feel rather lonesome and discontented. Weather warm and a little rainy.
Feb 27th - On drill as usual until nearly night when I was sent to Gen. Peck's headquarters with nine men as guard for the same.
Feb 28th - Monthly inspection. Muster for pay for four months. At camp today but I was at Gen. Peck's headquarters so I did not attend.
MARCH 1863
Sunday, March 1st - Writing letters and reading. Feel rather out of humor, discontented. The bodies of the soldiers sent home today. The frogs are singing tonight. I believe they have every month through the winter. I remember that they did in February to welcome spring.
March 2nd - Visited the hospital. Attended drill. Weather warm and clear and very mild. Feeling in better spirits than for a few days previous.
March 3rd - Clear and cool.
March 4th - No drill. We had to remove the cover from our tents. Visited the hospital. Went downtown. Weather clear and cold. Just two years ago President Lincoln took his seat as President of the United States.
March 5th - Detailed a corporal of the guard. Had a good time of it.
March 6th - Windy and dusty. Attended company drill in the street; the first bayonet exercise.
March 7th - In the forenoon a company drill in bayonet exercise. In the afternoon a Brigade drill commanded by Col. Foster, acting Brigadier Gen. Five regiments in our brigade now. After drill went to the old camp to take care of Dr. E. Boyd.
March 8th - The first thunder shower of this year. Taking care of Dr. Boyd. This day seems nearer like Sunday than anything I have seen since I enlisted.
March 9th - Still acting as nurse for the sick although I feel nearly sick myself. Weather very warm and pleasant.
March 10th - In the morning returned to camp and slept all the forenoon. In the afternoon spent my time in reading. The weather cool and rainy.
March 11th - Stayed with Dr. Boyd in the forenoon. In the afternoon went to the depot and got some things from home. Wrote a letter to Freeman. {LETTER 2}
March 12th - With Dr. Boyd until afternoon. Went to the depot to see if his wife had come but was disappointed.
March 13th - Corporal of a fatigue party at Fort Union. Capt. and wife of Dr. Boyd arrived this evening. The first of the 9th army corps arrived today. Cold and windy.
March 14th - Company drill in the forenoon and Brigade review in the afternoon by Col. Folensby of the 6th ( ). One of the 16th corps came near freezing to death last night. Had been drinking. Weather some windy and cold.
March 15th - Walked around with Mrs. Monroe and attended church in the forenoon and in the afternoon attended church with our regiment in Suffolk, Va.
March 16th - Corporal of picket on the second post from the reserve. Had charge of 12 men and three posts, two at the left. What a contrast between this open hut and army grist. Home as night gathers her mantle around us. Naught to cheer us save the thought of doing right and doing our duty. O! that this war might soon be brought to a close and we be returned to our homes and friends.
March 17th - On picket until noon. 11th Cavalry had a skirmish. In the afternoon, visited the hospital.
March 18th - On company drill in the forenoon. In the afternoon Battalion drill.
March 19th - Rainy in the forenoon. Some hail in the afternoon. A very snowy and cool night.
March 20th - Snowing pretty briskly most of the day.
March 21st - In the forenoon rainy. Having a regular equinoctial storm. It makes out to be a rainy day and the snow is leaving us very fast. I am lonesome and wish I might be at home. But, alas, what use is it to wish as long as a man is in the service of Uncle Sam.
March 22nd - Snow nearly gone. Weather warm and pleasant. Spent my time in reading and at church services by chaplain. Quite a touching sermon and good exortation.
March 23rd - Battalion drill and other exercises as usual.
March 24th - Weather warm and pleasant. Visited the hospital and attended drill. Firing by the 4th Wisconsin Battery.
March 25th - Rainy the latter part of the night and in the morning. Fair in the afternoon. I was detailed as corporal of the fatigue at the Battery north of the South Quay Bridge.
March 26th - Weather clear and cool. Firing by the 2nd Wisconsin Battery at Fort Nansemond and musket firing in Terry's Brigade. The nicest day I have seen. In the forenoon visited the hospital. My picture taken, enjoyed 8 photographs. In the afternoon on battalion drill.
March 27th - Went downtown and got my boot fixed and saw S. Sessions and Mrs. Ellis on board the cars bound for home. Weather pleasant and a little cool.
March 28th - Company drill in forenoon. Rainy in the afternoon and evening.
March 29th - In the forenoon after inspection visited the 11th Penn. Cavalry and the 155th and some other regiments. Saw some peach trees in full bloom. Spent the remainder of the day in reading and writing letters. Weather cool and cloudy, a little windy.
March 30th - Weather cold but clear. In the forenoon on company drill in the manual of arms by Colonel Carpenter. In the afternoon on brigade drill.
March 31st - No duties, only sick call to attend today. Spent my time in writing and reading. A little rainy today.
APRIL 1863
Wednesday, April 1 - All Fools Day. Weather clear and cool. Company drill forenoon and afternoon.
April 2nd - Two company drills, the same as yesterday. No Battalion drill on the account of a heavy wind. Sand flies. The Reb cavalry picket in sight of ours on the Sumerton Road so our cavalry pickets report to the infantry pickets this evening.
April 3rd - Corporal of the guard under Lieut. Sherwin of Co. A. Had a very good time as we were dismissed at ( ). Weather cold and windy.
April 4th - On guard until 8 o'clock A.M. Then spent the remainder of the forenoon in visiting the boys at the hospital. No drill, it is so cold and windy. About 4 o'clock P.M. it commenced snowing and snowed most of the night but the weather moderated and so the snow melted nearly as fast as it fell.
April 5th - Snow about three inches deep. Weather quite warm, a little rainy. Snow nearly gone. Our company slept in the fort and I with them. An alarm on picket. Eight of the men that garrison the fort called up.
April 6th - In the forenoon visited the hospital. Vaccinated myself. On battalion drill in the afternoon. Major Keys visited this place this afternoon but did not visit the 112th as he intended to. Colonel Drake returned from Chautaugua.
April 7th - Visited the 11th Penn. for the purpose of being there at picket mounting. Saw where one of the 69th was killed yesterday by one of his own company. On other camp duties the same as usual in the forenoon. In the afternoon on brigade drill. Weather is little cloudy but warm and pleasant.
April 8th - On company drill in the forenoon. Broke my gun rammer. Dean promoted corporal. The company very much dissatisfied. Battalion drill in the afternoon. First swallows made their appearance.
April 9th - Camp duties as usual. Visited the hospital.
April 10th - Two company drills. Went and saw Mr. Leosa. Very sick and not much chance for him to live. Dr. Boyd not as well. The 16th got onto the cars to leave but were ordered back to camp.
April 11th - Went on picket on the second post-last of the first post from the reserve Capt. Ludwick, office of the picket. Capt. Matthews, brigade officer of the day. Drake division officer of the day. About three o'clock was ordered to take charge of a new post just beyond where the old outpost was but is moved beyond. Our pickets drove in twice on the South Quay Road and 24 cavalry captured. All quiet on the Sumerton Road until just as I was eating my breakfast this morn.
April 12th - We have just been deployed as skirmishers in consequence of an attack on the cavalry pickets by Reb infantry. What a contrast between this holy Sabbath day (as I am seated on this stump watching for the enemy and writing) and those I have spent at home at my father's fireside. About one o'clock returned to camp after getting a good sight of the enemy. Went into Fort Union. Firing by our gun boats but without any response. I feel to put my trust in God, one that is strong and able to save. O! my God, help me to be ready for whatsoever awaits me. Weather very warm and dry. A little rain in the evening.
April 13th - We were called up at five o'clock this morning so as to be ready. About nine o'clock our pickets drove in on the Sumerton Road. Skirmishing by our pickets until night. Some firing from Fort. McClelland and Davises battery just at the right of it but without any response until noon. The Sharp Shooters cracking away with their deadly rifles on the South Quay Road. About noon the Rebs threw some shells into our picket lines and the pickets came in on the run. Then our artillery opened upon them with good affect, I think. The Rebs shot Mrs. Smith as she and her child attempted to come into our lines. Our men burned quite a number of houses all around, nearly a dozen in all I think. About three o'clock we sent out a party of skirmishers which fought desperately. The remainder of the afternoon thirty went from our regiment and all returned safe except Orderly Tucker of Co. C. who was wounded in the side. The gun boats firing leisurely all night.
April 14th - Orderly Tucker died this morning at 5 o'clock. Weather cool and cloudy. About 10 o'clock A.M. our men planted a piece of artillery at or beyond the reserve picket post-on the Sumerton Road and fired a number of charges without any response from the Rebs except with the infantry which was quite brisk the remainder of the forenoon and was well responded to by our gun boats engaging the Rebel batteries. General Dix visited Fort Union about three o'clock. Skirmishing on the Sumerton Road nearly all the afternoon. Pretty Quiet during the night. The gun boats firing occasionally but do not know with what affect.
April 15th - Quite rainy during the night. The ground very wet to sleep on. Feel pretty near worn out. Slept or rather stayed out in shelter tent or without any shelter since Saturday morning. Have had a pretty scant living. Have suffered pretty severely from vaccination. Hodges Mounted Rifles and some Gen. Corcoran's men made a charge on the Rebs on the Edgerston Road early this morning capturing a number of prisoners. Some skirmishing going on and the gun boats still at work.
April 16th - In the morning went to the old camp and the hospital. Very little cannonading going on. Some skirmishing but not as much as for a few days previous. Weather cool and cloudy. About six o'clock P.M. our pickets had a very smart skirmish on the Sumerton Road. Corporal Albert Baker of Co. E. shot through the head. I was detailed as corporal of the guard around the Fort. Weather warm and cloudy. Some artillery shots exchanged between our men and enemy just at night. One shot struck over the breastworks and one in the 19th camp. On guard all day. A pretty smart skirmish on the Sumerton Road. Four of the 18th Indiana wounded. Sent my money home--$40.00 to Freeman by Chaplain Hyde to Fortress Monroe from thence by express to Jamestown. Cannonading all day on the north side of the river.
April 18th - On guard until nearly night. Skirmishing and cannonading still going on. Wrote a letter to S.S. Small and one to S. Spinney. Weather very warm. Had to fix our tents at the fort.
April 19th - Went to the camp and spent most of the day in writing letters. At noon was ordered to report at the fort, ready for a march and soon got ready when the order was countermanded. Have had my accouterments on almost all the time for the past week. This evening the gun boats are very busily engaged in connection with a small land force in trying to capture a rebel battery that commands the river. Can see the shells burst in the air when on top of the magazine in Fort Union. It would be a very splendid sight if it was not for the thought that they were on the errand of death.
April 20th - It is reported that our men succeeded in their enterprise last evening. Captured a battery of siege guns and one hundred and fifty prisoners. It was the liveliest cannonading that I have seen or heard. I volunteered to go on fatigue cutting trees south of Fort Union. The report corrected makes out to be 132 men and one captain, a lieutenant, two 24 lb guns. Cannonading continues all day and late into the evening. Strawberries in bloom. Commenced raining in the evening. Quite a rainy night.
April 21st - In the morning went to the camp to get my overcoat. In a little while got orders to be ready for a march with one days ration. At nine o'clock went back to the fort. Formed in ready to march but soon was ordered to stack arms. Was formed again after standing around about an hour. Was ordered back to camp, ate some dinner, and stayed until towards night. Then returned to the fort. Some cannonading. Received visit from Major General Hallock and Dix. Weather cool and cloudy.
April 22nd - Detailed on fatigue, the same as Monday slashing in the nicest lime grove that I ever saw. It was once cleared land.
April 23rd - Was called up between three and four o'clock this A.M. Stood under arms until daylight. Very rainy last night. Water all around under our bed, raining all the forenoon and afternoon. Very disagreeable times.
April 24th - Very little cannonading. A skirmish on the Edgerton Road. At noon five companies from our regiment ordered out on a reconnaissance with two other troops, about three brigades. I should think the main force went out the Edgerton Road and had quite a warm skirmish with a loss of 18 killed and wounded but the 119th came back all safe. Lieut. Bewel of the 169th had his arm shot off. We captured six prisoners. Heavy artillery firing by our men on the Sumerton Road. Our loss 23 killed and wounded.
April 25th - Unusually quiet. Some firing from the gun boats. Weather windy and clear.
April 26th - Very quiet. The gun boats doing something and some artillery firing on the west side of the town. Attended divine service in front of the Col quarters. The stillness of the services disturbed by the distant booming of the cannon sending the implements of death among the rebs. O! what a contrast between war and peace. How odd to hear the holy sabbath day desecrated in that way or to have to carry a gun if you are just going out to work a mile from camp. Lord, bring this war to a close in my prayer and save us all at last.
Fort Union: three 24 lb siege guns and 6 12 lb siege guns. All smooth bore.
Fort McClelland: two 24 lb smooth bore and one 12 lb Parrot gun and one 12 lb Brass gun and two 12 lb iron smooth bore guns.
Fort Nancemond: one 24 lb smooth bore gun and one 30 lb rifle gun and three 18 lb smooth bore guns and one 30 lb smooth bore Brass and three 12 lb Howitzer Brass.
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Pay received: Rec'd $50 bounty from the town; rec'd $25 from the state being one half of the state bounty. Rec'd $27 bounty and premium from the U.S. of America. Rec'd $13 as the first months pay in advance in 1962. Jan 19th rec'd $25 the remainder of my state bounty. Jan 29th rec'd $22 the amount due up to the first of November. On April 15th, 1863 rec'd $52 as payment up to the first of March, 1863.
September 17, 1863 - May 15, 1864
Monday, September 17, 1863 - One year ago this evening we arrived in Suffolk, Va. when for the first time we fully realized we were soldiers. Nothing but a raw onion and a piece of bread for supper, no shelter except the broad canopy of heaven. We received our guns and accouterments for the first time. We put on the military harness, since that time we have worn to our satisfaction. We have passed through many interesting scenes, some not very pleasing, while others have been the reverse. Weather windy, a shower, a regular gale.
Tuesday, Sept 18, 1863 - Spent the day in reading and cleaning up. The regiment called upon to go to the upper end of the Folly Island to lay in the trenches. Weather warm and pleasant.
Sept 19th - The regiment returned early this morning having been up to the upper end of this island. Rained some during the night. Quite cool this morning. In the afternoon I drew rations for the Co. for the next ten days. Issued some of the sugar and coffee and candles to the boys. Mail came.
(Diary entries are indecipherable
due to dimness of ink from
September 20 through October 6.)
Oct 7th - Wrote two letters and attended to drawing and issuing whiskey and bread as usual. Heard of S.S. ( ) death. How sudden men are called away. What a warning to us to also be ready for we little know when we shall be called for.
Oct 8th - Fourteen months today since I enlisted and what an eventful time it has been, how many very many bloody strifes we have had throughout our beloved country. Still the war is being carried on. How long it may continue God only knows. But still I feel willing to trust it in his hands as I doeth all things well. Went a fishing but did not have very good luck. Mail comes again. One letter for me from New York City. Weather very hot through the day.
Oct 9th - Went oystering in the forenoon. Had good luck. Spent the afternoon in writing.
Oct 10th - Weather very warm through the day but cold nights. But little to do. We get neither bread nor whiskey today.
Oct 11th - Drew bread and whiskey in the morning for yesterday. Drew sugar, potatoes, and beans. Issued the sugar to the Company for the next ten days. Attended divine services back of the Col. tent. Chaplain Hyde delivered a short address to the few hearers. Very hard work for him to tell what he knows but he is kind enough to make up for all the imperfections of nature. Spent the afternoon in reading and writing mostly. Went up the signal tree. Had a view of Charleston City and other interesting places. But little shelling going on by the rebs and little by our men. They have concluded to keep the sabbath day holy I guess. Weather a little cool and cloudy.
Oct 12th - Busied myself as well as I could drawing and issuing rations to the Company and reading the papers.
Oct 13th - Had quite a time a fishing with Drake and Mead and Davis. Had pretty good luck for this place. Had the fish for supper. Had to draw bread and fresh beef after I got back. Heard of the nomination in our company of three corporals. Weather clear but prospects of rain.
Oct 14th - Received the last of our ten days of rations. Rather a long time to get ten days rations I think. Quite rainy during the night and this forenoon. I feel rather miserable but hope I shall not get sick.
Oct 15th - Early in the morning we get orders to move back to camp. About ten o'clock the 85th came to relieve us in the midst of a hard shower so we formed in and marched down to the boat and then rowed down to Sight House ( ). Then we marched down to our camp after an absence of twenty-five days. I did not bring any blanket with me nor any rations, only some bread and molasses. Drew bread in the evening. It seems like some hours to get back to camp again only things are pretty well out of order. The trees have all been cut down during our absence. Hope they will let us stay in camp a spell to rest and recruit up. All of our boys out of the hospital tonight except Kean and Dean. Weather clear in the evening, rain over.
Oct 16th - Signed the payroll. Attended to getting the cooking utensils and rations into camp. Drew bread and fresh beef. Spent my time in cleaning up and writing. Mail came with the rest. Three letters for me from Freeman and from Joseph and from R. W. Pelton. Had some liver for dinner which tasted first-rate. We heard no firing last night or night before last, some yesterday, not any today that we can hear-the first quietude that we have had since we came here.
Oct 17th - Busied myself as well as I could cleaning up my gun and accouterments. Had dress parade for the first time since we left the department of war. I acted as the color guard. {LETTER 3}
Oct 18th - Went on Sunday inspection at nine o'clock. Some firing at the front this morning. Weather very warm indeed. Received our pay for the month of July and August and the balance on our clothing bill, those that had not drawn their full amount. I received $27.63 having used up my full allowance of clothing except one dollar sixty-three cents. Attended Perry Heath's funeral in the evening. It beats all how fast the men drop off. That makes nineteen that have died out of this regiment since we came into this department in the short space of ten weeks. Ten furloughs came to for our regiment this evening. Sergeant N. Brasted going from our Co. O. Butler going from Co. F. A lot of new orders from General Mogdees (?) about cooking.
Oct 19th - Spent the forenoon in cleaning up for general inspection. General inspection in the afternoon by Lieut. Eaton but I had quite an easy time of it as I was in the color guard. Considerable firing at the front. Saw General Gillmore for the first time. Raining last night but clear and warm today.
Oct 20th - We had to get under arms this morning at 4 o'clock it being a standing order from this time forward. Spent the day in moving our tents the width of the street to the north as we are fixing up our camp for winter. Drew new tents which appear to be very nice. The lieut. made me leave my old bunkmate which would have been very objectionable if he had always been agreeable. But, as it was, I do not know as I am much sorry. The reason for our separation was that of dividing up the men into squads to be under the immediate supervision of non-commissioned officers. That said it was decided that I was to be Sergeant so I had to move.
Oct 21st - Finished drawing rations then spent the remainder of the forenoon in fixing our tent and the afternoon in writing. Co. D. and G. went on picket today. Weather very warm for this time of year.
Oct 22nd - Company D. and G. returned from picket all right. Spent the day fixing up the tent. Was appointed as superintendent to oversee the cooking and drawing of rations. Weather still very warm. Considerable firing at the front.
Oct 23rd - Spent the forenoon in overseeing the digging of a well. In the afternoon went down to Pawnee Landing. Bought a cheese what weighed 68 lbs. Showery in the evening.
Oct 24th - Brasted and Butler started home on thirty day furlough. Rec'd this new pen.
Oct 25th - Oct 27th - (not decipherable)
Oct 28th - Spent the entire day in putting up the company table. Got a very nice one. Very cold getting up at four o'clock in the morning. Very busy work at the front all the time.
Oct 29th - Visited the hospital and wrote two letters, one to Freeman and one to Father. Sent Freeman one dollar towards my pen. Attended to drawing bread and cleaning up around the cook room. Battalion drill this P.M. the same as three days past. Weather more moderate.
Oct 30th - Had rather a disagreeable job today in organizing the eating at the new table but got along with it as well as could be expected but it makes it pretty bad because we are so short for dishes and the table so small. Drew fresh beef and bread. Good deal of firing at the front last night. Weather much warmer than for a few days past.
Oct 31st - Nov 4th - (indecipherable)
Nov 5th - Co. G. returned from picket safe. Busied myself in cleaning my gun and in doing my duty that pertains to drawing rations. Weather warm and cloudy.
Nov 6th - Spent most of my time with Lieut. Corbett doing what I could to make him comfortable. Attended to digging a well. Received my box all right it having been on the road since 23rd of September.
Nov 7th - Nov 15th - (indecipherable)
Nov 16th - Spent the forenoon in getting ready for inspection. Inspection by Lieut. Eaton. The company in excellent condition, the best that I ever have them and the quarters and cook room all right. Very heavy firing and quite rapid during last night and today.
Nov 17th - Attended to digging the well and to getting my lesson in tactics. Saw some artillery drilling on the beach. Battalion and Company drill as usual. Weather clear.
Nov 18th - ( ) Received four letters. Weather nice and pleasant.
Nov 19th - I do not feel quite as well as usual today but trust it is not anything serious. The news good in the papers. Mead has again advanced. Prospects good for a fight in the vicinity. Drew fresh beef and bread.
Nov 20th - Dec 14th - (Indecipherable)
Dec 15th - Commenced boarding with Lieut. Potter but do not know how long I shall stay but hope we can agree a long time. Played chess until quite late in the evening. Weather clear and mild. Expect rain again.
Dec 16th - Had quite a time in changing cooks. I put Sucas as cook in place of Austin and Crock commenced digging a well. Played a long game of chess of about two hours. Company drill in the forenoon but none in the afternoon because of the rain. Recited a perfect lesson in the evening (I think). Quartermaster Shaw got his shoulder straps on last evening. I am not feeling as well as usual but hope and trust that I shall by the grace of God have my health spared while away from home and a mother's care.
Dec 17th - Two men died today. General inspection by Lieut. Silbert of the Indiana Vols during Lieut. Eaton's absence he having gone home with Gen. Foster being on his staff. Spent the day in studying and fixing well. A deserter shot on Morris Island yesterday. He tried to play sharp by disguising himself and going outside of the picket lines. Came in and reported himself as a rebel deserter but some of his own regiment who happened to be on duty there knew him. Weather showery.
Dec 18th - In the forenoon acted as right guide on Company drill. A company drill in the afternoon but I did not attend. A cold day for this climate. Capt. Matthews dishonorably discharged.
Dec 19th - Went a shelling in the morning but had rather poor luck as usual. A sharp, cold morning. Ground very frosty. Visited the hospital in the forenoon and studied my lesson in tactics. A new order promulgated concerning promotions in the 112th which after this are to be Regimental instead of Company, according to seniority. Drew rations in the afternoon. Recruiting papers came for our officers.
Dec 20th - Had to get up at three o'clock this morning because of the cold. Some very rapid firing once in the night at the front. Brigade review this forenoon by general of the 13th Indiana in command of this brigade during Gen. Foster's absence at home. Received a mail tonight. Heard the President's message read and I think it shows forth in good style. A. Lincoln's sentiments on the war question and the adjustment of the present national rumbles. I think he offers them all, more that they can expect.
Dec 21st - Oscar Butters returned to the regiment last evening. A cold night last night but clear and pleasant today. Capt. Curtis and the other officers in the regiment that have been expecting to go home recruiting started this morning for Hilton Head. Lieut. Corbett moved down from the hospital into Captains quarters. Recited a good lesson to Lieut. Potter in the evening. All good but one section marked imperfect. Our men are rather noisy at the front again. Weather growing warmer although quite cold yet.
Dec 22nd - Spent quite a share of the day in writing and studying my lesson. Wrote some for Lieut. Potter. I do not feel quite as well as usual.
Dec 23rd - Spent the forenoon in studying my lesson in tactics and making reserves attend to getting some wood cut. Got Braley detailed permanently to chop for the Company. In the afternoon went on Battalion drill and down to the picture gallery towards Gen. Gillmore.
Dec 24th - In the forenoon had to drill the company as Sgt. Powers was sick. Sgt. Williams was on duty. The first time I have tried to drill a company. In the afternoon went on Battalion drill. Acted as right guide.
Dec 25th - This morning the first noise that I heard was the report of very heavy guns at the front which kept up a rapid fire until daylight at six o'clock A.M. A heavy and rapid fire was commencing toward the west end of James Island. Continued for about one hour which sounded nice and grand. Gen. Gillmore is now absent-at Hilton Head. Col. Drake has gone. Expected to return tomorrow. For breakfast we had hash and biscuit and coffee. For Christmas dinner roast beef, boiled potatoes, and onions, ( ) sauce, bread and butter, and black raspberry pie and coffee. For supper, baked pudding, bread and butter, sauce, and coffee. Mail came in the afternoon. One letter for me from Gleason. No recitation tonight.
Dec 26th - Spent the day in reading the papers and studying tactics. Weather very cold and windy, the same as yesterday.
Dec 27th - In the forenoon went out in the woods where Potter is in charge of a squad of wood choppers. Had a wash after I got back. Major Smith returned to the regiment today. Came by steamer. I saw a butterfly-an odd sight for December. George Strunk discharged. Official notice received. Weather moderate and misty.
Dec 28th - Weather warm and rainy. Spent the day in studying and in assisting Lieut. Potter in making out muster rolls. All quiet at the front.
Dec 29th - Scidmore went to general hospital. Attended to digging a well and slop hole. Went on Battalion drill in the afternoon. Capt. Oley in commons at dress parade. The command turned over to Major Smith. I feel very pevish and fretful but endeavor not to show it. How I wish I could overcome the blues or hypercondria. Weather clear and pleasant.
Dec 30th - Drilled the Co. a little time in the morning. Spent quite a share of the time in assisting Lieut. Potter in completing the muster rolls. Considerable firing in the direction of Blacks Island. Recited a lesson in the tactics in the evening. Lieut. Potter teacher.
Dec 31st - The last day of 1863 has arrived and still the Lord has seen fit in his infinite mercy and goodness to bless this regiment greatly but few regiments have been as lucky as we. Have only four lives lost by the enemy's deadly missiles. In a very eventful year of our nations history, many a sanguinary battle has been fought. Many thousands lives have been lost in this great struggle for freedom. Many more I fear will spill their precious blood before peace and harmony is restored to this once fair land now deluged in blood. Oh may God hasten on the time when all alike, both black and white, shall join in a song of thanksgiving and praise to him who reigns alike on sea and land for freedom over this wide domain from pole to pole. Very rainy night. Foggy this morning. Drew rations for Co. D. for the next ten days. General inspection and muster but I did not go on muster as I was busy about rations. In the evening I spent my time in playing chess with Lieut. Potter until eleven o'clock P.M. Express came tonight. Very rainy since dark. The old year is nearly gone in less than one short hour 1864 will begin and I hope and pray goodwill will teach and guide us in the ways of wisdom and truth. I feel determined to commence anew with a fixed determination to do as near right as I can and spend my time as profitable as possible.
Friday, Jan 1,1884, Folly Island - Was called up at fifteen minutes to five as usual. Had to wait for fifteen minutes in the street after stacking arms before being dismissed. Went a shelling a little before daylight. Soon after a good breakfast of sausage and potatoes and mince pie. Went up to the 117th Vol. with Lieut. Potter. Played chess and ball some and studied tactics some. For dinner potatoes and meat, bread, butter, and molasses. Wrote a letter to Capt. Curtis. Very quiet indeed on the front-much different from Christmas. Recited a perfect lesson from six until seven P.M. Weather cold and windy but clear.
Jan 2nd - At two o'clock got up and went a shelling with Lieut. Potter. Had good luck. Cleaned my gun ready for Sunday inspection. Finished my chair. Some firing at the front. I did not hear a gun yesterday. Weather very cold. I slept cold last night.
Jan 3rd - On inspection as usual but it was pretty cold work. Assisted Lieut in making out the clothing rolls. Spent the remainder of the time in reading the bible. No meeting today. Rainy in the afternoon.
Jan 4th - Did not get drummed up this morning from unknown cause. Went a shelling a little before guard marching but got back in time enough to get detailed on picket. The first time that I have been detailed for that purpose since I came to this department. Lieut. Edmond on picket with us. I went down to the dock this side of Pawnee Landing. Had a good place and a fire. I did not have a chance to sleep any as I had charge of two.
Jan 5th - Returned to camp about nine o'clock, sleepy and hungry. I do not feel very good natured about the manner I was detailed but I think it is a long road that never turns. Mail came and brought me three letters and three papers. Answered three letters in the evening. An order issued yesterday prohibiting the use of non-commissioned officer as company commissary consequently I am returned to duty. Our bass drum arrived tonight with Sgt. Chadwick. Some rainy through he day. News unimportant.
Jan 6th - Went on company drill in the forenoon. Spent the remainder of the time in study. Recited a perfect lesson. News of the prizefight between ( ) and King. The latter victorious. Rainy all the afternoon.
Jan 7th - Very rainy getting out to stack arms. Major dismissed us. Studied in the forenoon. In the afternoon played chess with Lieut. Corbett and Skellie. Saw the account of the fight last Christmas. Our men drove the rebs from the field. Rainy all day.
Jan 8th - Went on guard as Sergeant for the first time as I have been in the commissary business ever since promoted until this week. Lieut. Fox officer of the guard, his first duty as lieut. We had a nice time although rather cool. A very little snow fell in the evening so the guard reported but not enough snow to whiten the ground. Recited a good lesson then went to the guard house and played chess with Corp. Shaw until quite late. He was victorious. Then retired for the night. Slept well until five o'clock next A.M.
Jan 9th - Awoke at five and awoke the musicians then attended to the duties pertaining to my position during the Lieut's absence. At breakfast--did not eat mine--until dismissed. Beat the other companies in shooting at targets-J. Johnson and myself alike. Mail came. One letter from Capt. He is well. Has started four recruits for our company. He states that the thermometer fifteen below zero the night before New Years. He says the people are all inquiring after our welfare.
Jan 10th - Very cold last night. Frosty this morning. Sunday inspection at nine o'clock by Sgt. Powers. Regimental inspection yesterday. Attended meeting at our church. Chaplain Hyde addressed us. A good sermon. Enjoyed it much. Occupied my time during the afternoon in reading the bible and the papers and in writing letters. Weather clear and cold. I was detailed on guard this evening for the next twenty-four hours commencing tomorrow morning.
Jan 11th - Got up soon after the beating of the first drum and studied my lesson in tactics until daylight. Acted as Sergeant of the guard during the day. Lieut. Rhuse officer of the guard. Did not have quite as good a time as the last time I was on guard. Recited a perfect lesson in the evening.
Jan 12th - Got up at half past twelve o'clock this A.M. and set up until daylight. Was relieved at eight o'clock. Had a nap in the forenoon. On Battalion drill in the afternoon. At roll call Lieut. Potter gave orders for me to take command of the Co. D. and to act as First Sergeant. I feel that it is a very responsible position, one that I need the assistance of God to get along in peace. I consider it the hardest position in the regiment to occupy without getting enemys. O God, assist by thy devine grace and ever be near me to guide and direct by the holy spirit which favors me humbly I ask through the worthy name of Christ. Amen. I am sorry indeed on Sgt. Powers account. Rainy in the evening.
Jan 13th - Commenced my labors with a fearful heart, fearing that I shall not do right but humbly ask God to assist and guide. Made the first morning report that I ever made this morning. No drill today. Studied very hard. Recited a perfect lesson, I think. Had an oyster supper in the evening. Did some writing then retired to rest. Much more happy than last night. I feel that God has been very kind to me. Rainy all day.
Jan 14th - Feel quite happy to what I did yesterday. Feel that God is indeed with me. Drilled the Co. in the forenoon. On Battalion drill in the afternoon. Major Smith in command. Did not enjoy myselfe very well. Fair weather.
Jan 15th - Co. drill in the forenoon, battalion in the afternoon. Heard that we will not get our Co. savings for the month of Dec. between 30 and 40 dollars. Dr. Washburn on leave of twenty days. Fair until evening, then rainy.
Jan 16th - Co. drill in the forenoon. Very busy afternoon cleaning up. Mail came tonight. Two letters for me from East Saginaw. Wrote a letter to post to S. Spinney. Weather clear and warm.
Jan 17th - In the forenoon went down to the 169th to meeting. An episcopal meeting verging upon Catholic. I should think the Chaplain dressed in a long robe first of white then black a good deal of useless ceremony allowing me to be the judge. Wrote a letter to Gleason. Attended dress parade, first since I commenced acting as First Sergeant.
Jan 18th - An order for inspection at one o'clock but it was postponed until tomorrow at one o'clock on account of the rain. It rained very steady all day. Pickets went out today from our regiment. We have to picket every other day now as the 13th Indiana is on Long Island. Lieut. Barber went to relieve Capt. Hollister on Botany Bay Island.
Jan 19th - Brigade inspection at one o'clock by Lieut. Eaton. I had charge of the Co. Spent the afternoon in seeing to the ammunition in the Co.
Jan 20th - Guard mounting at seven this morning on the account of our relieving the pickets of the 169th Regt. so they can go on review at ten A.M. Rather rough for them. We sent nine men and Corpl. for picket and report 41 men for duty. Went on grand review. Lieut. Edmonds had command of Co. D., Major Smith of the regiment and the Major of the 169th of the Brigade, Col. Drake of our Division. Col. Alfred has command of the troops on the north end of this island and Gen. Gordon has command of the island and Gen. Geary has command from Charleston Harbor to Big Bay. Brooks returned this evening. News all good.
Jan 21st - Drilled the company in bayonet exercise in the forenoon. But in the afternoon there was an extra fatigue party of nine men called for to move a pole at Gen. Fosters so there was not men enough to drill. Twenty-eight men on duty from Co. D. Weather clear and nice.
Jan 22nd - Spent most of the noon in playing ball. The men were detailed away so we could not drill. Had a ball play in the P.M. Had a hard scuffle with Sgt. Major. Hurt my head. Weather pleasant.
Jan 23rd - Spent the forenoon in cleaning up back of the cook room. Orders for the tents to be opened. In the afternoon went on Battalion drill. Had charge of our company. Made pretty disagreeable work as Major Smith did not give the commands very definite and some of them not correct. Lieut. not used to taking charge of the division it being the first time that he ever had charge of a company on battalion drill so our division was poorly provided for in the way of officers. Lieut. Potter bought three bushels of apples for Co. D. with Co. funds. Weather fair and nice.
Jan 24th - Pretty strict orders in camp now. A man cannot keep a light burning a minute after taps and must not be in the street talking. Friday night about a dozen of our boys got ordered into the guard house but they left in good time for their quarters. Attended meeting at our church in the forenoon after inspection. Text the first ten verses of the 4th chapter of Matthew-a good sermon. Five of our men sick here. Only two in regiment in hospital. Very quiet times, some artillery firing.
Jan 25th - Orders on dress parade last night was that every tent should be swept every morning and the street policed thoroughly from bank to sink before guard mounting. After guard mounting the officer of the day should examine thoroughly the tents to see that the order was obeyed. Co. drill in the forenoon. I had a good time. Heavy firing towards Hilton Head but not very rapid. Our headquarters guards of Saturday all sent to General Fosters. Two of them, one from Co. C. and one from Co. B., received a reprimand for abusive language about Gen. and a lady visitor. Weather beautiful.
Jan 26th - Saw the sun, moon, and a star all at a time this morning. Co. drill in the forenoon. Not a very good time for me. No drill in the afternoon but a dress parade. Made out a monthly return which bothered me some as it was the first one that I every tryed to make out.
Jan 27th - No drill in the forenoon but a general cleaning up for inspection tomorrow. General inspection to be once a week until further orders. A Battalion drill in the afternoon commanded by Maj. Smith. Took a walk in the evening with Butler down by the 169th camp.
Jan 28th - General inspection at one o'clock today. We had to stay out until all of the company was inspected. 169th inspected at the same time. Looked anxiously for the mail in vain. Weather beautiful.
Jan 29th - Nothing of importance going on except the renewal of the bombardment of Ft. Sumpter by our land batteries. Mail came today, a very large one too. Received a letter from Freeman and some circulars. Signed the pay rolls. Recitation in the evening.
Jan 30th - Wrote a letter to Capt. Curtis. Went on Battalion drill in the forenoon commanded by Capt. Chaddock. Visited the hospital. Saw Sgt. Williams of Co. I. He is one of the worst looking men I ever saw. Has the Eresifelas (?) in the head, face, and throat so Dr. says but I think that is not all. He lived too fast when at home, I think. Dealt out the last bushel of apples that Potter bought with the Co. funds. The choppers of our regiment was relieved yesterday so Lieut. Potter will be with us now. Looking anxiously for the paymaster in vain. Had the sides of my face shaved.
Jan 31st - Soon after guard mounting, we received our pay for the months of November and December. Major Porter paid us. Received $34.00 (thirty-four dollars). Attended church preaching by Chaplain Hyde. A good sermon. Dress parade at four P.M.
Feb 1st - A very large fire yesterday P.M. towards James Island of which we hear various rumors. Battalion drill in A.M. and complany in P.M. Weather windy but warm. Sent for a watch to Ely & Co.
Feb 2nd - Spent the day in study and drilling. Very heavy cannonading at the front today and yesterday. Reported that our men have again commenced the bombardment of Fort Sumpter just about sunset. Attended the funeral of Sgt. Williams of Co. I. A very large assemblage for the occasion, more than we have often seen since the first two or three that died out of the regiment. O! how solemn that man must be called away in the beauty of manhood at an instant as it were. But a short time ago he was one of the gayest of the gay when home on furlough. Now he is laid beneath the sand to rest until the triumph of the Archangel shall send to summon us all, both small and great, the living as well as the dead to the judgment seat of God there to be judged according to the deeds done here in the body.
Feb 3rd - Very windy and the sand drifted like snow in a more northern clime. Co. drill in forenoon. In afternoon I did not feel very well for some cause but does my duty as well as I could. Lieut. Corbett received his leave of absence all right approved by Gen. Gilhue (?).
Feb 4th - General inspection at ten o'clock, the same as last week. Went up to Pawnee Landing in the afternoon. Took a nap after I came back as I did not sleep very good last night for I did not have clothes enough over me to keep warm. Cold and windy, very disagreeable weather.
Feb 5th - Grand Review by Gen. Terry just after guard mounting. Battalion drill in the afternoon. The Drum Corps moving down this side of the sutler's tent. Weather windy and very little rain.
Feb 6th -In the forenoon I had charge of the Co. on battalion drill. I got along with it nicely. Did not make only one mistake. Lieut. Corbett and Potter started at noon, the former for home, the latter for Hilton Head. Went to ( ). Came back as the boat had gone. Spent the evening in playing Dominoes with Skellie and Markham. Mail in the evening. Two letters for me, one from Freeman. Skellie threatened with arrest for not doing his duty at headquarters last night. Weather warm and nice.
Feb 7th - A little while before orders came to send fourteen men and Sgt. on picket on Gen. Gordon's front, making in all twenty-three men on picket-five on guard today. Lieut. Corbett and Porter started at three o'clock this A.M. No inspection as there is only seven men in Co. D. but have been on duty. Attended church. Very interesting discourse. At about five o'clock P.M. we got orders to get ready to move, each man to have one woolen blanket, extra pair of socks, 80 rounds of ammunition 40 in knapsack, an overcoat, and three days rations from the 8th. Each Co. to send one axe and shovel. The convalescents relieved the guard and the colored troops the picket. We had three sergeants, six corporals, and forty-four men making fifty-three in all. Ordered to be ready at seven P.M. We was all ready long before the hour with hardtack and meat but did not receive the orders to march until nine o'clock P.M. Then after equalizing the Co's, we marched to ( ) inlet and waited for a boat (suffering with the cold) until four A.M. Suffered very much laying on the cold sand where the wind hit pretty fair. Weather clear but cool.
Feb 8, Kiawah Island - At four o'clock we took a steamer and crossed the channel onto Kiawah Island. Formed in and marched quietly until nine o'clock A.M., then halted until ten o'clock P.M. Passed through some very nice camps. Saw the nicest sand fort that there is anywhere around here. Very strong, a stockade of picket stakes inclining out then a brush hedge outside of that-the tops of the bushes out, the limbs pointed, so thick together that it would be hard work for a cat to get through, a boardwalk on top of the fort for the sentry to walk on. The land much better than on Folly Island. At ten we started on our journey. Marched a little way in the woods, then went on the beach.
Feb 9, Seabrook Island - Continued our march until three o'clock A.M. then had to ford a channel twenty rods wide, knee deep. On to Seabrook Island which was pretty tough so we thought (but no use for a soldier to complain). Stopping a minute to wring our socks out and to have the teams and artillery get out of the way. We again took up our line of march, a little ways on the beach then went up over a high elevation of land on which was a small fort built but has been deserted by the parties that built it. We then marched quite a distance in dense woods then came out into a beautiful field where the land looked excellent but neglected. Halted a few minutes then moved on until seven o'clock A.M. Then we halted a few minutes and was soon reminded of our errand by hearing a number of muskets discharged over on John's Island, then the voices of our men giving some savage yells in a charge upon the enemy. They killed one Captain and captured six prisoners, two of which was wounded. We had a Sgt. Major wounded in the arm so that amputation became necessary and one man mortally wounded. Our regiment soon got orders to march forward. Crossed the bridge onto John's Island then filed to the right. Marched about a mile then deployed as skirmishers and moved forward a mile more across a channel or creek where there was only room for one man to cross at a time. After scouting around an hour returned by the same route onto the other side of the creek and back about half way to where we first deployed. Then rested-then was one o'clock. We soon began to make preparations for the night, picking grass for beds. Made up our minds for a good nights rest as we did not sleep much last night. We got nicely fixed. Most of us in the land of dreams when the rattle of musketry on the pickets line around our quiet camp. In a few minutes we got orders to move. We marched back almost to the bridge then filed to the left. Marched a little ways and halted. Major Smith would not let us unsling our knapsacks so we stood around and lay around in the cold until morning. Suffered severely as we could not have any fire. Did not have any blankets over us the forepart of the night. But most of us took the liberty to use them the latter part of the night. Had to stand to arms after four o'clock. We learned that the cause of the alarm on picket was a lieut. and two sgts trying to get through our lines to recover the body of their captain but did not succeed-they got caught. Suffered more with the cold than I ever have in one night since enlisted.
Feb 10th - Got orders to be ready to march at eleven A.M. We got ready at the appointed time. As we were about to move, the advance commenced a rapid fire of musketry. The rebs opened with their artillery and ours were moved into position and opened on them which ours sent them back. Sent 31 men on picket and a Sgt. and a Corpl. Received some hardtack and sugar which we needed very much as our rations had run out. Attended to drawing and issuing the rations and then retired to rest-tired and nearly sick. Built some breastworks this afternoon.
Feb 11th - Had a good nights rest. Had to stand to arms after five o'clock. At daylight got orders to be ready to march at nine A.M. Promptly we was ready and promptly we started. Marched down the road to the front, then went to the right about a mile to where we first deployed as skirmishers last Tuesday. Left our knapsacks and proceeded to where we went that day across the creek (the whole 117th and 112th brigade). Then Co. D. took the advance, what there was left of them. Moved on cautiously until in sight of cavalry pickets, then halted. Soon the rebs opened on the left where the remainder of the force had gone which was soon replied to in that direction by our artillery after a sharp fight of nearly an hour. The firing ceased and we fell back slowly to the creek where our Pioneers had made a bridge. After we crossed, they tore it up and the whole force moved back behind the breastworks where we got a chance to eat-the first since morning which tasted good although but hardtack and salt beef and coffee. Got orders to eat and issue all rations on hand and to sleep as soon as possible as we shouldn't sleep much. Had so much to do I could not get to sleep until quite late. The number killed and wounded I cannot find out-in the day fight-but I think only three or four.
Feb 12, Seabrook and Kiawah Islands - At fifteen minutes before twelve o'clock was aroused from our slumber. Ordered to get ready to move immediately at one o'clock A.M. We took up our line of march for Folly Island. Our brigade in advance. Arrived at the ford at three o'clock. Waited until five. As soon as the force crossed onto Seabrook Island the rear guard set fire to a large house just on the other side of the bridge, also to the bridge it being previously prepared with boards like brought from the buildings and straw being placed on the bridge to prevent noise in moving across it. Burnt rapidly. As soon as the forces got down near the ford, the original officer sent up a couple rockets to the gun boats. One on the north and another on the south side opened fire on John's Island. A very nice sight to see the shells sail gracefully through the air. In the direction of Morris Island and Long Island there was a very rapid fire of heavy artillery which made it quite lively. The artillery firing in all was nearly as rapid as any I ever heard. At five o'clock we forded the river again. The water was up around our hips and cold which made it pretty uncomfortable walking afterwards. Shells very thick on the beach.
We picked up all we wanted and marched to where we lay through the middle of the day Monday and rested two hours. Then marched to the landing and took the transport and sailed to Folly. Arrived there at two o'clock P.M., then marched to camp where we was all glad to get. It seemed like home to be in camp in good, comfortable quarters. I feel very thankful to God that he has been so kind and watchful over us that all of us was preserved and spared to return safe to camp. Ate a hearty supper and retired to rest, thankful for all the blessings I receive, which are many.
Feb 13, Folly Island - Attend guard mounting. Cleaned my gun and accouterments. Drew rations for the next ten days. Issued the sugar and candles to the Co. Seven men for picket. Mail came. Three letters for me. Wrote a letter to Freeman. Gathered up the extra forty rounds of ammunitions issued last Sunday. Fisher and Heath received one dollar apiece from Col. Drake for wading the creek on John's Island. I feel pretty well. Believe that General Schimmelfennig is the best general that ever was on a march with everything worked like clockwork. Weather fair.
Feb 14th - I had to have a Sunday inspection as Lieut. Potter was out on picket but I made as short a thing of it as possible. Only inspected the arms and accouterments. Did not attend church as we had an early dinner on Potter's account as he did not get any breakfast. Spent most of the day in writing and reading.
Feb 15th - Very heavy firing today. Co. drill in the forenoon. Clothing came to the regiment. Report of a mutiny on James Island last night-rebel deserters came in this morning. A monitor up near Ft. Johnson last night.
Feb 16th - A general inspection at half past ten o'clock A.M. by Lieut. Eaton. I had to take charge of the company as Potter was on guard. Very windy in the afternoon and evening. A heavy explosion in the direction of James Island.
Feb 17th - Very disagreeable weather-cold and windy. I was nearly down sick with headache. Went to bed as soon as recitation was over. Details for tomorrow-eleven men and Sgt. and Corpl. for picket, three men and corpl. for camp guard, and one man for headquarters.
Feb 18th - Another general inspection this A.M. Very cold and we got very chilly. A Capt. from the 169th inspected us. No drill. Received a present-a photograph of Lieut. Potter. Snowed some in the evening, enough to whiten the ground but it was soon gone as the wind blew very hard.
Feb 19th - Snow all gone this morning but still very cold. Drill in the afternoon. Orders for another inspection tomorrow as the Capt. that inspected yesterday reported the guns unfit for inspection except three in the five companies and the men dirty-the old liar.
Feb 20th - Made out an estimate for clothing. A general cleaning up of camp. Drew rations for the company for the next ten days. Weather very much moderated. Quite a time playing chess in the evenings.
Feb 21st - Attended church service by former chaplain. A good sermon and very interesting one, too. Weather warm and nice. Birds singing like spring.
Feb 22nd - Lieut. Potter on picket so I had charge of the Company on drill. Had to make an ordinance report. At 8 o'clock P.M. we received order to prepare three days cooked rations and to proceed to Jacksonville, Florida. Received the mail. I got quite a number of letters and set up until I answered them which took until about eleven o'clock. Wrote one to Joseph and one to Freeman and one to Father and Mother and one to Miss Diana Heager. I feel bad to leave this nice camp. We have been here so long that it seems like home but a soldiers wishes or feelings are not respected in the army. Nathan Brasted returned tonight, also Capt. Scott. Brasted brought me a watch that Corbett bought me-cost $25.00 (twenty-five dollars). Wrote letters until fifteen minutes to 12 o'clock.
Feb 23rd - Commenced the work of packing up ready for move-did not get ready until after noon. At two o'clock P.M. we formed in and stacked arms, then took down our tents and rolled them up and put them in the Lieut's tent. At half past three we was called to attention and slung knapsack and marched to Pawnee Landing. Arrived there at 4 o'clock. Stacked arms and rested until half past seven then went on board the steamer Deford. Lay quite comfortable until morning.
Feb 24th - At seven o'clock A.M. we pushed off. Arrived at Stone Inlet at half past seven and sailed out onto the ocean. Sailed until half past one the next morning, then dropped anchor. I did not feel very well and at two o'clock P.M. commenced vomiting. Kept it up until evening. Two brass bands on board, the 169th and 157th N.Y. General Ames with us. A good many boat sick.
Feb 25th - Jacksonville, Florida - Did not sleep much latter part of the night. At half past seven o'clock A.M. we again set sail. Crossed the bar at 8 o'clock. Sailed up the river, a very pretty placid stream but marshy with earth sides. Very few inhabitants, some houses deserted. At half past eleven we landed at the town of Jacksonville, Florida, a nice place but now deserted, burned quite a share of it. Marched a little ways and stacked arms in a nice looking street that runs east and west. Issued ammunition, enough to give each man sixty rounds and turned the rest over. Very warm, rather uncomfortable. Trees in blossom and everything looks like spring in the northern clime. About 4 o'clock we again formed in and marched back out of town about half a mile and formed a line of battle fronting the east. Then marched by the right of Co's to the rear into column. Then stacked arms and rested for the night. Today is the first time we have been on mainland since the 3rd day of August, 1863. A detail of eleven men and a corporal from our Co. for fatigue to report at half past eleven tonight and headquarter guard. Time changed to half past eight. Another detail of six men later in the night. I gave up the business of orderly to Nathan Brasted. Heard the band of the 16th play in the evening. I slept rather poor.
Feb 26th - Jacksonville, Fla. - Got up at five o'clock as usual. Stood under arms until daylight. Guard mounting at 10 o'clock. Went on picket-22 men and a corpl. besides from our Co. Went about one mile northeast of camp on the reserve with Capt. Hollister and 26 men and a corpl. Had a good time through the day as there was some good boys on the reserve. Very cool through the night, so much so that I did not sleep. Had to keep walking most of the time-about two-thirds of the night.
Feb 27th - Was relieved about nine o'clock A.M. from picket. I returned to camp and had a good wash. Did not do much only visit and talk. Heard a report from reb to the effect that our men lost in the recent fight out west of here. Eighteen hundred killed, wounded, and taken prisoner, but I hesitate to believe it so large. Dress parade in the P.M. Marched into the breastworks after dress parade was over.
Feb 28th - Attended church at Methodist house in town. A very large congregation. Preaching by Methodist missionary sent here by the War Department. A good sermon. At 4 o'clock P.M. we packed up and marched about one mile south. Encamped on a comfortable place near the river. Had quite a job to get boards for a floor to our tent. I like the appearance of the citizens here-first rate. They seem to be much more civilized than in any part of Va. that we have visited. They seem very much like northern citizens.
Feb 29th - Spent the day in arranging camp and mending many clothes. Was mustered at two o'clock by Lieut. Eaton for the months of January and February. A colored Sgt. in the South Carolina 3rd was shot this morning for mutiny. I believe Garfield and King was to be escort and four others from our regiment. Gen. Vogels was relieved of his command yesterday and sent to Hilton Head so Gen. Foster takes command of our Division, Drake the brigade. Weather warm.
MARCH 1864
March 1st - A Grand Review by Gen. Gillmore. Regiment formed at nine o'clock A.M. The line of the whole force formed about eleven o'clock, the force from each regiment, division so only two company out of each regiment was on the front line. A nice lot of officers-Ames and Foster, two of the best looking. We were soon tired as we had our knapsacks. At ten o'clock heavy firing in the west. At half past three o'clock we received orders to fall in with arms and accouterments. As soon as we got our things on we received orders to pack up everything and to have all of our Co. baggage carried across the river or marsh between here and the village which was soon done. Then we formed line and stacked arms and rested with our knapsack on from one half past three until fifteen minutes past five. Then we marched one mile and set up our tents again near our first camp in this place. Was only one hour about it from the time we started until we got out tent up again. Weather warm.
March 2nd - Some rain last night. The cause of the alarm yesterday was a small force of the enemy that drove in our pickets. They had four pieces of artillery. Quite a time moving tents. Everything appears to go wrong with the officers in command. Mail came in the evening. Weather cool and windy.
March 3rd - We had to stand under arms after five o'clock until daylight. I was detailed to take charge of a patrol guard of four men. Had a chance to stroll around town and see what there was going on. At half past twelve o'clock we got orders to pack up and move over to our camp across the marsh that we left last Tuesday. Moved at two o'clock. I was relieved from duty at five o'clock P.M. and then went to camp. Found all my boards gone so I was without any house. Slept with Homer Austin. Had a good nights rest. Weather windy and cool.
March 4th - Had to stand to arms from five o'clock A.M. until daylight. I have felt rather blue especially in the forepart of the day. Spent my time in writing letters and fixing tent. An inspection at nine o'clock A.M. In compliance with general order for this regiment every morning by Capt. Chaddock. Went a fishing in the evening but came back empty handed as usual. Weather warm and cloudy.
March 5th - Lieut. Potter and myself settled up our board bill-cost me $12.65 (twelve dollars and sixty-five cents) for eleven and a half weeks board. William Coy is going to try taking charge of the mess. Sgt. Powers is to board with us.
March 6th - A recruit by the name of Morse, Co. D. Sunday inspection at nine A.M. Attended church at the Methodist house in town. Rev. Moore preached to us. Spent afternoon in writing a letter to Freeman.
March 7th - Sold my watch that I received Saturday night. Made one dollar profit on it. Spent quite a share of the forenoon in policing the street as that is all the duty I have to do at present-to see that the street is kept clean and that the men keep their tents clean.
March 8th - Worked pretty busy in fixing our tent. Had to work alone as Lieut. was on fatigue. Weather warm and clear.
March 9th - Was detailed to drill half of the new recruits until further orders. In the afternoon commenced my work. Drilled my squad one hour and a half. After supper went downtown a fishing but did not catch any. Stayed until eight o'clock.
March 10th - Spent all the forenoon fishing but did not catch any. John ( ) got a large one. I helped get him out of the water. No drill. It rained so hard, heavy thunder-thought it was artillery at first. Heavy wind.
March 11th - Drilled the recruits three hours. Feel pretty much discouraged as they learn very slow. One of them cannot understand the english language and two or three more of them are what might be called raw Irishmen pretty well. Feel the need of God's grace to enable me to do right and live properly from day to day and may he ever help me so to live is the prayer of this unworthy servant. Rec'd the mail but nothing for me. The news in the papers cheering the whole army east and west. Appear to be commencing their summers work. The 13th Ind. Veterans returned.
March 12th - Went downtown after morning drill and stayed until noon. Gen. Foster gone to Hilton Head which leaves Col. Drake in command of our division and Col. Dobbs in command of our brigade. I saw an alligator. Caught a nice fish after afternoon drill.
Sunday, March 13th - At eleven o'clock A.M. attended meeting in a house fitted up for that purpose a few rods from camp. A little after noon a detail of one hundred men called for with forty rounds of ammunition and light marching order.
March 14th - The recruits detailed on fatigue so I did not have to drill them. A general inspection by a Major General Inspector of Florida, a friend of Eaton. Went fishing in the afternoon but did not catch any. Our men that went out yesterday returned in about seven hours having been down the river a few miles in search of the enemy but did not see any. News in the papers not very good. The two hundred and forty ninth day of the siege of Charleston.
March 15th - Major Smith assumes command of 112th. After morning drill went over to the 1st North Carolina Volunteers (colored) and then went and visited the large brick vault near town and saw seven cases with bodies in them, two of which were in iron cases with glass over them so we could see their faces but they were much disfigured although they still have the shape and color of bodies lately intered. Went downtown and then returned to camp and drilled my squad one and half hours.
March 16th - Drilled the recruits as usual. Drew clothing. Got me a dress coat and a pair of drawers. Weather very cold, the coldest we have had in a month. Slept cold last night. Potter concluded to break up our mess.
March 17th - Downtown twice. Eaton on fatigue moving guns from the dock. Spent what spare time I had in putting up a tent as Potter chooses to have Capt. Hollister bunk with him (no boards.)
March 18th - Sgt. Williams put under arrest for absenting himself from the fatigue party yesterday. Spent most of my time when not on drill in fixing my tent. I feel nearly sick. I almost disheartened. I am heartily tired of this war and the tyrany the officers use that are in command of us. I hope it will not always last. General Grant assumes command of U.S. Army.
March 19th - Nearly the same routine of duties as usual. Went a fishing in the afternoon. King commenced bunking with me. Weather warm.
March 20th - Inspection as usual. Attend church or meeting in an old dwelling house now used for the purpose of holding religious meetings in. Went to meeting in the evening but did not stay long as the house was so full I could not get in.
March 21st - Dr. Harrington returned from hospital. Spent nearly all the remaining part of the day after morning drill in fishing but did not get anything, only a suit of wet clothes to sleep in.
March 22nd - A very rainy night. Much thunder and lightning as I ever heard in one night. The pickets had a bad time. Co. D. all on except old and new guards and wood choppers. Rainy in the forenoon. Drill in the afternoon.
March 23rd - Sgt. Williams reduced to the ranks. Drilled the recruits three hours as usual. Only half rations of bread today. Had to stand under arms one hour this morning. Weather much nicer than yesterday-moderate, hazy overhead.
March 24th - The same routine of duty as usual. Went downtown in the P.M. after drill. The Regt. drills three hours each afternoon and drill the recruits one and a half hours in forenoon and afternoon. I saw the two boats lately captured by our gun boats above (Pilatka).
March 25th - Drill, drill as usual. Rainy all last night. Rained some this morning. Clear and windy in the afternoon. Looking for the mail.
March 26th - Had a nice time in a sail boat-crossed the river a number of times. Weather warm and windy. Cleaned my gun. Mail came. Five letters for me. Wrote two. Played chess in the evening with E. Skellie.
March 27th - Brown promoted to Sgt., Hastings to Capt. Wrote letters all the forenoon. Mail came again in the afternoon. Two letters for me. Sixteen recruits for our regiment. One for Co. D. by the name of George W. Whitford, quite a comfortable fellow, I think. News that Gen. Fillmore and Seymore are to be relieved.
March 28th - Spent considerable time in reading. Drilled the recruits three hours as usual. Weather clear in the forenoon, cloudy and windy in the afternoon. Went downtown.
March 29th - I do not feel very well today-bad sore mouth. Lost our fish hook line. Took seven more new recruits from Co. A. one from Co. D. to drill. All good fellows, I think. They done first rate for beginners. Very windy. Sand flies very bad.
March 30th - Gen. Gillmore left here for Hilton Head at fifteen minutes past ten A.M. A salute of thirteen guns for him. Our camp equippage come, all things that we left on Folly Island and all of our sick except two, one was Charles Traver from Co. D. and the other one I do not know. Our things all gone to Pilatka as the boat was obliged to go before we had time to unload it-gone up to carry the 40th Infantry. I had a good time drilling considering how bad the wind blew.
March 31st - Co. D. detailed on fatigue squad to Jack Shaw to drill which leaves me sixteen. Wrote a letter to Freeman. Mouth quite sore yet. Weather still and cloudy.
APRIL 1864
April 1st - At half past eight A.M. Nichols, Oviatt from Co. D. and seven men and a Sgt. returned from Pilatka. The boat, the Maple Leaf, that they went on got blown up with a torpedo about twelve miles from here at four o'clock A.M. They lost everything except the Sgt-he kept this gun and accouterments. The boat sank to her herrycane deck. All were saved except four deck hands. There was two women on board which did not have time to dress themselves but came to town in their night clothes. One had a rubber blanket extra and the other a sheet. "Pretty looking things to come to town in daylight." All of our brigade camp and garrison equippage on board and a great deal of officers clothing lost. I lost fifteen or twenty dollars worth of stuff-clothing.
April 2nd - Drilled the new recruits three hours and the Co. one hour. The 169th went out on a scout but returned in the evening. Made out an estimate for camp and garrison equippage and clothing. Got some boards in the evening for the tent.
April 3rd - Attend Sunday inspection and church in the forenoon. Took a bath in the afternoon. Eight or ten boats came in tonight. Mail on board. Lieut. Corbett came in tonight looking tough and hearty. Weather warm and nice.
April 4th - Drill as usual. Had a good time at it. The men are improving fast. Went over to the 13th Ind. Vol's. Saw a cemetary divided into three different parts, one Catholick, one Jewish, and the other one Protestant. Some firing at the front. Reported that a very large torpedo was taken out of the river above here.
April 5th - After drill went downtown and stayed until eleven o'clock A.M. Twenty of Co. D. on picket. Fritts went to Fort Clinch with some prisoners. Started at noon.
April 6th - Orders now that every officer except Regimental Commanders and the officers of the day and General Officers shall have a pass to go to town. Co. D. got a new stove yesterday-cost sixty dollars. Drilled my squad as usual. Weather warm and nice.
April 7th - Went downtown in the forenoon. Bought me a cap. Company drill in the forenoon and in afternoon battalion drill. Weather clear in forenoon and cloudy P.M.
April 8th - Commenced running the steam mill between here and the river. I do not feel very well today. Weather muggy and cloudy. Wrote a letter to Diana. Drew one pair pants. All small boats seized by the Provost Marshall that could be found on this side of the creek that runs between here and town.
April 9th - Rained some last night, a rainy day today. Wrote a letter to Freeman. Bought a new cap. Regiment drilled in the latter part of the day.
April 10th - S. Brooks started for Pilatka as guard for prisoners. On Sunday inspection Lieut. Corbett in command. Attended meeting. The chaplain unknown to me. Weather clear and nice.
April 11th - B. Fritts and S. Brooks returned today. Mail at the same time. The officers of the 169th that have been home recruiting returned today. Weather warm and nice like June in Chataugua County.
April 12th - Capt. Matthews returned to the regiment being reinstated. Wrote a letter to Freeman. A number of transports came tonight. A report that seven regiments are to leave here for N.C. Report that ( ) will not confirm. Gen. Gillmore's appointment as Maj. Gen. Studied quite hard.
April 13th - Seven regts left today and last night. Received our pay by the hand of Maj. Foster for the months of January and February--$34.00 (thirty-four dollars). Saw Corpl. Sinks, Co. G., kill an aligator about five feet long. Weather hot. {LETTER 4}
April 14th - Drilled the recruits one hour and a half. Regt. drilled in the forenoon but not in the afternoon on the account of the rain. Our Co. on picket.
April 15th - A drill in the forenoon as usual and in the afternoon drilled the recruits in slinging knapsacks and unslinging them preparing them for general inspection tomorrow. Report that our forces evacuated Pilatka last night. Rainy last night and today. Studied considerable.
April 16th - A general inspection at ten o'clock A.M. by a Lieut. of the 13th Ind. The General ( ) blown up by a torpedo above here near where the Maple Leaf was lost. A quartermaster. Troops leaving all the time. Two colored regiments went on board the transports today bound for Virginia.
April 17th - Mail come this morning. Four letters for me. No preaching today contrary to expectations. The 13th Ind. left today bound north. Spent most of my time after inspection in reading and writing.
April 18th - Drilled the recruits three hours. They did not drill as well as common. The officers received orders to reduce their baggage and put everything in a condition to move but no orders to get rations ready. Braley and Kean had a little quarrel, came to blows. Brown and Clark, Co. A. of my squad, had a spat too.
April 19th - Rained some last night. Very disagreeable today. Wind blows hard and the sand flies like drifting snow. Various rumors about moving. None authentic.
April 20th - At 11 o'clock the 169th got orders to leave and we had to go relieve their pickets. Those that were not on yesterday of our regiment. Our pickets relieved about three o'clock and we received orders to cook four days rations and be ready to move tonight or in the morning. The 169th left at seven o'clock P.M. I spent the evening in playing Authors with Powers and Oviatt. I feel very sorry to think we must leave. I dread the boat ride. Orders to report to Hilton Head.
April 21st - Packed up in the morning at half past ten A.M. We got orders to strike tents and be ready to leave before three o'clock P.M. All excitement. The boys breaking bottles with powder and burning cartridges and trying to make time pass gaily. At twenty minutes to two o'clock the bugler's shrill note called us together at two o'clock. We started for town. Arrived at the dock in half an hour. Waited until half past three then embarked. At four we pushed off. Bid farewell to Jacksonville and its many pleasant scenes. Crossed the bar at half past 6.
April 22, On Board the Cossack - I rested nicely last night. I was not sick in the least. Water very still. Arrived at Hilton Head Harbor at half past seven A.M. and dropped anchor. Lay until about seven then received the mail. One letter for me from Freeman. Very still; nice day bids fair for good weather. At two o'clock P.M. we changed the Cossack for the Ericson, a large ocean steamer (buff color). Saw some horses swung up from the Cossack to Ericson.
April 23, On Board Ericson - Had a good nights rest. Weather still good but some signs of a storm. Sky hazy in places. Beautiful scenery around here as looking from the top of the boat. At half past ten A.M. we moved up to the deck and at two o'clock P.M. we bid farewell to South Carolina and sailed out into the broad Atlantic. Wind rather high. Slept considerable but not long at a time for I lay on a platform by the side of the wheelhouse and the room was pretty limited for three of us, Braley, King, and myself.
April 24th - Wind high and increasing. Cloudy and signs of rain and about nine P.M. it commenced raining. Rained quite steady all night. I commenced being sea sick about four o'clock P.M. Was sick enough until midnight. Tryed to stay below but it was so warm and so many sick and such a stench, that I could not stand it so went on deck and stayed. Got very wet. The waves washed up onto the upper deck and gave us a good ducking a number of times.
April 25th - Very glad indeed to see daylight again for I am sick and weary and wet. I fell to thank God for his goodness in sparing our lives during the storm. Wind goes down some in the morning. Clears up. Passed Cape Hatteras at eleven o'clock A.M. Good sailing in the afternoon. Came in sight of land about four o'clock. Our boys got some whiskey and felt pretty well. Durham of Co. E. climed the mast to get away from St. Barber. Gen. Foster threatened to have him shot if he did not come down. Arrived at Ft. Monroe at 15 minutes to five o'clock A.M. Dropped anchor. Remained until eight o'clock then we set sail again bound for Yorktown. Arrived there at three P.M. and was soon landed at Glouchester Point by the ferry boat. Lay by the beach until near night then moved up to where the rest of our brigade lay-about a mile. How much different the season seems here, the trees not leaved out and everything very backward to what it was in Florida, there peaches were half grown, strawberries ripe and other things to come up in two or three weeks.
April 27, Glouchester Point, Va. - Cleaned my gun and accouterments. Put up one shelter tent. Wrote some letters. Orders to pack up our dress coats and all clothing not needed for every day wear and either send them home or to Norfolk. All to have two pairs of shoes, two shirts, one pants and overcoat or blanket or both if necessary, three pairs socks, two drawers.
April 28th - Skirmish drill from half past nine until eleven A.M. A salute fired for Gen. Butler at one o'clock P.M. Drill again in P.M.
April 29th - No drill as the boys were busy in packing up clothing (to send to Norfolk) and camp equippage. Drew clothing. All tents sent to Norfolk except shelter tents so the officers have not much the start of us. Weather cool. Co. D. and E. detailed at nine P.M. to load our baggage onto the boat. We got back at 15 minutes to one.
April 30th - Slept well until morning then riged up for muster at nine o'clock A.M. Had our knapsacks on. At noon formed in for review. Our division was reviewed first by Gen. Ames then by Gen. Butler. Finished at seven P.M. Tough, very dusty, disagreeable.
MAY 1864
May 1st - Rained until middle afternoon so we did not have any inspection. Wrote quite a share of the day. Read considerable. News scarce in the papers. "Four boatloads of troops went up the river this morning." Mail every day.
May 2nd - Skirmish drill in the forenoon under Major Smith. Co. skirmish drill in the afternoon. Sent my new cap to Norfolk in Lieut. Corbetts valise. A very hard shower just dark, blew down a number of tents. Col. Drakes with the rest. Mine did not blow down but the water blew in so we got very wet.
May 3rd - Slept very well considering how wet we was and how cold the wind blew. No breakfast at the cook room. We had a little soft bread, some hardtack, cold meat and cold water. Drill only in the afternoon. Orders about three o'clock P.M. to prepare two days cooked rations and four uncooked and to be ready to march at a moments notice.
May 4th - Our Co. with E. and F. on fatigue at the landing. Did not work any. Went with them. Orders to strike tents and be ready to move. We returned to camp at one o'clock. The recruiting officers returned at half past two P.M. Loud cheering. It seems good to see Lieut. Col. Carpenter and Capt. Curtis. At fifteen minutes to three we received orders to move. Formed in and marched to the dock and at four o'clock we embarked on board the steamer Claymont (a nice little propeller). Lay at anchor until eleven o'clock P.M., then set sail down the river. A very nice sight to see the whole fleet in motion, the lights all burning bright and of various colors. I feel nearly sick.
May 5, Aboard Claymont - Arrived in Hampton Roads at four o'clock A.M. Lay at anchor until five o'clock then we got orders to report to Newport News. We waited there until about seven o'clock then we moved up the James River. A very imposing sight to see our whole fleet sailing over the still water, as much as seventy-five boats, the most I ever saw at one time. Passed one monitor and two gun boats at noon. Arrived at City Point at fifteen minutes to seven P.M. Saw a monitor and the (Atlanta), rain of Charleston notoriety.
May 6, City Point, Va. - Landed at three o'clock A.M. and marched about one mile and rested. Ate breakfast. Drew rations. At seven o'clock we took up our line of march northwest. Rested at ten. A large amount of clothing thrown away. First gun fired at half past nine A.M. Marched very slow. Rested for the night at half past six. Some cannonading and musketry ahead. Built rifle pits the length of the regiment. Commenced at ten o'clock P.M. Took until between two and three o'clock Saturday and I was in charge of rear guard.
May 7, Chesterfield County - Feel pretty well used up as my eyes are very sore. Early in the morning we formed in and lay around until half past eleven A.M. then advanced about two miles to where the Mounted Rifles had a slight brush-they captured eight prisoners, drove the enemy about a mile and a half. Rations short. From half past one until two P.M. very heavy skirmishing. At 4 o'clock it was sounded down the line that the railroad bridge was in our hands and on fire. Returned to camp at half past six hungry and tired.
May 8th - No exact information of the result of our engagement yesterday. Reported that Col. Drake arrested the Col. of the 8th Maine for being intoxicated. I feel pretty well, my eyes well. Feel very thankful for our good luck yesterday. At five o'clock P.M. Co's D., B., C., and G went on picket. Took everything with us. Our band and 17 recruits come just night.
May 9th - A large force commenced advancing at sunrise commenced firing at 15 minutes past seven with infantry. Some artillery firing all day but not very rapid. Reports arriving every few minutes that the enemy are in full retreat and that our men are advancing on Petersburg. At three o'clock news came that our men were in sight of Petersburg. One or two of our wounded of last Saturday found on the field, some dead. We were on picket all day. Drew rations on the line. A number of ambulances loaded with sick and wounded. Ten prisoners came in just dark. Very heavy firing from 12 until one o'clock at night.
May 10th - Quite early the wounded commenced coming in on foot, those that were able, and others in ambulances. Some confederate soldiers, about a dozen prisoners not wounded. Very heavy and rapid firing at our right, nearly northwest. From ten o'clock until nearly noon both infantry and artillery. The 13th Ind. and 169th of our brigade were engaged and lost severly. Capt. Beebee killed and two lieut's of the 13th Ind. wounded. The 169th captured 17 prisoners in one squad. The Major of 13th wounded twice. One brigade returned at noon from Petersburg way. Fire burnt the woods along our picket line. Weather warm, the same as it has been since we came here. Troops returning at intervals all the afternoon.
May 11th - Seven Miles From Petersburg - Had a good nights rest. Everything quiet and still. Rations short-enough hard bread and little meat and sugar. Heavy firing towards the Appomattox a few minutes this P.M. Commenced raining about 5 o'clock P.M. We got relieved just dark. Had a bad time putting up our tent in camp.
May 12, Battlefield of Green Valley - We had to get under arms at half past three A.M. At four fifteen we got orders to be ready to march at five o'clock with two days cooked rations and in light marching order. I left camp at seven o'clock and marched southwest to the railroad then followed up towards Richmond, about a mile, and halted for dinner. The railroad track torn up and the ties burnt. Saw three places where a car had been burnt. Heavy cannonading north of here. Rained quite a share of the day. Quite bad marching. At night built a good tent with rubber blanket.
May 13th - Had a midling good nights rest. A little cold towards morning. Staid in our camp last night until six o'clock then our Co. with A and part of K got detailed on picket on the railroad where the fight of Green Valley occured last Saturday. Four bodies intered close to our post. At 8 o'clock in the evening we heard loud cheering in camp. We soon learned it was for good news. Gen. Hancock has captured forty pieces of artillery and a whole division of primers so a dispatch from Secretary Stanton says "Glory. Good enough." Gen. Butler advancing on Richmond with a large force.
May 14, Near Drurys Bluffs - Reported that Gen. Butler and Gillmore are in possession of the works on the right of Drurys Bluffs. Pigs, mutton, and beef plenty. On picket. Rain by spells as yesterday. An alarm on picket in the evening so we did not get to sleep until late. Was relieved at midnight and went back to our camp of last Thursday night. On picket five nights during the last week.
May 15th - At half past two A.M. we were called up and at three o'clock we moved down onto the turnpike running from Richmond to Petersburg and proceeded towards the former place about 6 miles. At half past six we halted and made coffee, ate breakfast. Skirmishing ahead all day.
May 16th - At 5 o'clock A.M. the enemy opened on us with much vigor. The 112th went to the right about one and a half miles. Was fired upon and Col. Carpenter was wounded and two men and Adjt. Hedges was taken prisoner. We moved back as soon as possible.
{May 27 - no entry - LETTER 5}
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January 1, 1865 - July 25, 1865
Sunday, Jan 1, 1865, On Board the Charles Thomas, Off Beaufort, North Carolina - Dutch Gap blown out and proves a failure like all the rest of Gen'l Buttler's moves. Last night the wind changed to N.W. and blew very hard. Some snow and rain fell during the night. The weather so cold that the water froze as fast as it struck the deck which made it very bad getting around. Very dismal last night on the ocean. Had tack and pork for breakfast-no dinner. Hard tack and molasses for supper. I am resolved the same as I was one year ago, God being my helper, that I will try and be more useful and live a better life than I have ever done before. O! how I wish I could see my dear mother this evening. I believe we both would be happier for it-but God guides and directs all things and I will be resigned to his will. About nine o'clock A.M. the Western Metropolis came out and at 11 o'clock took us in town and started for Ft. Monroe.
Jan 2nd - We had a rough time passing Cape Hatteras about two o'clock this A.M. The ship rolled very bad which made it quite uncomfortable sleeping, but what cannot be cured must be endured. The weather very nice today with a west wind and we run close to the shore so the ship runs very steady. I feel quite anxious to get on land again. Anchored in Hampton Roads about ten o'clock in the evening.
Jan 3, On Board the Steam Ship - After an absence of 26 days, we again find ourselves at Ft. Monroe which makes the 10th time we have passed this place during the past two years and a half. About 11 o'clock A.M. the Robert Morris (a small river steamer built 86 years ago) came along side and took on our rations and ammunition and what troops there was on the Charles Thomas. At five o'clock P.M. we sailed up the James River. Anchored at seven o'clock. Wind blew hard during the night.
Jan 4, On Board the Robert Morris - Started up the river again a half past six A.M. - passed Jamestown on the left bank of the river at fifteen minutes before ten o'clock. Began to see snow along the banks of the river at noon. Passed Wilson's Landing at half past two P.M. Arrived at Bermuda Hundred at 4 o'clock. There learned that the 112th had returned to Ft. Monroe for another expedition. We got orders to return to camp. Started for Deep Bottom at 10 minutes to five. Arrived there at 10 minutes to six. Disembarked as soon as we could and proceeded to camp. Had a good snow path although the snow was not more than one inch deep but the ground was froze quite hard. The first time I have seen as much snow since we left Suffolk, Va. The first time I have been on land since the 8th of Dec. making 27 days on board a ship. Arrived in camp at 8 o'clock. Found a box from home with the things in good condition-also found one letter and a commission as 2nd Lieut. in the 112th Regt. Right glad to get to camp. Weather clear and cold.
Jan 5, Chapin's Farm, Va. - Worked hard on my tent. Got it fixed up so it is quite comfortable. Had a good meal of victuals, the first I have had for the last twenty days. Had a good wash and got a clean boiled rag on so I begin to feel like myself again. J. F. Smith mustered as Colonel of 112th Regt, N.Y. Vols last Tuesday. Fox and Sampson also mustered as Captains the same time. 56 recruits joined the Regt. this evening.
Jan 6th - I spent the day in making a valise cover. Our camp and garrison equippage arrived from Norfolk. Had some potatoes for breakfast, the first I have had since the 15th of December, 1864. Pretty cold last night-a little more moderate to day-rained considerable in the afternoon and the snow all disappeared. The mud begins to be almost bottomless, Va. style. At 6 o'clock A.M. the expedition against Wilmington left Ft. Monroe.
Jan 7th - Two deserters shot to death with musketry on our Division front which makes eight that has suffered (at the same place) like punishment for the same offence this winter. Weather very disagreeable, it being cold, wind and a little rainy and some snow towards night. No news in the papers. Gold quoted from 231 to 234 and a half. Reported that the second Wilmington expedition started from Monroe today. J. P. Blair went to Richmond.
Jan 8th - Attend meeting at a church built by the Christian Commission at the 1st Division 24th A.C. Chaplain Hyde addressed a small congregation from a part of the 3rd chapter of the Gospel according to St. John in reference to Nicodemus' interview by night with our Savour. Done nobly and made it very interesting and instructive. News good in the papers. Weather clear and cold. Gen. Buttler relieved.
Jan 9th - Reported that Maj. Gen. Butler has been relieved of his command by Maj. Gen. Ord. I am highly pleased with the change and think nearly all the soldiers in the Army of the James will say the same. I think he has been a great damage to the army this summer. Spent the most of my time in fixing my tent. Gen. Ord has issued an order granting furloughs to 10 per cent of the army. Very still and warm. A nice day for another attack on Wilmington.
Jan 10th - Some firing on picket last night. The armed men in camp got under arms but did not have to leave camp. Received this book and paper and two letter by mail today. Spent the most of the day in writing letter and in this book as I was more than a week behind hand. The mud very soft and nearly a shoe deep all over the ground. Rainy, foggy-unpleasant. Heard that Lucius Markham was at home. Good.
Jan 11th - A general dearth of news in the papers. The 112th have only 8 months longer to serve to complete their three years. The order granting furloughs to ten per cent of the army revoked. I visited the ambulance train in the afternoon. Was at the 58th Pa. Vols during dress parade. Heard several bands play. Had some warm sugar to eat in Bolster's tent. Weather clear and cool. At 3 P.M. Missouri declared a free state.
Jan 12th - The order relieving Gen. Buttler in the paper of the 10th received today. The paper do not speak in very flattering terms of his honesty. Still no news from the expedition. Spent the day in reading and writing. 108 men belonging to our regiment in this camp. The recruits pretty quarrelsome. Weather clear and quite warm. Rheumatism troubles me considerable in my shoulders. The expedition against Wilmington left Beaufort at six o'clock -62 vessels of war, 591 guns. All arrived off New Inlet in the evening.
Jan 13th - The troops of the Wilmington expedition commenced landing at nine A.M. and completed the landing at 2 o'clock P.M. The reb papers make a great ado about the Porter and Buttler failure in the Wilmington expedition. I think they will sing a different song before Feb 1865. Various rumors about the last Wilmington expedition. Reported in the evening that a reb colonel came into our lines and reported that Ft. Fisher was in our possession. My shoulders still quite painful with rheumatism. Weather still and warm with some signs of storm toward night. ( )
Jan 14th - Still no reliable news from the 112th. I feel quite anxious to hear from them. We did not get any papers consequently no news. I could not keep any fire in my tent during the day because the wind blew so hard. Weather quite cool, clear and windy in the southwest. Made preparations for Sunday. Four days rations issued. I feel midling well but lonesome.
Jan 15th - Edward Everett died. Gen Granger reported within twenty-eight miles of Mobile. Gen. Sherman's army reported as landing on the north side of the Savannah River. Rumored that Gen. Curtis has lost a leg and that Col Bell is killed and also that two ships belonging to the last expedition have been lost, but the rumors are not credited in camp. (No ship lost.) The news good in the papers except the loss of the Melville. Weather moderate. I feel pretty well.
Jan 16th - Visited Ft. Harrison. Found things greatly changed since my last visit at that place. The pickets very near together. The cadettes walk there but as though on camp guard neither side showing any signs of hostilities. The first place that I have ever seen colored soldiers on picket where the Rebs would let them alone. Weather very pleasant and nice for January. Reported that Blair returned from Richmond today where he went the 7th on a peace mission. A magazine exploded in Ft. Fisher-carelessness.
Jan 17th - A cold raw wind blowing from the southwest. Some snow in the morning but not enough to whiten the ground. Sun shone a part of the day. Reported as official by Capt. ( ) that we have taken Ft. Fisher with one thousand men and seventy-nine guns. Gen. Whiting and Col. Smith both wounded. Loud cheering along the lines by the different regiments in the afternoon. I feel very anxious to hear from the 112th knowing that they must have sustained a heavy loss. I heard salute fired on the left.
Jan 18th - Weather warm and cloudy and it looks very much like a storm. My shoulders nearly free from rheumatism. An order issued for two inspections per week and the best appearing soldier at each inspection to be sent to Div. Hdq and there the best one in the Div to have a furlough. Corpl. Cumming's of Co. G. sent today-was rejected. The men look rather shabby as it has been a long time since we have drawn clothing. The ground froze slightly the same as it has been for a number of days.
Jan 19th - Made a requisition for 68 muskets and the same number of accouterments. Some particulars about the capture of Ft. Fisher. It appears that our men done some desperate fighting being engaged from half past three P.M. until ten o'clock P.M. The 1st brigade in advance followed by 2nd and 3rd and after one and a half hours fighting the 2nd Brig 1st Div 24th A.C. was ordered to assist but done little or no fighting. Weather warm and still. I feel very anxious to hear of the casualties of the 112th Regt.
Jan 20th - Spent the day in reading and writing. A full account of the capture of Fort Fisher in but no casualties given of the army except the Brig. Commanders, not even the numbers. Monday, the 16th the next day after the capture of the fort, the magazine was exploded by carelessness of some colored soldiers which killed and wounded 200. Weather beautiful although cloudy. Wind N.E. I feel well but very anxious about the 112th Regt. Gold 208 and 209 and two-sixths. J.P.Blair started another peace mission to Richmond.
Jan21st - Commenced raining in the night. The rain froze as fast as it struck the ground which made it quite slippery-rained steady until after dark. A partial list of the casualties at Ft. Fisher in the paper of the 19th received today. With deep regret we find Colonel John F. Smith's name among those mortally wounded. O! can it be that our loved commander is gone. Reported that every commanding officer in the Div was killed or wounded except Gen. Ames. The names of only four or five of the wounded of the 112th given.
Jan 22nd - Stated in the papers that no ship belonging to the expedition against Wilmington was lost. A very good description of the assault on Ft. Fisher in the Weekly Tribune of the 21st received today. Reports Gen. Curtis' staff and 142nd N.Y. left Federal Point on Monday last and reports Colonel Smith as dead. He says our men in the assault clubed their muskets and drove the enemy from Travers to Traverse and that the 2nd Div took the Fort alone, that the 2nd Brig. 1st Div did not arrive in time to participate in the fight. Weather warmer than yesterday, foggy, very muddy.
Jan 23rd - Important news expected from Gen. Sherman daily. The last time he was heard from I was at Pocotaligo forty-five miles from Charleston. The reb papers try to make it appear that the loss of Ft. Fisher is a blessing in disguise. "I don't see it." No more news from Federal Point. A very disagreeable day as the mud was quite deep and it rained considerable. I do not feel very well-a bad headache. Took a short nap in the afternoon.
Jan 24th - Heavy cannonading on the left-flashes of artillery also out of hearing. Quite heavy firing until noon, then it suddenly ceased. News that one of the rebs ( )--the Drury-got aground and they blew her up to keep her out of our hands. Loud cheering over it along the line. An attack on our cavalry on the right by the rebs was handsomely repelled last night by our cavalry. We took 60 prisoners. Weather cold but clear. Rec'd 68 muskets and issued them.
Jan 25th - Received some clothing in the forenoon. A little before seven I got orders to get ready to go with the baggage belonging to the 112th Regt to Wilmington. Packed up and got all ready to go but did not start until nearly eight o'clock in the evening. Rode down in the regimental wagon. Arrived at Jones Landing about eleven o'clock at night. I had to help unload twelve wagons. Slept in the Regimental wagon. Weather cold and ground froze hard.
Jan 26, Jones Landing, Va - Slept pretty cold being so much exposed to the open air. Spent quite a portion of the day in walking around to see what there was going on. Went up above the upper (pontoon-?) News in the papers good. Gold falling very fast at last accounts. Not much prospects of leaving here at present. Suffered considerable with the cold ground still freezing-clear.
Jan 27th - Heard that Col Smith has died from his wounds and that his body has been sent north. Weather clear and cold last night, the coldest of this winter. I slept on the floor in Sgt Morses mess room. Received a letter from Freeman. Rumored in the papers that the enemy have blown up the rest of their fortifications at the entrance of Cape Fear River and have evacuated Wilmington. I doubt the latter rumor.
Jan 28th - Slept very well in a find of a hut built of the baggage. The 112th Regt ordered to give up their camp to the 208th and 76th Pa. Vol and go out into the woods and begin anew. Expressed a box of clothing to Powers belonging to deceased soldiers. Suffered quite severely with a headache. Went up to the upper Pontoon Bridge. The destruction of Ft. Caswell by the enemy confirmed. Colder last night than the night before.
Jan 29th - Spent considerable time in morning fixing up quarters with the Chaplain and Quartermaster. Got fixed nicely. Wrote a letter or two and spent the rest of the time in reading. No mail today, neither was there yesterday. I think it goes to Ft. Fisher. No signs of going away from here. Fried liver twice a day the same as we have had ever since we have been here. Weather more moderate.
Jan 30th - The ground froze much as a foot deep. Considerable ice in the river. Very pleasant today and warmer than for a number of days past. Had a fine time on the ice playing ball and sliding. Heard the brigade band play. Spent considerable time in reading and writing. Feel well but rather lonely. No news in the papers and no mail. Chaplain Hyde went to Point of Rocks. ( ) Robinson returned to the company.
Jan31st - Another cold, frosty night but a very nice day. The ice crowded the upper pontoon bridge down so teams could not cross. Went up towards crows nest above our flag of truce boat-N. Y. A little after noon information was received that the teams was on the way to take the baggage to Bermuda Hundred. Packed up but did not move. Slept pretty miserable it being quite cool.
Feb 1st - Was aroused quite early by being told the teams would be after the baggage at seven o'clock A.M. The teams was on hand about ten o'clock. Loaded up the teams and then walked to Bermuda Hundred. Arrived there about the middle of the afternoon. Unloaded the baggage and got some supper. Then turned in for the night. With E. Edwards. Slept-cold it being a very frosty night although the day was quite warm.
Feb 2, Bermuda Hundred, Va. - Spent the forenoon in looking around and writing letters. About noon the steamship (Hames)-- that we came from New York on last fall- came up to the dock and in a little while we commenced loading the baggage on to her. I had a very hard time as I had to take charge of the packing it away in the hold. Set sail a little before dark and went a little below City Point and anchored. Weather pleasant.
Feb 3, On Board the Steam Ship (Hames) - A little before sunrise, we set sail for Fort Monroe. Arrived there at 2 o'clock P.M. and lay at anchor a little distance from the dock until about five o'clock. Then moved up to the Engineers Wharf to coal. I went to Hampton and Chesapeak Hospitlas with Chaplain Hyde. Had a good time with the boys of our regiment-Col.Sudwick, Capts Dunham and Hollister, and Lieut. Kimberly. Slept in Chesapeak Hosp. Weather cloudy, misty.
Feb 4th - Returned to the ship quite early on a horse car with Chaplain Hyde. Misty in the morning but clear towards noon. Commenced coaling about nine o'clock A.M. and finished at a little after three P.M. Col. Sudwick and Capt. Dunham on board. At a little after five we set sail for Ft. Fisher. Very nice and still sailing with a fair wind. Weather clear and bright. Slept in the saloon.
Feb 5th - Passed Cape Hatteras soon after daylight. Sea very calm for this place. But still the ship rolls enough to make me quite sea sick, but not as bad as I have been sometimes. A man had a severe hemorrage of the lungs on the boat but not dangerous. Another one fell down stairs and cut his face badly. Weather looks more squally towards night.
Feb 6, Federal Point - About midnight we quit sailing fast. Just keeping up motion enough to keep the ship across the waves. At daylight land was in plain sight we being near Cape Fear River. At nine o'clock A.M. the Capt ran the ship across the bar without a pilot. Came near stopping by running aground. At 4 P.M. commenced unloading the baggage on to the Gen. Howard. Got done about ten o'clock and then went up to the dock and moved the baggage on to the land which took until one o'clock. Then I walked to camp, a distance of near three miles. Rain fell very fast and the wind blew a perfect gale. I was very much exhausted when I got to camp. My clothes were very wet but I had to wear them as I had no others with me. I feel very thankful to get on land once more.
Feb 7th - Went to bed a little after three and slept until daylight. The tide came in and wet our baggage very bad. My valise was wet and my clothes, letters, books, and ordinance papers. Spent most of the day in drying them. No chance to put up any tent today as it is rainy and bad being out. Received fourteen letters but did not have any chance to answer any of them.
Feb 8th - Slept pretty well last night in Dr. Mead's log house. Put up a wall tent with Sgt. Judson and the Sgt. Major A. Green. Had my application forwarded to be mustered out for the purpose of being mustered as an officer. Had a new cook detailed for our mess. A portion of the 23rd Corps came here tonight from Tennessee and went up towards the front. Rec'd two letters. {LETTER 19}
Feb 9, Ft. Fisher, N.C. - Visited Fort Fisher with Sgt. Ellis and saw many things of interest. The two line of torpedoes 40 or 50 rods from the fort and about two rods apart-all sizes and descriptions from 19 inch shell with wrought iron handles to wooden torpedoes made like a cask. Some made of boiler iron. All connected with small copper wire covered with gutta percha. Saw the excavation made by the explosion of a magazine. Also the celebrated Armstrong gun upon carriage. Marked Sir W. C. Armstrong & Co, New Castle upon June No. 19 - a 150 pounder and weighing 1573 lbs, mounted on a mahogany carriage and made in 1864. Five swells in the gun each small making a very pretty canon. The shell and furze also of new pattern. Took a ( ) out of shell and kept it. Saw two Whitworth cannon made in England. Very nice looking cannon. Saw a gun that was made for firing 125 shots (size of minny) at a time. Of very ingeniious manufacture, also made in London by Robinson & Cotterson. The earth strewed with shot and shell for more than twenty-five acres. The Ft. composed of about 40 traverses of various lengths and directions. A large number of guns dismounted and knocked to pieces. Destruction reigns supreme. Our men remodeling and rebuilding the fort. A little afternoon orders came to have three days cooked ration in haversacks tomorrow morning. Fixed some bunks in our tent. Troops still landing. Weather cold and windy. Cloudy in the afternoon.
Feb 10th - Slept in our own tent last night. Was quite comfortable. Considerable shelling by our gunboats today. Mail received-a paper for me but no letter. No news of importance. Spent the day in making out ordinance papers for Capt. J. C. Russ. At seven o'clock P.M. orders came to be ready with three days cooked rations to march at six o'clock tomorrow morning, to take knapsacks only, leaving Q.M. and convalescents to guard baggage. Weather clear and cold.
Feb 11th - At five o'clock A.M. we got up and finished packing up. Ate breakfast quite early and soon after sunrise started towards Wilmington. Skirmishing commenced in about an hour and was kept up all day but not very briskly after the first hour. The enemy shelled us considerable but done no damage. Albert Bond of Co. B. got a bad wound in the neck. I dressed the wound while on the front line. We took sixty or seventy prisoners. Returned to camp and slept in a tent instead of outdoors.
Feb 12th - After an early breakfast we started for the front and found it quiet, not even skirmishing. Gen. Pains Division on the left of us. About the middle of the afternoon orders came to report at Battery Bucannon which place we arrived at dark. Drew two days rations and lay until about 8 o'clock. Then returned to camp. The wind blowing too hard to venture outside the tent. Weather very cold and sand flew lively.
Feb 13th - Slept cold last night as the weather was cold and very windy. Towards night the wind went down a little. Drew five thousand four hundred rounds ammunition and issued it to the regiment. We drew two days rations more. Myerham and Brown mustered as lieutenants. I don't enjoy life first rate. Wish my term of service was up. Mail again.
Feb 14th - Spent the forenoon in writing letters and making out ordinance papers for Capt. At noon orders came to prepare three days cooked rations as quick as possible and be ready to march at three o'clock P.M. At the appointed time we left camp and marched up the beach about four miles. Very bad walking. The Pontoons on which we were to cross the inlet were behind so we returned as soon as we got to the place of crossing. Very poor order in marching and our brigade commander acted like a fool or drunkard-marched very fast without much rest. The 3rd Brig. In advance followed by the 2nd and 1st and Scofield's division in rear. I got very tired and had to fall out. I went to camp. Arrived there about six o'clock A.M. Commenced raining about four o'clock so I got quite wet. The Regt. encamped in the woods near the front.
Feb 15th - Took a short nap in the morning. Got up about half past eight A.M. After dinner I joined the regiment. Found them encamped in a wet swampy place without a comfortable place to lie down. I feel pretty well used up to pay for our hard march last night. All great on the front. No mail or news of any kind. Weather very rainy until about ten o'clock A.M. Clear towards night and quite warm.
Feb 16th - Slept very nicely last night being very tired and sleepy. Do not feel well today. Am afraid I shall be sick but hope not. A thick heavy fog in the morning but towards night more pleasant. Mail came just night. Brought me two letters and a paper. The Army of the Potomac reported as having done some heavy fighting but few particulars. Reported that Gen. Sherman has taken Branchville.
Feb 17th - All the 23rd Corps that was here crossed the river yesterday. I think they left here at least. Went to camp in the morning and returned to the regiment after noon. At 1 o'clock P.M. orders came to be ready to march at dark. At dark no signs of moving so we put up tents and turned in the night but no rest for us. At nine o'clock orders came to move immediately-marched to Ft. Bucannon and embarked on the Jas. Christopher at half past one. At 2 moved out into the stream and went onto a small gun boat. Arrived at Smithville at 4 P.M.
Feb 18, Smithville, N.C. - At half past four was bivouacked a little ways out of town and lay until daylight. Visited Smithville in the morning. At half past two P.M. we took up our line of march on the Wilmington Road-turned to the left at four o'clock and at five halted for the night. Sent out pickets but were not allowed to put up any tents although we had five. Passed the nicest pond I ever saw about half a mile from camp. Heavy cannonading in the river all day. Very pleasant march.
Feb 19, Ft. Anderson Brunswick County, N.C. - Rested quietly as no enemy troubled us. Made coffee before light. This country is very level and looks as though making turpentine was the only available means of getting a living but few dwelling houses. Every house is robbed as usual of all chickens and bees by our soldiers. O! how hard. When will this cruel war be over. I hope it may be soon. At half past eleven A.M. we started on the war path once more. Arrived at Ft. Anderson at half past four P.M. Found the works deserted except for about forty rebs which our men made prisoners. Our men took possession of the fort quite early in the day. Gun boats passed up the river five or six miles. Reported that our men took twenty-seven torpedoes out of the river opposite the fort. Nine guns in the fort and all in working order. Received the mail. After a good look at the works, we bivouacked for the night. Remains of a very old church. Weather very pleasant.
Feb 20, New Hanover County, N.C. - At four o'clock orders came to make coffee and get ready to move. A few minutes before light we embarked on the Eliza Waincox and moved up the river about six miles and landed on the opposite side by means of pontoon boats. Lay on the bank of the river until half past eleven A.M. then marched towards Wilmington on the Telegraph Road. Marched until five o'clock, then formed line of battle and lay all night. The last hour some skirmishing-is a little artillery. 60 or 70 colored soldiers killed or wounded.
Feb 21st - News of the evacuation of Charleston received at nine A.M. Loud cheering. At half past eleven A.M. we again took up our line of march toward the river. Did not find any enemy until four o'clock when skirmishing commenced which was kept up until dark. A number of men wounded. Some of our regt. on the skirmish line but came off safe. The cavalry captured 16 men and a 1st lieut. On picket had a long talk with the latter and like him very much. The regiment built works near the river. Rations scarce-drew one days fresh beef. At an early hour in the evening we turned in for the night but before very long had to move a little ways and commenced some new works but soon got orders to quit work. At eleven o'clock we started for camp. Roads quite muddy. Had rather a hard march. Arrive in camp where we stated from in the morning at three o'clock in the morning. Lay down and got a little sleep. The Regt. drew three days rations being ordered to have it done before daylight. Weather very nice and favorable for military opperations.
Feb 22, Wilmington, N.C. - About daylight a contraband came into our lines and reported the enemy had evacuated their works in our front. Soon preparations for a move were made and at half past eight A.M. we took up our line of march toward Wilmington meeting with no opposition. Arrived in sight of the city in one and a half hours. Passed very strong works with siege guns mounted and in good condition. After we got inside the line of works around the city, we halted and lay until half past eleven when we formed in and started for the city, the 112th in advance of the 1st Brig. Led by the Brig. Rand. We marched into the city with colors flying and the band playing some national airs. Found a line of breastworks in the outside streets around the city. March through several of the principal streets and then marched out eastbound one mile and encamped. A very happy occasion to us to march through the city as conquerors and happy that so little blood has been shed. The rest of the troops except our Brig. and the 169th N.Y. went out on the railroad after the enemy. Reported that quite a large number of our soldiers held as prisoners by the rebs here yesterday but were taken away during the night. The citizens report that our prisoners have been used horrible-too bad to all. The 169th N.Y. detailed as Provost Guard. A salute fired by the navy at half past eleven. The Rebs have burnt cotton and ( ) in considerable quantities, also their steamers that are in the river.
Feb 23rd - Slept in a house for the first time since in New York. O! what a pleasant morning-enough to make a man homesick. Seems like a civilized land, what this country does, where we have been. Fried eggs for breakfast and oysters for dinner and fried hardtack for supper. My discharge received at Hdquarters. Various rumors about moving but none reliable. Wrote a number of letters. Weather cloudy and in the evening a little rain.
Feb 24th - Very rainy last night. It continues all day. Very uncomfortable being out. The men in the brigade complain bitterly for want of something to eat, the meat rations being out last evening and the other rations tonight. Some foraging done and no one to be blamed for it I think. A little before night, we got three days rations. All news at a complete standstill in this place. No mail of any kind. I feel rather discontented as we have nothing to do.
Feb 25, Market Street, Wilmington, N.C. - Another damp night and some rain during the day. The horses arrived here from Bermuda Hundred, Va., also Chaplain Hyde and Quartermaster Shaw from Ft. Fisher. Only eight passes granted per day to each regiment to go to town and those to be approved at Brig. HdQtrs. before nine o'clock A.M. each day. Mail today. Eight letters and two papers for me. Good news in all. Saw five of our prisoners that have escaped from the enemy. They tell hard stories. They took supper with our regiment.
Feb 26th - A lonesome day as I cannot find anything to do, only write a few letters. Reading matter scarce. The convalescents came up from Ft. Fisher, also our baggage found. Everything's all right except a little damp. A number of heavy explosions in the directions of the city. Various stories about it. Some say it torpedoes but I doubt it. Had a bath and got on some clean clothes once more.
Feb 27th - Had a very busy day attending to ordinance affairs and making out ordinance papers for Capt. Russ. Appearance of a move. A large number of our prisoners being paroled at the front. A lot of officers to come in tomorrow so Lieut. Geo. Dixon reports. The officers very busy in the muster rolls. Orders to be mustered tomorrow. Talk of pay soon. Some hope it is so. Weather pleasant.
Feb 28th - A very rainy night and quite damp during the day. I worked very hard on ordinance papers for Capt. Russ and Talcott. Got pretty near done for the present unless I get some more blanks. Feel pretty tired this evening. We were mustered by Col Sudwick for the months of January and February. A picket detail of sixty men called for from our regiment. The Herald of the Union published for the first time this A.M. Theater tonight.
MARCH 1865
March 1st - Another damp night but little rain during the day. Quite busy on ordinance papers for Capt. Talcott. A large installment of prisoners came in today. Lieut Hedges of Co. B. one of the number. He looks quite well but rather paler than usual. He tells some interesting stories concerning his imprisonment. A captain of the 154th N.Y. Vols with him. But little news as we get no papers except the Herald of the Union.
March 2nd - Last evening I visited our paroled prisoners downtown and saw a very needy lot of men, some of them shoeless, others bare headed and nearly all of their clothes warn and look very shabby. The saddest sight of the war. John Dunnerwald of Co. D. made us a visit today. A general inspection at two o'clock P.M. Capts Russ and Talcott detailed on Court Marshal duty. Mail in the evening. Three letters for me. My commission returned with discharge papers. Lovely.
March 3rd - A little rainy in the morning but soon cleared up and in the afternoon quite warm. Finished up my ordinance papers. In the afternoon Sgts Ellis, Penrock, Hauley, Aplin, and myself and Capt Messenger went to town to get mustered but did not succeed. Had a good stroll around town. All the officers that have been paroled left today. The men leaving as fast as they can get transportation.
March 4th - Another rainy night and some showery during the day. Blew hard all day. Went to Wilmington to get mustered but did not succeed. Feel sorry but hope I can succeed better some other time. Assisted Lieut. Ticknor and Capt. Russ on their ordinance returns. The 23rd Corps came on to this side of the river. Some of the troops getting paid. News cheering in the papers. Talk of Richmond being evacuated.
March 5th - A pleasant day but rather cool. Wrote a letter to Mother. Attended meeting in the open air-services by Chaplain Hyde. Some more recommendations for officers sent in by Col Sudwick. A detail of twenty-five men for hospital nurses from our Regt. My papers forwarded for a date back of my discharge from the 8th of Feb to the 9th of January. Visited the picket lines in the evening with Green. Wood left our mess. {LETTER 20}
March 6th - Gen. Scofield's troops left here this morning. I am very glad that we are left behind for once. I hope we shall not be called upon to leave here very soon. Went downtown in the afternoon. Got some blank books and a pocket knife. Made a bunk. My papers returned disapproved. Col Sudwick made a good promise because of my ill luck. Gen. Abbott assigned to the command of this post. Weather cold and windy.
March 7th- A large mail in the afternoon-four letters for me, two letters from Freeman, one written when he was at home and the other when at Louisville, Kentucky conveying the sad intelligence that he was gone to Alabama. I feel very sorry to know that. He has gone for far away. A number of commissions come for the 112th. Went to the theater in the evening. A very good entertainment but I did not enjoy it very much. Weather warm.
March 8th - Tickmor and Vorce mustered as Captains in the 112th. Orders to arm all men in Regt. except four or five. Another mail today. One letter for W. H. News good in the papers. Lee concentrating his army for a desperate struggle so says N.Y. papers. Lieut. Brown just arrived from Bermuda Hundred. He reports that the news of the fall of Charleston and Wilmington was received with good enthusiasm at that place. A shotted salute fired at that front of 100 guns. Considerable rainy but warm.
March 9th - Brazee mustered as 1st Lieut. in the 112th Regt, N.Y. Vols. Wiggim started a suttler shop for our regiment. I worked very hard making out invoices and receipts for ammunition expended by the Regt. during this quarter. Made about ten sets of papers but I did not get done until quite late. Felt quite unwell during the latter part of the day. The regiment regulated camp a little. Order for recruits to drill 4 hours each day. A large fatigue party downtown. Quite rainy.
March 10th - I was mustered as 2nd Lieut. in the 112th Regt by Capt. Keeler. Have to lose pay from the 8th of February (the date of my discharge) until today, date of muster. Made out my final statement and went up to the 2nd Brig. to get pay but could not get it. Reported that Gen. Sheridan's army has captured Gen. Early and his whole army. No news from any other quarter. I don't feel very well being troubled with the toothache. Quite rainy.
March 11th - Good news from Sherman. Couriers came in which say he was at Fayettville yesterday unless he met with a disaster on Thursday as at that time he was within a days march of that place. Gen. Sheradin has captured eighteen hundred men of Early's command as well as the General himself. Received an order assigning me to duty in Co. I. As 2nd Lieut. Moved down to the Regt. with Lt. Brazee. Went on general inspection at two o'clock this P.M.
Weather fine but cool.
March 12th - Attended meeting at a church downtown and enjoyed it first rate in the forenoon. Attended another meeting in camp-service by Chaplain Palmer of the 142nd N.Y. Vols. The 142nd arrived from Smithville last evening and encamped between the 117th N.Y. and 97th Pa. Vols. A cold night but a warm and pleasant day. Was detailed as officer of the picket for tomorrow. Wrote a letter in the evening.
March 13th - Went on picket and had charge of 52 men and corporal and two sergeants. Had them posted on 13 posts. The picket line the nicest I ever saw. Had a good time. Only a little lonesome. Had a short visit with a family living close to the line. All quiet during the day and night. A full moon. Lieut. Col E. A. Sudwick received an order for 260 recruits. The 97th Pa. Vols received orders to march tomorrow morning. Weather fair. Commenced boarding with Capt. Vorel.
March 14th - Was relieved from picket in the morning by Lieut. B. F. Brazee. The 97th Pa. Went away with four days rations. Went downtown but while there heard that we had orders to be ready to march. When I got to camp found the men packing up. Packed up my desk and sent it to town for storage with the rest of the surplus baggage. Lost my gold pen. Went downtown in the evening. Had a toothache. Gold from 191 and three-fourths to 185 and three-fourths.
March 15th - Command getting ready at an early hour. Sent all surplus baggage to town to be stored, the officers being allowed only a valise and a small roll of blankets. We are to start with four days rations after today. No sugar drawn by the men for nearly a week past. At one o'clock P.M. we again started on the warpath. Went through Wilmington and then up the railroad. Encamped just dark after a hard afternoons march. Put up a tent with Lt. Brazee. Plum trees in bloom.
March 16th - At half past four A.M. was called and ordered to be ready to march at half past six. Weather clear and warm. Marched very rapidly until about two o'clock P.M. then stopped one hour for dinner and then marched until dark. Had to ford a stream of water about twenty rods wide and two feet and half deep. I flanked it and kept my feet dry. Had a very hard march, the roads being very bad. Low land nearly all the way but few inhabitants. Commenced raining at dark. I had to beg a lodging of Co. D. All my baggage except my rubber mat in the wagon.
March 17, South Washington, New Hanover County, N.C. - Suffered considerable with cold. At four o'clock we was ordered to be ready to march at half past five and at the appointed time we again took up our line of march over very muddy roads and numerous creeks and swamps. At noon we halted for the pontoon train to come up as there is a river ahead. A large number of the men without shoes and their clothes very poor. We have marched 25 miles since we left camp. Put up tents for the night. A large amount of foraging done by regular detail and by the boys on their own account. I got a chicken and some pork. Fair weather.
March 18th - Had a comfortable nights rest. Last evening we drew two days rations of pork and hardtack, no sugar or coffee. A strict order issued by Major Gen. Terry against foraging except by regular details and then in no case is the last ox or mule to be taken. Orders to be ready to march at eleven A.M. Left camp about noon and marched pretty fast until dark and then encamped for the night in a nice pine grove. No blankets tonight as the wagons did not stop. A pleasant day. Roads better.
March 19, Teacher's Station, Duplin County, N.C. - Slept but little last night. It was cold. At 6 o'clock A.M. we took up our line of march. In a few minutes had to cross a stream waist deep. The men took off their clothes so they were quite comfortable in a short time. I flanked it and kept my clothes dry without the trouble of changing them. Weather clear and warm enough for comfort daytimes but rather cool nights. The country much better than it was around Wilmington. Houses about a mile apart. Soon after crossing the stream we halted to wait for the wagon train to pass (as we was rear guard) which took until eleven o'clock A.M. Then we marched quite fast until ten o'clock at night and then was compelled to stop for the teams were so tired that they could not get them any further. At twelve o'clock at night we was called up and ordered to report at Gen. Ames headquarters about two miles ahead. Arrived there about two o'clock and then slept until morning. Sand some gravelly towards night and the country looks quite homelike.
March 20, Mount Olive, Wayne County, N.C. - About daylight we drew two days rations more and prepared for another days march. Started about half past seven o'clock A.M. Marched quite rapidly until noon and then halted one hour for dinner at Mount Olive. Only one brigade in advance of us. A noble country that we have passed today, the best that I have ever seen in the southern states. Soon after dinner we crossed a railroad. Marched steady until dark and then bivouacked for the night. Had to cross a bad swamp just before night. Water waist deep but we crossed on poles. All very tired and a large number of the men fell out. I came near giving out. Gold from 167 and three fourths to 160 and a fourth.
March 21, Cox Bridge - Had a good nights rest but we all feel very sore and lame. Last evening we could see the campfires of Gen. Sherman's Army. His cavalry encamped near here night before last. Packed up soon after daylight and at half past seven we started on our weary journey. At half past nine we came up with Sherman's troops. The 20th Corps on our left. Some heavy cannonading on the left. Marched slowly until three o'clock P.M. and then encamped, got dinner, and put up tents. Rained hard considerable of the time until late in the evening.
March 22nd - Rather uncomfortable last night as it was windy and my clothes were quite wet. Weather clear and windy. Saw Gen. Sherman and like his appearance very much. A foraging party went out in the afternoon but did not get much. Rations running low and no signs of getting any more. Gen. Pains division crossed the Neuse River sand commenced fortifying. The river only about half a mile from here. Weather windy but clear. {LETTER 21}
March 23rd - We ate the last of our bread for breakfast and drank our last coffee. Do not know what we can have for dinner. I was lucky enough to get some beans for dinner and bought some hard bread for supper. The 14th and 17th and 20th Corps passed here today. I saw Major Gen. Howard Williams and Gerry. I think that Gerry has the pleasantist look but Howard the most enterprising. He has lost his right arm. Capt. Vorel went out on a foraging expedition and came near being captured. Wind blew very hard and sand flew very bad-very disagreeable.
March 24th - Three men from the 112th and two from the 147th went out foraging yesterday. I suffered considerable with the cold last night as the wagon train left last evening and I sent my blanket. Various rumors about a move but none reliable. Wind quit blowing in the night but only to commence again in the morning. I am heartily sorry to see how Sherman's army destroys property. I fear it will not result in any good to our cause. Sugar issued for the first time since the 12th of March.
March 25th - A little after four o'clock we received orders to be ready to march at 6 o'clock A.M. About one hour after the appointed time we started for Faison Depot on the Wilmington and Goldsboro Railroad. March quite fast all day. Forded two creeks and arrived at Faison Depot about five o'clock P.M. and went into camp about one mile south of the Depot close to the R.R. Weather clear and cool.
March 26th - Faison Depot, Duplin County, N.C. - Slept very comfortable as we had our blankets. A clear, cool day, quite windy. Moved camp a little ways. A brigade guard established today. I was detailed as office of the guard. A large amount of foraging done by our men and with good success. Had a goose for dinner and fresh pork for supper. A train of cars came up just dark from towards Wilmington. Rations issued. I feel pretty well. {LETTER 22}
March 27th - Spent a very comfortable night as I had clothes enough to keep me warm. A regular brigade guard mounting and the band played for it. I was relieved about nine o'clock A.M. Put up a shelter tent with Capt. Crane and Lieut. Pennock. Streets leveled off. Tents all put up alike and many more useless things around camp. Weather warm and pleasant. Papers of the 14th received particulars of Sheridan's fight at Charlottsville, N.C.
March 28th - Slept nice with Capt. Crand and Lieut. Pennock. Mail received in the forenoon. News good from Gen. Sheridan but still he has not done his work. The 3rd Brig. Getting pay. Wrote two letters. 210 Recruits received for the 112th Regt, Co. All good hearty looking men and most of them good size. Went to the Depot in the evening. Feel kind of lonely. Weather warm and cloudy.
March 29th - Went outside of our lines and got some boards to fix our tent. In the afternoon put up a good tent and made a bunk so we are quite comfortable. Injured my back so it is quite painful. Sudwick mustered as Colonal and Dunham as Lieut Colonel. An order for drill four hours each day. Received two letters. Weather warm and showery. At four o'clock A.M. the Army of the Potomac started for Richmond.
March 30th - Too rainy for drill in the morning but not so in the afternoon. I had to attend to the drilling of the recruits in Co. I. More mail this morning. News good in the papers. Rumored that Jeff Davis has proposed that Lee and Grant shall settle the present difficulty for which we have been fighting so long. I suffered considerable with my back and hip. Weather showery but some signs of pleasant weather towards night.
March 31st - Superintended the drilling of the recruits in the forenoon and afternoon. Wrote a letter to Mattie. A small mail but none for me. I feel much better than yesterday. Was detailed for picket at half past three P.M. Had charge of the pickets of the first brigade numbering seventy men. A cavalry man shot accidently while on picket. Two of the 1st Alabama Cavalry taken prisoner while on a visit to a citizens house outside of our lines. Weather cloudy.
APRIL 1865
April 1st - Had a very pleasant night but rather cool towards morning. A good many citizens coming into our lines. The cavalry drawing clothing. Was relieved by Lieut. Aplin of the 112th at five o'clock P.M. Did not get to camp until nearly seven P.M. Capt. Hollister returned from the hospital. Various peace rumors but none reliable. I do not feel first rate. Am some lonesome. Weather warm but rather windy during the middle of the day.
April 2nd - Once more we are permitted to enjoy a sabbath in camp. I feel very thankful to God the Maker of all that we are thus privileged. Divine services by Chaplain Hyde in front of Col. Sudwick's quarters. It seems refreshing to attend meeting where we are deprived of them so much. Had a good wash in the creek. Wrote two letters and spent the rest of my time in reading the Bible. Weather warm and nice.
April 3rd - Richmond captured at 8 o'clock 30 A.M. Superintended drill in the forenoon. At half past eleven A.M. I was detailed to take charge of sixty men for teamsters from our Brig. Went to the depot with my squad and there met Lieut Robt. Weber of the 203rd Pa.Vols and a detail of one hundred men from the 2nd Brig. On the same business. March to Mt. Olive Station. Stopped for the night. Weather rainy. {LETTER 23}
April 4, Mount Olive - Had an excellent supper and breakfast with the hospital steward of the 9th Ohio. Cav. At half past eleven A.M/ we started for Goldsboro. Marched twelve miles in the forenoon; after dinner marched two miles to Goldsboro and encamped a little ways out of town. Like the looks of Goldsboro-first rate. Had a good stroll over town. Weather warm and the roads some dusty.
April 5, Goldsboro, N.C. - Spent the day in loafing around town. Drew one days rations for our detachment. Saw Gen. Logan. Think he looks very ugly. I think I should not like to do duty under him. An account of the attack on Gen. Grant's lines in the papers I received today. Not much sign of getting teams at present. A fire got started in a house in town but by the perseverance of the soldiers, the house was saved. Went to Faison on the cars. Arrived there at two o'clock A.M.
April 6, Faison's Depot, N.C. - Packed up and got ready to return to Goldsboro. Started at ten o'clock A.M. for Goldsboro. Waited at Depot until two o'clock P.M. for the train. Rode quite fast to Goldsboro. About ten o'clock A.M. the news came to Faison that Richmond was evacuated and Grant was pressing Gen. Lee's Army towards Danville. Loud cheering by the troops. All from Gen. down feel happy to think the strong hold of the rebellion has been captured. Despatches received at Goldsboro in the afternoon state that Grant has taken Richmond and Petersburg and twenty-five thousand prisoners, 500 pieces of artillery. A salute fired near Faison in honor of the great victory of over Lee. The N.Y. papers of the 3rd gives an account of the first two days opperations along our lines in front of Richmond. Everything works finely. O God be praised for his mighty works unto us, bless his name ever more. Weather warm. Roads dusty. Major Gen. Killpatrick came from Mt. Olive on the train that I was on.
April 7, Goldsboro - Steam ship Gen Lyon burnt off Hatteras. 521 lives lost. Commenced boarding in a private house. We got some teams but not all we want. Spent considerable time in bumming around town but got rather tired of it and made up my mind to spend my time in reading at my boarding place. I feel very thankful that I am blessed with good health and a comfortable place to stay. Heard a band play some very good pieces at Gen. Riley's Headquarters. Weather warm, rainy.
April 8 - Quite rainy during this night. Cool in the morning but warmer towards night. I feel near sick-my head and stomach feel very bad. Went downtown in the forenoon. Good news from Gen. Grant. He has captured Richmond and Petersburg, 2500 prisoners. Our loss estimated to be seven thousand and Gen. Lee's at 40,000. Great rejoicing by the soldiers, cheering in every camp, fireworks in the evening and the greatest enthusiasm manifested by the soldiers. Gen. Sherman made a cheering speech to the soldiers gathered about his headquarters.
April 9th - Gen. R. E. Lee surrendered the army of N.V. to Gen. U. S. Grant. Heard that our corps is to move tomorrow morning. Lieut Webber received orders to march with the 1st section of our wagon train taking one half of the surplus men with us. Attended pray meeting in a church in town. Went down to the Neuse river. Spent most of our time in bumming around town. The 2nd Div. Of the 3rd Corps passed through town. Rumored that Gen. Lee has been captured. Last night was cool but it is quite warm today.
April 10th - Received two letters last evening. Did not have a very good nights rest. The troops commenced moving through town very early in the morning in the direction of Raleigh. Some fighting with the cavalry in the forenoon. Our supply train loaded up. Reported that the 9th Corps is to garrison this place. Some rain during the day. About four o'clock P.M. we started to follow the train but it got along so slow that we went back to town and procured accommodations for the night at Mr. Britton's house. Mrs. Britton and Miss Britton was all of the family that was at home.
April 11th - Spent last evening quite pleasantly conversing with Mrs. Fannie E. Britton on the war question and the manner in which it is carried on. She being a bold southern lady it was quite interesting. At an early hour we bid Goldsboro and its inhabitants goodbye and marched to Coxes Bridge before resting much. Roads very bad and we had to wait some time for the teams. Crossed onto the south Neuse river at Coxes Bridge and halted for the night in the same field that we encamped in when here last month. Slept in a wagon with Lt. Webber. The 203rd Pa. Vols here to guard the train.
April 12, Goldsboro and Bentonsville, N.C. - About five o'clock A.M. we again took up our line of march. Roads good during forenoon but bad in the afternoon. Arrived at the battlefield near Bentonville about noon. The trees are very badly seared up with bullets which shows that the battle must have raged furiously. Quite a number of graves around in the woods. Some wounded belonging to the enemy are laying in Bentonville. Five now living out of 18 that was left there after the battle. Reported that our wounded prisoners were treated very kindly by the citizens of Bentonville. Encamped soon after dark. Left one wagon a little distance back. 300 head of cattle taken from the cavalry train just at daylight.
April 13, Near Smithfield, Johnson County, N.C. - The roads very bad a little in advance of our camp. It took until nearly night to get the train across the swamp. Lieut O'Brion sent back a team and some men for the rations in the wagon that we left behind last evening and the bushwhackers captured team, wagons, and men except one man that ran away. The teamsters was compeled to drive the team containing the rations back to Bentonvile and after issuing them to the citizens, they let the teamsters go. We went about five miles and encamped with Schofield's train.
April 14 - Anniversary of the capture of Ft. Sumpter. Marched until three o'clock this A.M. and then slept until nearly daylight and then got ready to go on. Soon after daylight we again started out and got along very nicely as the roads were good. About noon some rebs in our uniform rode up to Schofield's train and directed them to turn to the left as the enemy had attacked the train. They turned off and proceeded about half a mile when they took possession of about 40 wagons and made the drivers unhitch and drive the mules away except 3 or 4 wagons which they took along with them. They then set fire to most of the wagons and left in haste. The guards came up in time to extinguish the fire. Saved all except two or three wagons and burnt the rest. Parked about four o'clock P.M. twelve miles from Raleigh. Saw a good deal of pillaging done by the soldiers. A number of houses burnt in retaliation for attacking the train. A good many Sanders lives along our rout that we have passed today. A very good country, more hilly. Weather warm.
April 15th - Rainy the latter part of the night and all the forenoon. We started in very good season but the roads were so bad that we made very poor progress. Schofield abandoned fourteen or fifteen wagons for want of teams but thinks some of getting teams from Raleigh. Reported that Gov. Vance has surrendered this state to the Union forces. Had a hard days work but did not go more than six miles. Encamped just dark. Within six miles of Raleigh. Ate only one meal today and that was supper.
April 16, Raleigh, Johnson County, N.C. - At an early hour, I left the wagon train. Proceeded to the 112th Regiment. Arrived there at nine o'clock A.M. Found the boys encamped about one mile from town, enjoying good health and quite happy. All joyful over the late successes of our army. Our baggage came up to the regiment so we had the satisfaction of having a clean suit on once more. Moved camp and put up our tents in order. In the evening I visited Raleigh with Lieut. Brown but did not look around as much as I should like to have done for I heard we have orders to march at six o'clock A.M. tomorrow. Weather warm and clear.
April 17th - Orders to drill the recruits four hours each day from division headquarters. I went downtown in the morning. Reported that President A. Lincoln has been assasinated while in a theater in Washington City but the story needs confirmation. Various rumors about Gen. Johnson's surrendering his army. Gen. Sherman went out on the cars to try to agree upon terms with him. The report of A. Lincoln's death confirmed but still some doubt it yet. I was detailed as officer of the guard just dark. Had 60 men. Orders for officers and men to have a pass from Gen. Ames to visit town.
April 19th - Got ready for inspection in the morning but it was put over until one o'clock P.M. At one o'clock we got our things on for inspection but the order was countermanded and we was ordered to have a battalion drill and prepare for a grand review tomorrow at eight o'clock A.M. Received notice that the 2nd Division is to guard the city of Raleigh. One brigade to do duty in town, the division to go into permanent camp. Weather warm and dry. Officers meeting to take a action upon Dr. Washburn's death.
April 20th - At four o'clock A.M. we commenced getting ready for review, the knapsacks to all be packed alike and a rubber blanket to be rolled up and fastened on top of the knapsack. The companies to break into plattoons and pass in review instead of in company front. Each plattoon to have two file closers on inspection before we left camp. Gen. Sherman (the reviewing officer) was stationed at the capitol and we marched through town and back to camp. Arrived in camp about noon. {LETTER 24}
April 21st - Orders for squad drill from seven until nine and from ten until twelve A.M. and battalion drill from three until five o'clock P.M. A general inspection ordered for two o'clock P.M. and at the appointed time we formed line for purpose when we got the right wing inspected. It commenced raining so he did not complete the inspection. Jack Mahoney returned to the regiment. Lieut Penrock went to the hospital.
April 22nd - In the forenoon we got ready for inspection again but the order was finally countermanded. Went downtown to see the 20th A.C. reviewed by Maj. Gen. Sherman. No drill in the afternoon but orders for the men to get ready for Sunday inspection tomorrow. I had command of Co. I. on dress parade as Capt. Brown was on duty as Brig. Officer of the day. Received a letter from Freeman telling of his adventure with the gurrillas in Alabama.
April 23rd - Inspected I Co. at nine o'clock A.M. and found their arms in good condition. Divine services by Chaplain Hyde at half past ten A.M. He spoke very feelingly of the President's death and of the loss to our nation. I was detailed to take command of Co. A. but not to become responsible for the Co. property. Our payrolls came in the evening and it was reported that we are to be paid tomorrow or the next day. A cool day.
April 24th - Gen. Grant visited Raleigh. We moved camp about one hundred rods and fixed up in column of division. Received orders to be ready to march at ten o'clock A.M. on Wednesday. Reported that we are to follow up Johnson. O how I dread moving. Co's changed position in the line and they now stand from right to left. Got Co. A's payroll signed and ready for receiving pay. Orders changed so we are to move at half past five instead of ten A.M.
April 25th - About nine o'clock A.M. we formed line for a general inspection by the inspector of Gen. Pains. Division inspection was over about noon. After noon Maj. Tarr paid the regiment four months pay. I sent home for the boys $2041.00 (two thousand forty-one dollars). I received pay up to Jan 1st, 1865. Was very busy all the afternoon. Orders giving us five pack mules and horses for the line. Officers to carry their blankets and food. Weather warm.
April 26th - Gen. Joseph Johnson surrendered to Gen. Sherman. Packed all except our tent and blankets. Orders to not strike tents until ten A.M. but before ten o'clock orders came for no march until further orders. Carried boards more than half a mile and put up a comfortable tent with Capt. Crane. Bought me a hat and coat. Read a long account of the assassination of President Lincoln, the means used to capture J. W. Boothe, the assassin. I think he couldn't get away.
April 27th - Built a table and fixed a seat for making out muster rolls. Orders for the men to put up their tents 18 inches from the ground. The men busy nearly all the time building tents and grading the streets when off drill. I worked very hard on Co. A's muster rolls in the afternoon. Capt. Dixon assisted me. Reported that Gen Johnston has surrendered unconditionally to Gen. Sherman. Reported that General Sherman and Gen. Schofield left here on their car today. Weather very warm.
April 28th - I feel sick but still cannot stop work as the muster rolls must be made out. Drilled with the company drill in the forenoon and battalion drill in the afternoon. Worked until ten o'clock in the evening on the muster rolls. Reported that the 20th U.C. are to start on their homeward march next Sunday. A mail. One letter from Father for me. Our fare is pretty poor of late. Have hardtack and coffee-our principle living. Weather hot and showery.
April 29th - Worked very hard all day on muster rolls and got them ready to muster Co. at ten o'clock A.M. We were paraded by division to hear the order read and issued by the War Department announcing the death of Abraham Lincoln. All labor suspended except what is strictly necessary after the promulgating of the order. A salute of 13 guns fired early in the morning and one fired once in 20 minutes until night. Then a national salute of 13 guns. Flags to be displayed at half mast. All business places closed in town. Three roll calls per day ordered. An order for any furloughs to be granted not to exceed 3 days. ( ) Showery.
April 30th - A regimental inspection by Col Sudwick In the morning and also a muster for the months of March and April. Gen. Sherman's old army started on foot for Richmond. No drill or dress parade. Divine services by Chaplain Wm. Hyde at six o'clock P.M. All men ordered to attend. I feel hardly able to set up the tent. Still I kept at work writing until quite late in the evening. I feel quite anxious to get home. Weather cloudy. Commenced raining in the evening.
MAY 1865
May 1st - Had to drill the company twice in the forenoon and the company once in the afternoon besides going on Battalion drill and dress parade. Did not feel very well in the forenoon but better in the afternoon. Very windy and cool, disagreeable enough. I am getting tired of a soldier's life and long for the day when I can say I am free. Made out furlough for Hiram Whitney and Joseph Wright. Worked late with Capt. Dixon on muster rolls
May 2nd - Six hours drill each day. Orders to prepare for a general inspection the last of the week by Gen. Ames in person, a review to be immediately afterwards by Gen. Schofield. Traver returned to the Co. from imprisonment he having made his escape from the enemy. Reported in the paper that Boothe, the assassin, was killed on Garrett's farm near Port Royal, Md. Vengence was close upon him.
May 3rd - Another cold night. We got a shade fixed in front of our tent. I did not drill but only once in the forenoon and once in the afternoon. We drilled in the afternoon by brigade preparatory to a brigade parade dress at six o'clock P.M., a very nice affair. I like it so much better than regimental dress parade. A small mail. One of the 142nd buried. They had a regular funeral. The brigade band played for it.
May 4th - Sent in a pass to go to Raleigh and got it-approved at Division headquarters. Was detailed as officer of the regimental camp guard, had 26 men, two corporals, and a Sgt. Two drills in the forenoon but only one in the afternoon. Another brigade dress parade. I was where I could see it very plain and call it-a grand affair. A review by Col. Daggett after the parade. I feel about down sick. A slight shower in the afternoon.
May 5th - The furloughs returned approved. I was relieved from guard in the morning by Lieut. Button. Went downtown and spent the forenoon but did not find anything very interesting. Had charge of Co. A. on battalion drill and brigade dress parade. I feel very much like having the fever but hope it will wear off. A good sized mail but I got only one letter. Weather very warm and the parade ground dusty.
May 6th - No drill but orders to clean up for inspection. Orders from Gen. Ames to have the bunks raised 18 inches from the ground. Laid a floor in our tent A brigade dress parade followed by a review by Gen. Gerry. I had a good wash in the creek. Wrote a letter to Joseph. Pitt mustered as first lieut. A very windy and dusty day. I feel some better than yesterday but do not feel very tough.
May 7th - A Sunday morning inspection as usual. Co. A. in a neat condition. After inspection I visited. ( ) Spent quite a share of the day writing letters to send by Ira tomorrow. A part of the baggage for the brigade came from Wilmington today but none for our regiment. Weather very hot indeed. A regimental dress parade. Capt. Dixon took command of Co. A. and commenced acting as Adj.
May 8th - Twenty men went home from our regiment on thirty day furlough. Capt. Russ went with them. No drill of any kind. A brigade day-dress parade at five o'clock P.M. I had a long sleep in the daytime, the second time that I have done that since I have been here. Very windy. The dust flew very bad. Everything full of sand and grit. Commenced raining about dark.
May 9th - Our baggage came from Wilmington, two of the company rangers missing and a few of the wall tents. Orders for a gen. inspection by Gen. Ames at ten o'clock tomorrow. New clothing issued to the regiment. A battalion drill from two until four o'clock in the afternoon. No dress parade. Weather quite warm. Reported that the 47th N.Y. went to Goldsboro to guard an ammunition train.
May 10th - At an early hour commenced getting ready for inspection but was soon detailed to go to Hillsbury Orange County for the purpose of organizing a home guard and 2nd Lieut. Miller of the 142nd N.Y.Vols and Lieut Green of our regiment and seventy-five men from the 1st brigade left at eleven o'clock and marched to Morrisville and encamped for the night. Weather very hot. My feet considerable sore. Men pretty quiet.
May 11th - At four o'clock A.M. we packed up and a half past five we took up our line of march. At six o'clock we made coffee and then marched until ten o'clock and then rested until two o'clock. Clare of Co. A. stole some butter and got tied up by the thumbs for it. Marched very steady only making a short halt once every hour. Arrived at James ( ) where Gen. Johnston surrendered his army and put up for the night. Slept in the room where the papers were drawn up and signed.
May 12, Hillsboro, Johnson County, N.C. - At three o'clock A.M. I called the teamsters and had them feed ready for the march and at four o'clock we called up the men again. Resumed our march. After marching about three miles, we made coffee, then marched to Hillsboro. Arrived there about two o'clock. The men quartered in the Court House and Lieut. Green and myself obtained lodging at Mrs. Strand's and Capt Walling and Lieut Miller at Mr. Phillip's are to board at the latter place. I like the citizens very much and think I can content myself here. Weather cool.
May 13th - Had a gay old sleep on a feather bed. In the forenoon I went out with a detail from the 112th and got ten guns of various kinds and three sabers. In the afternoon we got six guns. Had a good many good chats with the citizens and like them for their boldness in telling me their views. A large number of good looking young ladies in town. A female Seminary nearby. Visited the Military Accadamy built by Col. ( ) that was killed at Sharpsburg while in the Confederate service. A very nice building. Weather warm and pleasant.
May 14th - Attended meeting at the Methodist Church in the forenoon, the congregation small, the sermon very long. Green peas for dinner. At half past two o'clock P.M. I started for Red Mountain with eighteen men, one corpl and Sgt. I rode the wagon master's horse and had the arms all put into the wagon. Marched to Mr. Lipscomb's, a distance of twelve miles and there put up for the night. Spent the evening very agreeably conversing with Mr. Lipscomb and Lady and two daughters. Weather cloudy and cool.
May 15th - Slept upon an excellent bed at Mr. Lipscomb's. At an early hour the men made coffee and soon after sunrise, we resumed our march. About seven o'clock we arrived at a cotton factory and rested about half an hour and then marched on to Mr. Addison Mangram's, a distance of five miles and then rested until two o'clock P.M. Partook of a very nice dinner, wine, beer, and milk to drink. At two o'clock we started for Hillsboro and marched to Turner's Mill. Bivouacked for the night. A rough country and rough roads. Weather very pleasant.
May 16th - At daylight we ate our scanty meal and about five o'clock we started for town. Arrived there at half past nine o'clock A.M. safe and sound but somewhat weary. Spent the remainder of the forenoon in reading Wheckler's History of North Carolina. Spent the afternoon loafing around town. We sent a man to Raleigh for mail. Had a long visit with Lieut. Davies and Sgt. Orvin of the Confederate army and honor them for their frankness. Weather quite warm.
May 17th - We bought 10 quarts of strawberries and had a real old feast-strawberries natural, strawberries as sauce, and strawberry pie. Our man returned from Raleigh with the mail and some late papers. Reported that the 1st Brig. has moved camp. I read considerable of the time. Reported last evening that Jeff Davis is a prisoner on his way to Washington D.C. and also that Gov. Vance has been arrested and is to go to Richmond. Surratt also a prisoner. Weather warmer than yesterday.
May 18th - An inspection of arms at nine o'clock A.M. Inspected the arms of the 112th and 117th N.Y.. The arms of the 117th dirty. Spent some time in writing. Had a long visit with W. J. Orley. A very refreshing shower soon after noon. Crops look very well. Greens for dinner as well as strawberries and other green trash. Quite a quantity of saltpeter made from the earth. The earth is of a reddish cast and contains considerable clay and a good many stones.
May 19th - A horse thief put in jail today by the name of Watson. I commenced reading The Children of the Abby. Read quite a good time. Hunting with Sgt. Craig of the 142nd N.Y.V but did not find any game. The particulars of Jeff Davis capture in the Raleigh Progress of today. He was captured at Irwinsville, Georgia. Had quite a visit with the village boys in the evening. Weather showery.
May 20th - Spent quite a share of my time in reading The Children of the Abby and find it very interesting. We purchased ten quarts of strawberries and four quarts of cherries and had a real feast. Had some new potatoes for dinner. Lieut. Green went out into the country in search of arms and had a very wet time as it rained very hard. Had a visit with Owen as usual in the evening.
May 21st - I attended meeting at the Methodist Church in the forenoon-preaching by Rev. Guthrie and he done first rate. Wrote a letter to Geo. A. Park. Had a pleasant walk around town and through the cemetry. Rather lonesome as I am not much acquainted in town. We cannot get many papers to read. A number of young gentlemen called on us in the afternoon. Heavy rain in the night.
May 22nd - Jeff Davis confined in Ft. Monroe, Va. An inspection as usual at nine o'clock A.M. Cherries, strawberries, and new potatoes to eat. Lieut. Green went to Turner's Mill. I went out beyond Faucett's Mill to Mr. Wolf's in search of gov't property. I got a mule, three muskets, four sabers. I made Mr. Standley a short visit and borrowed some late papers. Spent the evening in reading the news. I dread my day's work tomorrow for I suppose we are to leave town for Raleigh. Weather warm and cloudy.
May 23, Durham's Station, Orange County - The Army of the Potomack reviewed today at Washington, D.C. We made preparations for leaving the quiet town of Hillsboro. At noon we set out for Raleigh. Feeling quite sad to think we are to leave the peace of so many pleasant associations to see it no more while a soldier. Marched quite rapidly to Durham's Station. There we stopped in the old Methodist Church. Had a strong guard over Mr. Watson during the night. My feet quite tender. The weather very hot. Roads rough.
May 24th - Sherman's army reviewed today at Washington, D.C. We ate an early breakfast and then rested until ten o'clock for the Capt. to do some business and then started for camp. The boys got some whiskey and got pretty drunk and they soon had a hard fight and one or two got some bloody faces and we had to put two men into the wagons. Marched until sunset and then halted for the night. Got some mile and hard bread for supper. Weather hot.
May 25, Raleigh, N.C. - At six o'clock in the morning we started out on our forenoon march and marched very fast to camp, arriving there at nine o'clock. Found the brigade in a very pleasant grove northeast of Raleigh. Settled up our bill for eatables on our late excursion. Received seven letters when I got to camp. Commanded Co. I. on dress parade. Very warm.
May 26th - A rainy night. It rained so much in the forenoon that we could not drill. In the afternoon I went downtown and over to the 2nd Div. Supply train and coming back it rained very hard and I got wet enough. Two hours drill each fair day, one hours company drill and the other hour battalion drill. A small mail in the morning. No dress parade.
May 27, Near Raleigh - I had command of Co. I on company battalion drill as Capt. Crane is on court martial duty. Another small mail today. Various rumors about our being discharged but none very reliable. I spent the most of my time in reading the papers and writing letters. I don't feel very well but hope to wear it off. A strawberry cake for dinner. Weather very cold and rainy for this season of year.
May 28th - We had a Sunday inspection at eight o'clock A.M. The arms in excellent condition. I attended meeting in the city at eleven o'clock at the Episcopal Church. I did not enjoy it at all. It was formal and dry. Attended meeting in camp in the afternoon. Services by Chaplain Hyde. I spent the day in reading and visiting. Weather cloudy and comfortable.
May 29th - An inspection of arms. Two company drills of one hour each the forenoon. I don't feel able to be around being troubled with dizziness. The Captain and 1st Lieut of our regiment examined today to see who is competent to remain in the service. Orders for the 3rd Brig to be reviewed tomorrow and the 2nd Brig Wednesday and the 1st Brig on Thursday by Major Gen. Ames. Reg't dress parade. Weather cloudy and comfortable.
May 30th - I took charge of a camp guard of seventy men. Orders to allow no enlisted men to pass out of camp without a pass from brigade headquarters. I made a 10th Corps badge out of an old fashioned Spanish shilling. I was examined by the board appointed to determine who shall stay in the service. The number of men called for that their time expires before or on the last day of Sept. The 3rd Brig. reviewed on our parade ground at three P.M. They made rather a poor appearance.
May 31st - A general inspection at ten o'clock in the morning. I was not relieved from guard until after inspection. All the guards except one relief had to go on inspection. Various rumors about our being mustered out but none very reliable. I went downtown in the afternoon and assisted Lieut. Brazee in making out his ordanance returns. A regimental dress parade at six o'clock P.M. A Sunday school celebration in town in the evening. I did not attend. Weather warm.
JUNE 1865
June 1st - One year ago today we was engaged in the terrible battle of Cold Harbor, Va. in which we lost very heavily. Fast day as appointed by President Johnson, all unnecessary work. To be suspended by order of Maj. Gen. Schofield. We received one blank muster-out roll with orders to make them out immediately. I spent nearly the entire day in making out a record of Co. D. Services at six o'clock P.M. The whole Brig. formed together. Chaplins Hyde, Palmer, and the chaplain of the 117th officiated.
June 2nd - Spent considerable time in making out a history of Co.D. A company drill of half an hour in the forenoon. The 1st brigade was reviewed at three o'clock P.M. by Gen. Ames. The troops done excellent marching. I presume it is the last review the brigade will ever participate in. I had command of Co. I. Rec'd two letters. Made a badge for Sgt. Brasted. Had a nice wash in the creek. Weather very hot. Rumored that Kirby Smith has surrendered.
June 3rd - Orders for drill to be suspended. All duties except camp duties to be done away with. The officers busy at work on the muster-out rolls. I went on duty as officer of the guard, 70 men under my charge. Spent considerable time in making a roster of the officers of the 112th. Wrote some letters. I do not feel very well. My appetite pretty poor. Played a game of chess with Hollister in the evening. Very warm. A light shower in the night. {LETTER 25}
June 4th - At half past nine o'clock A.M. Lieut. Whipple relieved me from duty as officer of the guard. Attended church in the town in the forenoon and heard an excellent address delivered by Rev. Skinner, the Baptist pastor. He spoke very feelingly upon the condition of the country, the prospects of the people north and south. Attended meeting in the afternoon in camp. Weather very warm.
June 5th - Received two letters and a paper. Finished up my roster of the officers of the Regt. Visited Raleigh but did not find anything very interesting in town. Chaplain Hyde lost his horse while in town-supposed to be stolen. All detached men relieved today that their time expires on or before the 1st day of October next. A regimental dress parade at six o'clock P.M. Weather very hot.
June 6th - Our regimental horses sent to Gaston this morning en route for home. Chaplain Hyde's horse was found today by one of the headquarter guards about five miles from town. I made out about forty discharges for Co. I. which kept me pretty busy. Reported that we are to go to Gaston by rail and then on foot to City Point or Petersburg but I cannot vouch for the truth of the report. Weather warm until towards night, then cloudy.
June 7th - Worked hard all day making out a muster-out roll. Completed one above. The 142nd N.Y. Vols mustered out of the service of the United States. Received two small mails. All the officers very busy finishing up their papers so as to be ready to be mustered out as soon as possible. Blackberries for supper. We are soon to bid goodbye to camp life and all its various scenes of pleasure or pain but still I think but few will feel sad over it. Weather very warm.
June 8th - Finished up the discharges for Co. I. The 142nd N.Y.Vols started for home at nine o'clock this forenoon. The 3rd N.Y. formed a line and cheered them as they passed our regiment. Also gave them three cheers but without forming a line. I am glad to see them start for home after serving their country so long and faithfully. The 117th N.Y. was mustered out of the United States service this afternoon. Co. I's papers all finished up. Weather warm.
June 9th - I had quite a miserable time of it last night. Today was not much better. At night had very severe turn of diarrhea. We learned that Capt. Dixon and Russ and Lieut Hawley, Brown, Pitt, and Green and Whipple are to remain in the service. Reported that we are not to be mustered until next Monday. The men very impatient to be on their way home. A good deal of thunder hit but no rain today.
June 10th - I sent my final statement by Lieut. Green in hopes of getting pay on them. Made up a box containing one quilt, pillow, one overcoat, and some other small articles. Directed the box to Nason Hoyt. Lieut. Cobb and Hawley sent in their resignations. I spent considerable time playing chess with Lt's Pitt and Picket. The 117th started for home at eight o'clock A.M. The 3rd N.Y. turned out and gave them six rousing cheers. Rainy in the afternoon and eve.
June 11th - Attended meeting at the Baptist Church in the city. I did not enjoy it vey well, the service was so long and void of interest. In the afternoon I attended services in camp, probably for the last time as undoubtedly before another sabbath we will be on our way home. We received orders to make out two more muster-out rolls. Four funerals in the town today. A regimental dress parade at half past five P.M.
June 12th - I was quite busy reading for Capt. Crane and Gen. Gibson to copy a muster roll. We got them done about half past three. Between four and five o'clock in the afternoon we was mustered out of the U.S. service by 1st Lieut. Benj. Seaward of the 8th N.Y.Vols. I sent my final statement by Lt. Green. Weather warm. In the afternoon it rained considerable. Ill feelings between myself and Capt. Talcott.
June 13th - Lt. Gen. Scott's 79th birthday. I was detailed to go on guard but before guard mounting, I was detailed to go to town to assist Lt. Seward in comparing the muster rolls of the 112th. Augustus Blood of G Co. went with me. I've worked pretty hard. Got done about six o'clock P.M. We had quite a pleasant time. Quite showery in the afternoon. We are expecting to leave tomorrow morning.
June 14, Gaston - At an early hour we commenced packing up but did not get any orders until half past seven A.M. At nine o'clock we bid farewell to camp and camp life and the officers and men of our regiment that have been transfered to the 3rd N.Y. The 3rd formed line and give us three cheers as we quit camp; a good many wet eyes on the occasion. Many pleasant scenes that we are to leave, as well as some very unpleasant ones. But still I prefer going home to spend a few months. At ten o'clock we left Raleigh, 307 men and 23 officers. Twelve or thirteen cars composed the train. We had a very comfortable ride. Arrived at Gaston at half past four P.M. and then crossed the Roanoke River in small boats. Had a very good supper of bisquit, butter and beans. Very warm during the forenoon. Showery towards night.
June 15, Bellfield - At seven o'clock A.M. we started out with five cars and about half of the regiment and went up to Summit Station and there the engine went back and brought up the rest of the regiment. At nine o'clock we left Summit Station. Run very slow until we got within about ten miles of Belfield Station and there we found a ( ) broke down and we had to take another train of four flats and one box car. We jogged along very slow until we got to Nottiway river. I then walked to Stony Creek Station. Rested for the night. Our wagons delayed so officers without rations and blankets.
June 16, Petersburg, Va. - About seven o'clock we started out. After marching a little ways we got scattered. I marched direct to Petersburg. I had a very hard march and was very tired out. I saw the old fortifications around Petersburg. Passed through Ft. Hell and Damnation, the former being our old fort, the latter belonging to the rebs-the works look very formidable. I arrived at Petersburg at four o'clock P.M. At six o'clock we started for City Point on the cars. Arrived there about half past six. Petersburg hardly damaged by our shells.
June 17, City Point - Had a very comfortable nights rest in an old joiner's shop. The Reg't arrived at City Point a little after noon. About five o'clock P.M. we went on board the steam ship Sea Gull but it was so late when we got the baggage loaded that we concluded to remain at the dock until morning. Some ill feeling about the men and officers. Weather very warm and showery.
June 18, On Board the Steam Ship Sea Gull - We had no accommodations on the boat except the deck. Nearly all the officers slept on the deck which I found very comfortable. At half past five we started down the river and at half past twelve we arrived at Ft. Monroe and waited there two hours to take on water. Then started on our way to Baltimore. Had a very pleasant days sail. Weather clear and very warm.
June 19, Baltimore, Md. - Arrived at Baltimore early in the morning. Disembarked and lay on the dock until about ten o'clock. Then marched over to the depot and got on some freight cars. At noon started for Elmira. Rode very slow as we were on an extra train and had to stop quite often for other trains to pass. The boys got pretty drunk during the morning but we got along very well. The cars leak. Pretty rainy during the afternoon.
June 20, Williamsport, Pa. - We did not have a very comfortable time during the night as we could not lay down and had nothing but a rough board seat to sit on. At daylight we found ourselves at Williamsport and had to wait some time for trains to pass but finally got on the move again. Arrived at Elmira at eleven o'clock A.M. At twelve noon we started for Buffalo in comfortable coaches. Arrived at Buffalo about nine P.M. The men were given supper. After the soldiers rest. The officers at the hotel.
June 21, Westfield, N.Y. - We commenced making preparations for the ceremonies of a reception that we are to receive today. About ten o'clock A.M. the 74th regiment made their appearance and escorted us up to Camp Porter. The streets filled with people. Two arches over the street and over Main Street with the motto of Heroes Welcome Home thrown to the defenders of our flag. At the barracks we was provided with a very nice dinner gotten up by the citizens of the town. After supper we turned over our shelter tents and all camp garrison equippage except the haversacks, canteens, and knapsacks which was given to the men. Some of the men carried their arms home with them at $6.00 apiece. At four o'clock started for home. Cars arrived at Westfield just sunset at night, then started for ( ) with a double train ( ).
June 22, Clymes, Chatauqua County, N.Y. - We rode very slow until a few minutes after sunrise when we arrived at Panama. Then I walked home. Found my folks as well as usual. Spent the day in fixing up and visiting. I feel pretty sleepy but am bound to keep around. I don't feel as though I was in my right place, to be away from soldiers and the busy home of the army. Weather cool.
June 23rd - In the forenoon I went up to the Smises and looked over his place and visited with him and family. In the afternoon, I went over our town line and visited with folks and all the neighbors from there to Uncle Spinney's. Found them all well pleased to see me as far as could be told by appearances. Weather was pleasant.
June 24th - Had an excellent nights rest at Uncle Spinney's. In the forenoon Chadwicks and Fillotsons folks. In the afternoon visited then walked home. Wrote a letter to Capt Oley to see about some money that Lieut. Potter gave him to get some gloves with for Co. D. Weather very warm.
June 25th - I spent my time at home. Slept considerable as I did not feel very well. Wrote three letters.
June 26th - Spent the forenoon at home. In the afternoon I went to Panama and visited all my friends. They were very much rejoiced to see me unless appearances are very deceiving. Quite showery.
June 27th - I was at home until near night then I went down to Dr. Packs. I did not get home until after dark. Weather cold and windy.
June 28th - Spent the forenoon in fixing up and writing a letter. At noon I started for Buffalo. Rode over to Westfield. Arrived at Westfield at 4 o'clock and started from there at 8. Arrived at Buffalo about ten o'clock. Put up at hotel.
June 29, Buffalo - Early in the morning went up to Ft. Potter to get paid but found that I had to wait until eleven o'clock tomorrow. I sat for some photographs. The boys enjoying life pretty fast today, a good many of them pretty drunk. I spent considerable time running around the hotel. Quite comfortable. Weather warm and showery towards night.
June 30th - Promptly at eleven o'clock went up to fort.
JULY 1865
July 1st - Early in the morning went up to the fort but had to wait until about eleven o'clock A.M. before the Paymaster got ready to pay off the men. The men all paid off but the officers could not get their pay. I got $111.20 on my Final Statements. Bought me some clothes and album. Very rainy in the evening and very heavy thunder. The lightning struck the Bonny House (hotel) but done no damage it being protected with lightning rods.
July 2, Westfield, N.Y. - At twenty minutes past twelve o'clock this A.M. I left Buffalo on the cars. Arrived at Westfield at three. The boys pretty drunk. I walked up to Mr. Boyces. Found them in bed. Visited with Aunt Websters folks a little while in the afternoon.
July 3rd - I rode about twelve miles and walked the rest of the way home. Found Freeman at home and had quite a visit with him.
July 4th - Quite early in the morning I started for Jamestown with Freeman and Mr. ( ). Walked to Panama Station, then rode to Jamestown on the cars. I did not enjoy myself at all. I was sorry enough because I went. At half past nine P.M. we came back to Panama Station on the cars and then walked home with Freeman. Arrived at home at half past two in the morning.
July 5th - I found Joseph, his wife and child at our house when I got home. Spent the day in visiting. Weather warm.
July 6th - Went to Panama with Freman then up on town line. Spent the afternoon in visiting with Uncle Spinney's folks and Joseph Hoyt and lady. I lost my necktie and badge pin. Weather extremely warm.
July 7th - Stayed at Uncle Spinney's last night. Walked over home and then to Lewises and assisted him in getting the sills under his barn. Returned home at three o'clock P.M.
July 8th - Joseph and his wife started for home soon after breakfast. I spent the day in reading, writing and visiting. I do not feel quite as well as common. Weather quite rainy.
July 9th - I attended the funeral services of Stillman Brooks at ten o'clock A.M. at Panama.
July 10th - In the morning Freeman and I went down to get a horse to go to Clymer with but we were doomed to disappointment so we walked to Clymer. Had a very pleasant visit with Dr. Graves and family. Attended meeting in the evening at the Baptist Church
July 11th - In the forenoon I went over to ( ) and back. Rode back to Clymer Center with Burdett Blygh. Had a good visit with him. Visited Ellison's folks in the evening. A good hay day, the first we have had.
July 12th - Mowed for Father until half past ten A.M. Went to Panama. Forwarded my papers concerning my last time. Good hay day. Rainy in evening.
July 13th - I mowed nearly all day but considerable tired. Weather cool. I got my blanks for making affidavit as to my non indebtedness.
July 14th - Mowed a little while in the morning then went to Panama to forward my papers to get my certificate of non indebtedness from the Ordnance Dept. at Washington D.C. Raked hay in the afternoon. Weather rather cool.
July 15th - ( ) up what hay we had in the ( ). In the afternoon I went over to town line with Freeman. Weather showery.
July 16th - Quite rainy until near noon. We walked home from town line. We went over to Ellises, took supper, and had a very good visit in the evening. Rainy and cool.
July 17th - I spent the entire day in mowing. Freeman went to Warren. In the evening I went over to the Dodges and visited with Evoline and Adelaid Ellis. Weather windy and cool.
July 18th - Worked pretty hard mowing and raking getting in the hay. Mr. Ellis hauled in three loads for us. The best hay day we have had but it looks like rain tomorrow. I found my neck pretty bad working in the sun.
July 19th - We got in two loads of hay with Mr. Dodges oxen. Raked up some but did not get it all raked as it rained too hard. Visited Mr. Ellises folks in the afternoon.
July 20th - Mowed until about five o'clock P.M. then raked hay until eight. Wrote a letter. Don't feel very well. My neck and shoulders quite lame. Weather cloudy but no rain.
July 21st - We mowed until noon then raked until it rained but did not get our hay all up in shape for a well time. A very rainy evening.
July 22nd - Went to Panama in the forenoon and did not get back until half past three P.M. Then raked hay until sunset. A good deal of rain fell last night. Ground soft and muddy.
July 23rd - I went over to town line to meeting with Freeman. Weather quite warm.
July 24th - Spent the forenoon in mowing for Father. Ellis and Father and me got in six large loads after six o'clock. Finished work at half past seven.
Men from Co. D. wounded at Ft. Fisher on Jan 15, 1865: Philip Decker, James Green wounded in left thigh, George Whitford , John Esselink wounded in neck and died Feb 7, 1865.
January 19, 1866 - November 19, 1866
Jan 19, Cleveland, Ohio - Two lectures from Barnes in the forenoon. Also one from Blair. In the afternoon Beckwith and Sanders gave us instructions in their departments. One class commenced dissecting this afternoon. I spent the evening at Mr. Peck's on Jackson St. Muddy.
Jan 20th - In the morning Beckwith gave us a lecture two and a half hours long without notes. Two clinics. In the afternoon I went downtown but found the weather much too cold for comfort. Dr. Allen and Lowes went to Berea on a reserecting tour but did not succeed and returned about four o'clock in the morning.
Jan 21st - I attended meeting at the second Presbyterian Church in the forenoon. Walked downtown in the afternoon. Very cold and windy.
Jan 22nd - Dr. Lowes commenced rooming with me. Received a letter from Mrs. Spinney. One class-dissecting. Weather cold.
Jan 23rd - We had a lecture from Dr. Schneider instead of Beckwith. Beckwith absent on business but he sent us word he was looking for dissecting material. Snowed all day.
Jan 24th - Saw some horses drove in buggy without lines, merely by the motion of the whip. In the evening the students attended a party at Prof. Sanders. Slaying best of the season.
Jan 25th - Our usual number of lectures in the forenoon but in the afternoon the Prof's did not make their appearances in season and we adjourned until evening. Weather mild and sleighing good.
Jan 26th - We got our complement of lectures today. Prof. Humiston lectured on iron. My head ached so I did not enjoy it much. A little warmer.
Jan 27th - We had quite a number of clinics in the forenoon. In the afternoon the graduating class were examined for obstetrics. In the evening experiments by Humiston were interesting.
Jan 28th - Heard the funeral sermon of a young lady preached at the 1st Baptist Church. In the afternoon went to college and Mr. Coopers with Sarah Roscoe.
Jan 29th - Prof's Wilson, Blair, and Sanders in the forenoon and Barnes and Schneider in the afternoon. Wrote a letter to Lewis. Slaying pretty much gone. Weather warm.
Jan 30th - Sent some Calcara and Bryonia to Lydia. Dr. Jones went out into the country to see about a place for practice next summer. Clear and pleasant in the evening.
Jan 31st - Prof. Beckwith returned last evening and lectured to us today. We heard of Prof. Allen's arrest and release in Washington D.C. Weather warm and windy.
Feb 1st - Prof. Barnes finished his regular course of lectures. One subject came today. I received a draft of thirty dollars from J. Spinney. Weather cold and windy.
Feb 2nd - Two lectures from Beckwith and two from Sanders. Beckwith lectures on ligations of the carotid arteries and on embolining. Another subject received. Cold and windy.
Feb 3rd - Beckwith lectured two hours and a half. No clinics. Barnes examined the graduating class. Hamiston gave us experiments on electricity in the evening.
Feb 4th - In the forenoon I attended meeting at the 3rd Presbyterian Church. Wrote some letters in the afternoon. Cold and windy.
Feb 5th Prof. Allen returned from Washington bringing another subject. Attended the Cuyahoga Co. Medical Association in the evening at the college. Talk of purchasing Water Cure for the hospital agitated briskly.
Feb 6th - I sent to Freeman for ten dollars. Wrote two letters in the evening and done a little studying. Weather clear and cool.
Feb 7th - Two lectures on amputations of the leg. I got very tired. In the evening we had a mock trial of Bridget Hogan for infanticide. Allie prosicuting attorney and Biggar for deffence, Wilson for judge.
Feb 8th - Saw Mr. Martin's thigh cut open for necrosis caused by fracture. I commenced dissecting a negroe lad-my first experience in dissecting.
Feb 9th - Dr. John W. Hughes hanged at ten minutes past one for murder. He claimed to have been unconcious when he done the deed by reason of being drunk. Spent the evening at Mr. Coopers. Pleasant weather.
Feb 10th - Prof. Allen lectured to us in the morning. I spent the entire afternoon in dissecting. Enjoyed it first rate. Weather warm and rainy.
Feb 11th - I spent the most of the forenoon reading as it was too rainy to attend church. In the afternoon I went out to East Cleveland to see the place.
Feb 12th - Worked all the time at dissecting except during lecture hours. Went downtown in the evening. Weather quite cool, freezing some.
Feb 13th - I read considerable during the day and evening. Prof. Willey lectured two hours without intermission. Went up to Mr. Pecks in the evening. Weather mild.
Feb 14th - I spent the afternoon in dissecting and missed Dr. Willey's lectures which makes only four that I have lost since college commenced. Visited Mr. T. H. Jackson's folks at No. 43 Jackson Street. Cold and windy toward night.
Feb 15th - Attended lectures for the last time this term. Did not do any dissecting. Called at Mr. Coopers. Weather 10 deg. below zero.
Feb 16th - At seven o'clock A.M. I took a cab from the Depot and at eight o'clock bid adieu to Cleveland. Arrived at Toledo a little after noon. Waited there until three o'clock, then proceeded to Detroit, arriving there a little after dark and had to wait until eleven o'clock thirty minutes in the evening for the cars. Weather very cold, 15 degrees below zero.
Feb 17, Holly, Michigan - Arrived at Holly about three o'clock this A.M. Stopped at the hotel until daylight then went to Uncle Isaac Webster's and spent the day. A little warmer.
Feb 18th - Spent the day visiting as none of the folks wanted to attend church. I feel better after getting a good nights rest. Weather mild.
Feb 19, East Saginaw, Michigan - At seven o'clock A.M. started for the depot and had to wait half an hour for the cars. Arrived at Saginaw at half past twelve. Spent the afternoon and evening in the office. Moderate weather.
Feb 20th - Worked--quite busy arranging medicines in the office. Received a letter from Prof. Allen. Had a severe backache. Pleasant.
Feb 21st - I did not do much work for I was too sick-have a bad cold. Received three letters. Sleighing nearly disappeared.
Feb 22nd - I washed a few bottles and had to rest the remainder of the time, my head and back ached so hard. Had a slight chill. Weather cold.
Feb 23rd - I walked up to the house in the morning but had a very sick day. Had a slight chill and very severe headache. I suffered more than I have during the past six months.
Feb 24th - I was considerable better. Went to Saginaw City to see a child that had its hip injured. I suffered considerable..
Feb 25th - I went to the office and wrote a letter. My throat very sore and my head feels strange. We had oysters for dinner. Weather pretty cool.
Feb 26th - Done considerable work in the office. In the evening I went up on 4th Street to see a fire and before I got back another one broke out. Weather cold.
Feb 27th I felt much better than any day for a week past. In the evening I attended the Masquerade Skating Carnival. Enjoyed it very well. Weather beautiful.
Feb 28th - I went to the city to see Miss Moore. Had an excellent visit. Done considerable work in the office. Mild and pleasant.
MARCH 1866
March 1st - At two o'clock this A.M. we had quite an extensive fire on Franklin Street, four or five buildings destroyed and three homes. And 3 hogs burnt alive. Warm and mild.
March 2nd - Damage by fire night before last estimated at about $10,000.00 in the morning papers. I worked very hard in the office. Quite rainy during the day and evening.
March 3rd - I spent the most of the day reading as the office is in pretty good shape. Wrote a letter in the evening.
March 4th - Attended meeting at the Methodist Church-preaching by Rev. Taylor. Spent the afternoon in reading and writing. Freezing weather.
March 5th - I commenced reading Anatomy. Sent some nitric acid and Silicia to John B. Webster, also some Cal Caras and Macrotine to Aunt Webster. A masquerade carnival on the skating park. Weather cool.
March 6th - Mr. Bennet, the living skeleton, died yesterday evening. A Miss Perkins came near being drowned by breaking through the ice while skating. Cool.
March 7th - I worked very hard cleaning the office and got it done in good shape. Attended the Social at Mr. Burrels in the evening. Weather pleasant but cold.
March 8th - I commenced treating Mrs. Stork today for Metoragia, my first patient in Saginaw since my return. Rec'd a letter from Aunt Hoyt, Sarah Spinney, and Sarah Meeker. Pleasant and cool.
March 9th - I visited Mr. Kelly on the west side, also visited Mrs. Stork in the afternoon and evening. Am afraid she will not live. About two inches of snow fell last night. Cold weather.
March 10th - I did not sleep very much last night it being so late when I returned from Mr. Storks. Mrs. Stork some better. I don't feel quite as well as usual. Pleasant and moderate.
March 11th - A dwelling house destroyed by fire between seven and eight this morning. I attended meeting at the Presbyterian Church. Snowed last night but rained some during the day.
March 12th - I feel about sick. Visited Mrs. Stork and found her much better. Daily paper not printed until eleven o'clock A.M. Weather mild.
March 13th - I feel much better today. Received a letter from ( ). Gold closed at one thirty and a half. Weather quite warm and rainly in the evening.
March 14th - I heard from J. Webster. Read considerable on Physiology. In the evening attended the Methodist Social at Mr. Whalons. Very muddy walking.
March 15th - I visited Mrs. Stork but did not find her much improved. I heard that Mother was sick. Very muddy walking. A little snow feel in the afternoon.
March 16th - Done considerable work preparing medicines at the office and wrote to Father asking him to write how Mother is. Cold and freezing in the afternoon.
March 17th - A celebration of St. Patrick's day by the Irish. A procession marched around town in the forenoon and a supper at the Bancroft in the evening. Weather very cold.
March 18th - Attended meeting at Methodist Episcopal Church. Went down by the depot a little before dark to a fire. Weather a little warmer than yesterday.
March 19th - I did not study much. Had a slight tough of the ague. A boy got his finger badly bitten by another boy. Weather more moderate.
March 20th - I went to Zilwaukie with Dr. Spinney. Got very chilly. Had a very hard ague chill. We had a very hard hailstorm with thunder and lightning.
March 21st - Another fire last evening but little damage done. I feel better than yesterday. Weather very pleasant, quite warm.
March 22nd - A Republican caucaus this evening. I went to Carlton to dress a young man's arm that had been badly burnt but another Dr. had been sent for. Weather pleasant.
March 23rd - Gold 127 and one eighth today. Some snow fell last night but it melted considerable today. We opperated upon Mr. Cummings childs lip. It was very bad. We had to cut off a piece of the jaw bone.
March 24th - We went and saw the child that we opperated upon yesterday and found it doing nicely. I don't feel quite as well as usual. Squally weather.
March 25th - I attended meeting at the M.E.Church in the forenoon. I wrote five letters during the day and evening. Weather very cold and wintery.
March 26th - I had another slight touch of the ague but not enough to shake much. Received a suit of clothes from Freeman worth $43.00. A nice fit. Weather very pleasant.
March 27th - I don't feel any symptoms of the ague today. Received a photograph of Freeman. We took one pin out of that boys lip that we fixed last Friday. Warm and pleasant weather. I applied for a license.
March 28th - I had another hard shake of the ague but felt quite comfortable in the evening. Visited at Mr. Phillips in the evening. Snowy weather.
March 29th - I put up one hundred and thirty bottle of bitters. Weather clear and warm and the snow melted considerable. I feel first rate today.
March 30th - We went and saw Cummings child and found all the pins out of his lip and doing well to all appearances. Mr. Burns that was injured yesterday by the breaking of the fly wheel at the Bancroft died last night. Snow in evening.
March 31st - Gold 127 and three fourths. I visited Mrs. Pierson and found her pretty sick. I received a letter from Susie Meeker. Weather warm and it looks like spring.
APRIL 1866
April 1st - In the forenoon I attended the Methodist quarterly meeting in company with Miss Moore. Elder Joslin preached a good sermon. Had oysters and eggs for dinner. Weather warm.
April 2nd - It snowed some last night but rained very hard during the morning and the streets were almost impassable. I voted a straight Republican ticket. The Republican ticket was elected by a large majority.
April 3rd - I made Mrs. Stork a visit and found her much better so to be able to be about the house. We had a sugar party at Dr. Spinney's in the evening. Weather warm and nice.
April 4th - I was called up about four o'clock this A.M. to go see Mrs. Mosier about one mile west of here. Did not get back until after daylight. Attended a Social at Mr. Whalons on Hoyt Street. Weather warm and cloudy.
April 5th - The river clear of ice except a few floating pieces. Two steamers took a short trip, the first of the season. George Davis went east. A little cooler.
April 6th - Boats commenced running to Bay City. I feel much better than what I did one week ago. Weather cool and rather windy. A sugar party at the Everett House.
April 7th - I had a tooth fixed for filling. Mr. Fox went away on a visit. I attended the Choir school at the M.E.Church in the evening. Cool weather.
April 8th - I wrote three letters and attended meeting at the Congregational Church in the forenoon and the M.E.Church in the evening. Mr. Hough preached an excellent sermon in the forenoon. Pleasant.
April 9th - I had a tooth filled by Dr. Smith. I commenced learning the trade of dentistry. Wrote a letter in the evening. Weather warm and pleasant.
April 10th - I visited Mrs. Stork and made an ocular examination of u________, my first experience. Could not learn much on account of hemorrhage. Weather pleasant in forenoon but rainy in the evening.
April 11th - I went to a sugar party with J. Phillips folks and had a gay time. Attended Social in the evening.
April 12th - I did not read much for I did not feel well. In the evening, I attended a party at H. Randall's and had a good time although the company was small. Rainy in the afternoon.
April 13th - I studied quite hard until evening. I commenced treating Mr. McAboy's wife and child. Cool but pleasant weather.
April 14th - Dr. Spinney was gone all day and I had to attend to the office. I done $10.00 worth of business and Spinney done more. Weather cool and pleasant.
April 15th - I went up to J. Houghes in the forenoon. Visited four patients and charged $9.00. Attended meeting at the M.E.Church in the evening. Clear and cool.
April 16th - I read quite steadily during the afternoon. The Varieties Theater commenced at the Bellview Hall in the evening. I sent Geo. Davis half dozzen photographes.
April 17th - Miss Burns at J. Houghes died last night. McAboy's chld much worse. I do not feel quite as well as common. Weather warm.
April 18th - Dr. Spinney went to see McAboy's child and found him a little (word missing). I got very wet coming down from supper. Rec'd a letter from Lt. Ellis containing his photograph.
April 19th - I bought some fish for 3 cts per pound. There is loads in market. Attended the launching of the tug Herculeus. Cool and misty. Cannery burnt last night.
April 20th - I was out to see the Brewery on Tuscola Street-burnt last night-loss quite heavy, insurance $1,700. Wrote to Uncle Spinney to hurry up that money. Weather damp in the forenoon but pleasant in the afternoon.
April 21st - I assisted Spinney in dressing McDonald's head (about twelve o'clock last night). His head very bad. Fifteen wounds in head and face, some of which are very bad. A fire at the City. Very windy.
April 22nd - I attended meeting and Sunday School at Saginaw City and Sunday School in East Saginaw in the afternoon. Learned of Jennie Moore's death. Weather very pleasant.
April 23rd - Business very good today. Smallpox reported in town but I decided that it was not smallpox but chickenpox-quite a chance for excitement over it. Very windy.
April 24th - I received a box of medicine also some vaccine matter. I went to the depot to see Mrs. Lansing start home, Weather cold and windy.
April 25th - We had a deal of sport fooling folks on a wooden man used for a sign. I quit visiting McAboy's child if improvement goes on. Very cool and windy.
April 26th - I feel quite miserable from some cause but hope it will not last long. I worked quite hard in the office. Weather more moderate.
April 27th - I am feeling some better than yesterday. Reported that the Detroit and Milwaukee R.R. depot at Detroit was burned last night. I read quite steadily. Weather more mild.
April 28th - Two alarms of fire but the fire engines did not get a chance to do anything as the fires were extinguished before they got to them. M.E. Quarterly meeting commenced this evening. Weather warm and windy.
April 29th - I attended meeting at the M.E.Church and heard a good sermon by Rev. Shaw. Very pleasant weather.
April 30th - Business for the last month has amounted to a little over $700.00, $45.00 of which I have done. We have only lost one patient and did not have the treatment of that until past help. Cold and windy.
MAY 1866
May 1st - We had a little snow in the morning but rain soon followed. The afternoon was quite disagreeable. Business dull. A fire in the afternoon.
May 2nd - A busy day for Spinney. I was not idle much of the time. We had quite a hard freeze and a cold north wind during the day.
May 3rd - I felt very much like having the ague consequently I did not study much. Rec'd a letter from Sarah Spinney. I had a game of Euchre in the evening for the first time in 5 years. A little warmer.
May 4th - A large amount of business to attend to. A little girl badly burned, also a boy injured in the side with a knife. Weather warm in the forenoon but cool in the afternoon.
May 5th - I have a bad throat which prevented my studying somewhat. I lanced a fellow's eye that got it shut up in a row last night.
May 6th - Attended meeting at the Congregational Church in the forenoon and Sabbath Scholar the same place in the afternoon. Also attended meeting in the evening. Weather mild and pleasant.
May 7th - I felt very well and worked and studied considerable. Received a letter from Freeman. Dr. sold his lot next to where he lives.
May 8th - I spent nearly the entire day in study at the office. Attended meeting in the evening at the Congregational Church. Rainy in the afternoon.
May 9th - Visited Mr. McAboy's little girl in the morning. Studied very hard. Attended meeting at the Congregational Church in the evening. Rec'd 3 letters. Warm and pleasant.
May 10th - I have a very sore throat-had it cauterized but without much relief. Studied hard on some cases that I am treating. Dr. Childs of Cleveland Clinic came in this afternoon. I attended meeting in the evening.
May 11th - Visited a patient that's sick with the smallpox. I do not feel very well. Played cards with Childs and Hall until late in the evening.
May 12th - Washed the case in the forenoon and made some arnica cerate (?) in the afternoon. Attended choir school in the evening.
May 13th - I wrote three letters. Attended meeting at the Congregational Church in the forenoon and evening. Also attended the Sabbath school. Pleasant but cool and windy.
May 14th - I worked hard all the forenoon making Nux Vomica tincture. In the evening I visited Ira Mosier's child across the river. After my return, attended meeting.
May 15th - One year ago today I was at Hillsboro, N. C., a soldier of the United States. I worked quite hard fixing medicines. Was out in the evening through a hard shower.
May 16th - I spent the day prepareing medicines, making high potencies mostly. I do not feel well. Weather very cold for this time of the year.
May 17th - I had quite a hard job in the morning helping Mr. Button move his pianoe. I am feeling some better than yesterday. Attended meeting in the evening. A hard frost last night.
May 18th - I received a letter from Miss D. E. Moore. I wrote two letters. Miss De Lavergne returned from York State. I heard Elden Coles preach in the evening. Quite warm.
May 19th - Dr. Spinney was away all day so I had to stay in the office the most of the time. I went to choir school a little while in the evening. Weather very warm.
May 20th - In the forenoon I wrote two letters. Went to Carlton with Dr. Spinney. In the afternoon I attended Sabbath School and wrote one letter. Visited at Mr. Wheeler's in the evening.
May 21st - I had to go over to Mr. Mosher's about ten o'clock. Did not get back until one o'clock this A.M. Done considerable business. Cold and windy weather.
May 22nd - I visited five patients in the forenoon but spent the afternoon in the office. I set for some photographs. Weather cold and windy.
May 23rd - I went to Saginaw City and Solina after tea and did not get back until half past eight. Attended meeting at the Congregational Church. Cold weather.
May 24th - Queen Victoria's birthday. I heard of Lucretia Lucas' marriage to Mr. Peck. In the afternoon I went up to Weaver's Salt Block on the Cass River. A little warmer than yesterday.
May 25th - I had to go up to Weaver's Salt Block again. I found the sick folks doing very well. I feel pretty tired. Quite warm.
May 26th - I had to go up on the Cass River again. I had a very busy day and so did Spinney. A cold raw wind and some signs of rain but it did not come.
May 27th - I wrote four letters. Attended Church. I went to see Mr. Davison in the evening. He fell and hurt his side while hanging paper. Rained all day.
May 28th - Mr. McAboy's child died yesterday. I went up on the Capp River in the forenoon. Roads muddy. Business amounted to about $40 today. Rained some in the afternoon.
May 29th - I spent the most of my time in the office. Did not visit any patients. Attended meeting in the evening. Showery in the foreonoon.
May 30th - I worked very hard all day making cough syrup. Maj. Gen. Winfield Scott died yesterday at five minutes past eleven o'clock. I attended a Social at Burrell's in the evening. Cool but pleasant.
May 31st - I went up to Weavers Salt Block in the forenoon. Spent the afternoon studying. Attended Church in the evening then went to the New Confectionary Store and had some ice cream.
JUNE 1866
June 1st - We done business to the amount of $880.65 during the month of May, $25.00 of which I done. Read quite a share of the day. In the evening was at Dr. Spinney's. Had ice cream et cetra. I enjoyed myself very well. I am feeling much better than any time previous this spring. Warm and pleasant.
June 2nd - I bought two linen coats, one vest, and a pair of pants. Went up to Weaver's Salt Block in the afternoon. A Fenians (?) signal went up in the evening. Warm and pleasant like summer.
June 3rd - Attended meeting at the Congregational Church in the forenoon and evening and Sabbath School in the afternoon. Warm and pleasant.
June 4th - I went up on the Cass River and prescribed for five patients. Received two letters. Attended the Young People's meeting at the Baptist Church in the evening. Weather warm.
June 5th - Another of McAboy's children died last night. I spent the most of the day in the office reading. Rained the most of the time.
June 6th - Spent the forenoon reading and prepareing medicine. In the afternoon went up to Weaver's Salt Block. Had a very bad time as the roads were bad and it rained hard nearly all the time.
June 7th - I did not visit any patients until evening then went to see Lottie Lester. I did not feel very well. Did not go up to supper. Warm.
June 8th - I worked in the office in the forenoon and in the afternoon went up to Weaver's Salt Block. Attended meeting in the evening. Very warm indeed.
June 9th - I received a letter from Aunt Hoyt and Sarah Spinney. Dr. Spinney very busy until late in the evening. I did not do any business, only to dress a hand that was cut quite badly.
June 10th - I listened to a sermon at the Congregational Church by Elder Coles. We had a good S. School. Attended meeting in the evening.
June 11th - A disgraceful row at a Dutch picknick yesterday afternoon in which one or two men got shot. I attended the varieties in the evening.
June 12th - I worked during the forenoon making Bitters. Visited at Mr. Wheeler's in the afternoon. Weather very warm with showers toward night.
June 13th - Reported that the Fineans are going to their houses as fast as they can. I worked all day making Bitters. Water very high. Weather very warm. I received a letter from Joseph. Miss Burrell married.
June 14th - I wrote a letter to Father complaining of him for not writing to me the particulars of Mother's ill health. I was pretty busy fixing Bitters.
June 15th - I received a letter from Amanda Hoyt giving some particulars of the smallpox in Panama (N.Y.) The people afraid to bury any in the daytime that dies of it. Attended meeting in the evening.
June 16th - Spent the forenoon in the office. In the afternoon I went to Zilwaukie with Mr. Hinkley. Was out in a very hard shower. I feel pretty well and quite happy.
June 17th - Attended meeting in the forenoon and evening and S.S. in the afternoon. I wrote three letters. Last night I had to dress a man's head that got struck with a chair. Showery in the afternoon.
June 18th - Dr. Spinney and wife went to Detroit and left me to attend to the business. It rained very hard all day. Old Mr. West got knocked down about half past nine in the evening while going home (did not lose any money.) He made so much noise that the ruffians left in quick time. I went to the City to see Mr. Benjamin. I used a catheter for the first time during my practice.
June 19th - Last night I had my first experience as an obstetrician-breech presentation, child large and stillborn. I went up on the Cass River and to Saginaw City. Quite pleasant weather.
June 20th - I feel some better than yesterday but feel rather sleepy. Business rather dull. A horrible outrage commited upon a colored girl less than seven years old.
June 21st - Dr. Spinney done all the business outside the office. Gold falling pretty fast. I feel a little sleepy. Quite warm and showery towards night.
June 22nd - I received a letter from Freeman. Sent Mother some medicine. I attend prayer meeting at the Congregational Church in the evening. Warm and pleasant.
June 23rd - Vandenburg's Menagerie in town today. I did not attend. In the evening I had some ice cream at Mr. Moshier's Saloon. Weather very warm.
June 24th - In the forenoon I listened to a very interesting sermon by Elder Coles. Went to Bridgeport to see a case of smallpox with Dr. Spinney. Attended S.S. in afternoon and church in the evening. Very warm.
June 25th - A box of goods from Detroit arrived today. I read some but not as much as I would if it had cooler. In the evening I attended the Young People's prayer meeting then had some ice cream. Very hot weather.
June 26th - In the evening I went to Irving Hall and listened to a lecture upon matrimony by Miss Augusta Class.
June 27th - I felt quite sleepy a good share of the time. I wrote two letters. Read considerable of the time. A false fire alarm just dark. Quite cool in the afternoon.
June 28th - We had a pigeon pie for dinner and some strawberries for supper. I received a letter from Ella Hoyt. I wrote to Prof. Wilson. Weather cool.
June 29th - I spent the most of my time reading as there was but little to do in the office. Listened to a lecture on the covenant of the Congregational Church delivered by Elder Coles. A strawberry festival in the evening at Jackson Hall for the benefit of the M.E.Church. The net proceeds amounted to $108.00. Received a letter from Sarah Spinney. Weather a little warmer than yesterday.
June 30th - I was quite busy during the forenoon cleaning up the office and putting up a case of medicine for Mr. Ferris of Saginaw City. Spent the afternoon in posting Dr's books and footing up the amount of business done during the past month. Dr. Spinney commences a new set of books tomorrow to be kept double entry. A warm and pleasant day.
JULY 1866
July 1st - In the forenoon I attended meeting at the Congregational Church and listened to a very interesting sermon. Thirty baptized by sprinkling and emersion at that church and 15 emersed at the Baptist Church. I went direct from where they were baptized to S.S. A little rainy in the afternoon.
July 2nd - I went up to Tuscola with Dr. Stowe for the purpose of finding a location. He made up his mind to settle at Tuscola during the evening. I visited at Mr. Wheeler's. Warm weather.
July 3rd - A circus came into town and showed in the evening. A union school picknick. The Scholars went to Wenonia. I wanted to go in the evening but the excursion returned at 8 P.M.
July 4th - I spent nearly the entire day in the office. At six o'clock in the evening I went down the river and out on the bay on the Evening Star. A large crowd on board. Rainy in the evening.
July 5th - At twenty minutes past twelve A.M. I had to dress a man's hand that got hit with a slingshot. Beverly House burned, also the Eastman's house this A.M. Very warm.
July 6th - I visited three patients during the day and had job of surgery dressing a boy's fingers that got them taken off in edging machine. Very warm. Thermometer 92 in shade.
July 7th - I had a good bath in the river. I received $100 of Uncle Spinney. I paid Freeman $22 and loaned W. W. Button $78 at 2 percent a month. A little cooler than yesterday.
July 8th - I was off to see a patient when morning services commenced so I did not attend church but attended Sunday School at the Congregational Church in the afternoon. In the evening I attended meeting at the Episcopal Church in company with Miss Wheeler, Mr. Hall, and Miss Hammond. I wrote three letters. Cooler than yesterday.
July 9th - I did not feel very well but nevertheless I done considerable business and received $11.00 for medicine sold and services that I rendered. Cool and comfortable.
July 10th - A show set up in the town consisting of a giant, a fat clutch girl and a living skeleton. I did go in to see them. I attended meeting in the evening. Pleasant weather.
July 11th - In the afternoon I went to Wenonia with the M.E. S.S. to a picknick and had one of the best times I ever had with any party. Weather warm and pleasant. I had a long visit with Prof. S.R. Beckwith in the evening. He is traveling for the Hahnemann Life Insurance Company. Received a letter from Geo. Davis.
July 12th - In the morning I went out on the Franklin Truce Road to see about some wood. Visited one patient. Went to Saginaw City in the afternoon. Very warm indeed. Thermometer 93 in shade and 115 in the sun.
July 13th - A Union S.S. Convention at Bay City today but I did not attend. I finished reading Durkee on venereal diseases. The thermometer stood at 95 in the shade.
July 14th - Two men drowned on Friday night in the river-not known whether accidental or intentional. One body found Saturday morning and one this morning. In the afternoon, I attended S.S. and meeting in the evening. I wrote three letters and made one call. Weather very warm but not quite as bad as yesterday.
July 15th - At one o'clock this A.M. I had to get up to see a customer. At two I went to Salina with Dr. Spinney to see Mrs. Phelps that broke her under jaw by falling downstairs. We did not succeed in setting it for she was minus teeth and we could not bind it in place in any way. Did not get back until after sunrise.
July 16th - About six o'clock P.M. a man was brought into the office in a fit for which we gave him fit medicine and bled him pretty freely. Dr. Spinney and Knoff succeeded in setting Mrs. Phelps' jaw but did not get it in exact shape. I set up until quite late with the sick woman. Weather war and some showers north and south of us but none here.
July 17th - I did not rest first rate last night for I had that sick man to look after that was left at the office last evening. I could not read much on the account of being too sleepy. Two little brothers drowned at Bay City today. One fell into the water accidently and the other lost his life in trying to rescue him. I attended prayer meeting. Very warm and showery.
July 18th - I studied hard the most of the day preparing an argument for next Sunday's S.S. upon our baptism. I take the ground that baptism by immersion is the only true way and the way ordained by Christ and the apostles. I amputated Mr. Wissin's little boys finger by gas light. It is my first experience at amputating. Rainy during the forenoon.
July 19th - We had a busy day of it. A little before night, we (Dr. Spinney and myself) started for Crow Island by land and after driving without about one mile of there we found the roads too bad to proceed farther. Consequently went the rest of the way on foot. Mosquitoes very troublesome. We amputated all of the fingers on the right hand of Mr. Hicox he having accidentally placed his hand between two stave saws. I had to go to the City after eleven o'clock in the evening that being the time we got back from Crow Island. I felt pretty well used up when I got around to bed having been broke of my rest considerable for a week past. Weather cool but pleasant.
July 20th - One runaway in town but not much damage done. A horse race in the afternoon. I spent the most of the afternoon in preparing medicines. Quite warm and pleasant.
July 21st - A Mr. Scott walked a rope stretched across from the roof of the Bancroft House to Gray's store opposite. 4 stories high. Weather pleasant-warm.
July 22nd - In the forenoon I attended meeting at the Episcopal Church but got sick of the services when about half out. Went to the office. Attended S.School in the afternoon. We had quite an interesting debate on baptism. In the evening I attended church at the Central Baptist Church services-rather dull. Weather warm.
July 23rd - I had the blues all day so I did not study any. Thayer Noyes Great Circus in town and performed afternoon and evening. Mr. Scott performed on the tightrope again but did not get much of a crowd to witness his foolhardy feat. In the evening I went and ate some ice cream with Miss Neuman and Miss Wheeler.
July 24th - Mr. William Durand was married to Jennie Wheeler this morning and went away on their wedding tour at seven o'clock. I received a letter from Freeman, also one from John Webster. In the evening I attended Thayer Noyes & Co's Great Circus in company with Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Spinney. I saw some good jumping, also good horseback riding. Warm.
July 25th - Dr. Spinney was very busy consequently I had to stay in the office nearly all the time. I was so sleepy that I did not read much. Last evening I presented my application to the judge to join the Mason's but shall have to wait a month or more before I shall know whether I shall be accepted or not.
July 26th - We have taken in about sixty dollars since yesterday morning. I went up to see Mr. Stork's wife and found her quite low. I visited at Mr. Wheeler's in the evening. Very warm.
July 27th - Atlantic cable complete at nine o'clock this A.M. Praise the Lord. The mosquitoes were so troublesome this morning that I had to get up about half past three. Read very steadily during the day. Very warm.
July 28th - Congress adjourned. I slept very comfortable at the house last night. Business a little dull for Saturday. A man at Saginaw City fell 86 feet without breaking a bone. Very warm. One shower.
July 29th - Wrote three letters. Attended meeting and Sunday school in the daytime at the Congregational Church and meeting at the Central Baptist Church in the evening. One shower.
July 30th - Three years ago today I was in Portsmith, Va. and two years ago I was at the mine explosion in front of Petersburg and one year ago I was at Uncle Spinneys. I went down by Hollands Mill and had a good swim with Mr. Luster and Sturtevant. Called on Nettie Smith on my way back to the office. Cooler than last week.
July 31st - Another July has past and gone. I wonder if we all have made good use of our time during the past month. I know I could have done better. I attended meeting in the evening. Quite cool.
Aug 1st - I received a letter from Sarah Spinney and Ada Ellis. I spent the most of my time reading. Business for July amounted to $778.00. Cool.
Aug 2nd - Time seems to move slow with me but I suppose it is because I do not have much to do. I visited at Mr. Wheelers in the evening. Cool weather.
Aug 3rd - In the forenoon I read considerable but in he afternoon I went to the City. Quite pleasant in the forenoon but rainy in the afternoon.
Aug 4th - We had a busy day and evening. I worked a part of the afternoon posting the Dr's books. Went to the depot to meet Miss Hammond when the cars came in.
Aug 5th - Attended meeting in the forenoon. Wrote three letters but did not read much. My eyes felt so bad. I am afraid I am going to have sore eyes.
Aug 6th - About half past twelve this A.M. I started for a ride with Dr. Spinney. We went up on the Cass River about eleven miles from here and set a broken clavical for Mrs Aldrich and got back at half past five. Dr. Spinney started for Midland as soon as he could change horses and left me to attend to business. I reduced a luxation of the inferior maxilary after Dr. Flanswort had decided it was not luxated.
Aug 7th - I commenced fixing up for practice by getting some vials to fill with medicine. Dr. Spinney had to go to Midland in the evening. Quite warm during the day. Miss Bell found drowned.
Aug 8th - One year ago today I left home for Saginaw. Dr. Spinney away at Midland until tea time so I was very busy until ten at night. Rainy afternoon.
Aug 9th - I visited four patients besides doing a deal of work in the office. Quite a shower about tea time. I spent the evening at the Wheelers.
Aug 10th - In the forenoon I went up on the Cass to see Wm. Aldrich. Found his shoulder all right. In the afternoon went down to Gilbert's Mill. Dr. Spinney went to Midland. Warm and pleasant weather.
Aug 11th - Another very busy day with us. I worked very hard in the afternoon posting the books. I finished them up to date except the cash acct.
Aug 12th - I wrote two letters and attended meeting twice and S.School once. Reveived a farewell letter from E. Wheeler. A damp day although it did not rain much.
Aug 13th - I did not study any. I had so much to do in the office. I do not feel in a very agreeable state of mind but try to make the best of everything. Damp weather.
Aug 14th - About half past two P.M. a heavy wind blew down a brick building that was being constructed killing one man and injuring several others considerably.
Aug 15th - The work of removing the debris of the scene of disaster yesterday going on slowly. We was very busy in the evening. Cool weather.
August 16th - I have had rather bad luck this week with friends having had a kind of a fuss with two. Rather dull times and I wish I could go off some where.
August 17th - At horse race on Gates race course. Some of the men came back pretty drunk and very noisy. My shoulders pain me to I cannot take much comfort.
Aug 18th - I feel better than yesterday. Visited six patients during the day besides doing some work in the office. Quite pleasant in the forenoon but rainy in the afternoon.
Aug 19th - Listened to a very interesting sermon in the forenoon by Mr. Coles, also in the evening. I wrote four letters and visited five patients. Pleasant, except a light shower.
Aug 20th - I was not in the office much during the day as I went to Carlton, Sag. City, and to the New England Salt Works out on the R.R. Rainy during the afternoon.
Aug 21st - Dr. Spinney went to Midland consequently I was obliged to remain in the office most of the time. I tryed my hand at g____ for the first time since I commenced practicing medicine. I received a letter from Sarah Spinney and also one from Matie Rich. My name was accepted in the Masonick Lodge and I expect to take my first degree next Tuesday night. Showery and cool.
Aug 22nd - During the forenoon I was very busy. Two laborers had quite a knockdown a short distance from the office. The 1st Baptist S.S. went on an excursion. Rather poor attendance.
Aug 23rd - I done considerable work on the books. Do not feel very well, have rheumatism of my shoulders. Cold, showery weather. Like fall.
Aug 24th - I purchased me a cashmer hat at Sag. City. I do not enjoy myself very well of late from cause. Visited at Mr. J. Randalls a little while in the evening.
Aug 25th - Was quite busy in the office during the day. In the evening I attended Blake & Murry's Theater and had a deal of fun. Each of the actors carried their part credibly.
Aug 26th - In the forenoon I listened to an interesting discourse at the Baptist Church by Elder Hotchkiss of Buffalo. In the evening I heard Elder Taylor deliver his farewell sermon at the Methodist Church and after his sermon he baptized a lady. The first time I ever saw the ordenance of baptism administered in the evening. Rather damp during the day.
Aug 27th - I visited six or seven patients. Dr. Spinney very busy. A man killed at Searses Mill and another man had his left hand sawed badly in Spencer & Newcoms planeing mill.
Aug 28th - Dr. Spinney was absent at Midland therefore I had a deal to do. In the evening I received the first degree Masonry. Rainy P.M.
Aug 29th - A fire about eleven o'clock last night on the corner of Mill and Water St. I spent some time posting books. A little damp as usual.
Aug 30th - I did not visit any patients. Went to Saginaw City. In the evening I attended the theatre and saw the "Sea of Ice" played in splendid style. Rainy.
Aug 31st - I posted up the books and found we had done business to the amount of $1150.00 during the month of August and collected about five hundred and fifty.
Sept 1st - Received a letter from Sarah Spinney informing me of Aunt Packards receiving a serious injury by being thrown from a buggy by a runaway team. Very rainy.
Sept 2nd - I was busy learning a lesson in Masonry in the forenoon so I did not attend meeting but was at Sunday School in the afternoon and at meeting in the evening. Elder Coles preached. Clear and brief. I wrote two letters. Clear and pleasant for the first in 21 days.
Sept 3rd - We opperated upon a fistula for O. Wadsworth. I received a letter from Freeman and answered it. I studied quite hard on my Masonic lecture. Warm and pleasant.
Sept 4th - A wet muddy day. In the evening I received the degree of Fellow Craft in the Masonic Lodge on this town. Busy times.
Sept 5th - Another horse race at Gates Driving Park. Spent some time reading Anatomy. Attended meeting a the Congregational Church in the evening. Clear and cool.
Sept. 6th - In the afternoon I went a hunting with Geo Randall and had a deal of fun. In the evening I visited at Randall's. Mrs. Stork died today.
Sept 7th - In the morning I assisted Dr. Spinney in making a post mortem examination upon the body of Mrs. Stork who died yesterday noon from the effects of a cancer of the uterus which has been very troublesome for at least six months. I received my two first numbers of the "Mystic Star", a journal on Masonry. Wet and muddy. I had a good lesson on Masonry in the evening.
Sept 8th - Today it was rainy and bad getting around. My twenty seventh birthday. In the forenoon I worked quite busily cleaning and regulating the office. In the afternoon I worked at triturating medicines as we received some sugar of milk at noon. In the evening I had quite a lengthy chat with Etta Colbrath about her wedding tour which is to be next week.
Sept 9th - In the forenoon listened to a very interesting sermon by the Rev. Coles then attended Sunday School at the Baptist Church and another at the Congregational Church. In the evening heard Mr. Goodman preach at the Central Baptist Church. We had oysters for dinner. I wrote three letters. Weather cool and clear.
Sept 10th. Monday. Again work, work, work is the order of the day. I am enjoying life pretty well nevertheless. Rainy in the evening.
Sept 11th - Bell went home. Mr. Glover died very suddenly today from paralasys. I had a lame neck so I could not take much comfort. I went to the Masonick hall in the evening. Rains.
Sept 12th - I put up a lot of tinctures for myself. Wrote a composition for one of the school girls. Did not feel much like study. Cold and windy.
Sept 13th - I was quite busy assisting about. Cleaning the office. In the evening Mr. Warner gave me some instructions in Masonry. Mr. Glover's funeral at noon.
Sept 14th - Was quite busy during the day cleaning office. In the evening I called at Mr. Elseffers a little while then attended a soldiers meeting at Jackson Hall for the purpose of forming a political organization to assist the Republican party. Listened to a speech from J. Diggs. Received a draft of one hundred and fifty three dollars from R. Davis.
Sept 15th - I put up a case of medicines for Aunt Hoyt. Deposited $140.00 in W. Littles bank. Had a gay time at Mr. Delavergns in the evening. Quite pleasant.
Sept 16th - Attended meeting in the forenoon and evening at the Congregational Church. Did not attend Sunday School, it was so rainy. Had oysters for dinner.
Sept 17th - Read considerable on anatomy. Mrs. Spinney quite sick. The mosquitoes were so troublesome last night that I could not sleep very well.
Sept 18th - Was busy in the office as usual. Cold damp weather in the evening. I attended the Masonic Lodge, saw three initiated. Dr. Charles name proposed.
Sept 19th - I dressed a very bad wound in a man's head caused by the fall of a pulley. I set for a large picture at Randall's. Attended a soldier's meeting at Jackson Hall in the evening.
Sept 20th - I put up some medicine for myself and also filled a case for E. Davis and sent it to him by express. Visited at Randall's in the afternoon. Rainy.
Sept 21st - Saw a man drive a horse without lines hitched to a buggy. Do not feel well. Gave a young fellow a lecture on Masonry. Quite pleasant.
Sept 22nd - Did not do anything outside the office except to dress a boys toe that be cut with an axe. In the evening I visited at Mr. Randalls. Pleasant.
Sept 23rd - In the forenoon I attended meeting at the 1st Congregational Church. Then attended a S.S. at the Central Baptist Church. At half past two went to S.S. at the Congregational Church. Wrote three letters. Do not feel well. In the evening attended church and then had a short buggy ride in company with C. Randall. A nice moonlight evening.
Sept. 24th - I had so much to do that I did not study any. Had the front room of the office painted. In the afternoon I amputated Herman Crasold's arm a little above the wrist joint, the hand being torn badly by a circular saw in Webster's Mill. He had not been at work in the mill more than two hours. Rainy during A.M. Pleasant P.M.
Sept 25th - I was nearly sick but kept at work considerable. In the evening I took the degree of Master Mason. A rainy and disagreeable weather.
Sept 26th - I did not do much for I did not feel able. Did not eat any supper and went to the house at half past seven. Clear and pleasant.
Sept 27th - I felt quite miserable in the forenoon but better in the afternoon. In the evening I visited at Mr. Elseffers and had a good time. Received five letters.
Sept 28th - I packed up a box of medicines and bottles for my own use when I get settled. I saw a fight on the street before light this A.M. Warm and pleasant.
Sept 29th - I sent Isaac Hall his trunk by express. Did not do much work as I was nearly killed just across the bridge. A very busy day with Dr. Spinney.
Sept 30th - I felt so miserable that I did not attend meeting or S.S. in the day time but attended meeting in the evening. Wrote a composition. Pleasant.
Oct 1st - I made up my mind to start for Cleveland next week on Saturday. Read considerable. I feel much better than yesterday. Weather pleasant.
Oct 2nd - Dressed a man's face that got injured by a crank in Allison's Mill. In the evening I visited the Lodge. Saw four "raised" to degree of Fellow Craft.
Oct 3rd - The first day of the Sag. City fair. I did not visit the grounds. A fire on Genesse St. in the forenoon. A dwelling house nearly destroyed but most of the things saved. Hand engine No. 2 on the spot in good season. In the evening I listened to an interesting speech from Wm. Button at Jackson Hall.
Oct 4th - I went up to the fair but did not enjoy myself very well. Mrs. Spinney dismissed her hired girl. A cold disagreeable day.
Oct 5th - In the forenoon I went up to the fair and had a good time as the crowd was quite small. In the evening I visited with Miss Emma Wheeler it being her 16th birthday.
Oct 6th - I felt pretty blue all day. Spent the most of my time chatting with young folks. Received a letter from Sarah Spinney. Very pleasant weather.
Oct 7th - In the morning I felt quite miserable therefore I rested until ten o'clock then went to Saginaw City and attended meeting and Sunday School at the M.E. Church then visited at Mr. Moore's a little while. Then returned to East Town and attended S.S. at the Congregational Church, also at the M.E. Church. After tea I visited at Jim Randalls until church time then attended meeting at the Congregational Church. Was quite sleepy. Received a present of a neck tie.
Oct 8th - In the forenoon I cut off two fingers for Augustus Sweet, dressed a bruised head. In the afternoon I dressed Mr. Graham's hand it having been cut by a blow from a pickaxe. Also visited Mr. Butt's child toward Bridgeport which has an absess of the lungs. Warm and pleasant through the day but rainy in the evening.
Oct 9th - Did not do much in the forenoon but in the afternoon I visited Carrie Elseffers school with Miss Randall. In the evening I visited the Masonic Lodge and saw Elder Goodman and Mr. Jay raised to the degree of Master Mason which occupied the time until half past ten. A little damp during the day.
Oct 10th - Gave up the charge of the office to Dr. Stowe. Spent the evening at J. Phillips and had quite pleasant time. In the evening Mr. Davisons turning shop was burned.
Oct 11th - Mr. Fox returned from his wedding tour and took dinner at Dr. Spinney's. Spent the evening at Randalls.
Oct 12th - Spent the day fixing up for going away. Called on Mr. McKeys folks. I took tea with L. Fox and lady. Had our favorite dish-oysters. In the evening had a gay time at J. Randalls gallery in company with Mr. Randall, Clara Randall, Mr. Bradly, J. Robinson, Miss Birdsell, and Nettie Smith. Had oysters, apples, nuts. Had an excellent time and fun enough to last a month. Did not get home until about one o'clock A.M.
Oct 13th - I feel pretty old. Finished packing up and got my money and everything ready to go. Took dinner at Dr. Spinney's then bade them goodbye. At half past one, went to the depot and had a good chat with Miss Randall. At two o'clock bid adieu to Saginaw. Sent Mother a large photograph. Arrived at Holly at four o'clock and visited at Uncle Webster's until bedtime. I find that Holly has changed considerable since last February. Weather very pleasant.
Oct 14th - Attended a Second Advent meeting with Aunt Webster. Saw a number baptized according to their faith by immersion. Mr. Stage refused to let his wife go into the water which caused quite a fuss and made it quite unpleasant for the crowd. Wrote to Father. Weather warm and pleasant.
Oct 15th - At half past nine A.M. I took leave of my friends at Holly. Arrived at Detroit at noon. Visited with Dr. Lodge and Fred Barber. Went up Woodward Avenue as far as the st. car's run. At five o'clock forty minutes I started for Toledo where I arrived at nine o'clock. Took a bed at the Island House.
Oct 16, Cleveland, Ohio - At four o'clock I was called; at five o'clock left for Cleveland where I arrived in safety at ten o'clock A.M. Put up at the Russell House. Took dinner at Mrs. Browns and tea at Dr. Boyntons with Dr. Lowes. Made most of the homeopaths a call. Had a very pleasant time. Weather beautiful.
Oct 17th - In the morning looked for a boarding place then attended the Hahnemannian quiry at the dispensary. Then went to college and listened to a lecture from Prof. Blair, then visited Peck's folks after which I got me a boarding place at 15 Huron Street for which I am to pay $6.25 per week with everything furnished. Visited S. Roscoe in the evening. Weather pleasant.
Oct 18th - Listened to two lectures, one from Prof. Wilson and the other from Dr. Buck of Sandusky. Wrote three letters. Spent the evening at Buchanon's room.
Oct 19th - In the forenoon saw some dissecting done which is the first I have seen this season. Listened to a lecture by Dr.Sanders in the afternoon. Very windy and looks like rain.
Oct 20th - Spent one hour at the dispensary and some time in dissecting room at the college. In the afternoon I visited the watter tower on the west side and was supprised at the size of the engines used to force the water to the top of the tower. 234 steps from the ground to the top of the tower. Visited at Mr. Meekers in the evening. Quite windy.
Oct 21st - In the forenoon I took a walk down on Lake and Water Street and attended meeting at the Baptist Church on the corner of Euclid and Erie Street and heard a very able address. In the afternoon called at Mrs. Browns in company with J. Lowes. Wrote four letters. Attended the 14th anniversary meeting of the Orphan Asylum at the Baptist Church.
Oct 22nd - Listened to three lectures. Did not study much because I did not feel like it. In the evening I attended the ( ) Lodge of the F. V. A.M. Found their work some different from the work in Saginaw and conducted with less order than there. The hall very richly finished at the expense of $6,000. Received my first letter since I left Saginaw. Cool and windy.
Oct 23rd - Had a chat with Prof. Beckwith and a ride with D. H. Spent a little time at the dispensary but did not see any patients. In the afternoon the college was searched for some body that had been reserected but they could not find anything like it in college. The other colleges searched but do not know what success they had.
Oct 24th - Snowed last night. In the morning college was opened for the regular term by a short address from Prof. Allen followed by an able address from Dr. Wilson. In the afternoon Drs. Sanders, Beckwith, and Prof. Hemiston gave us a short lecture. A fire on Publick Square this morning but it was extinguished before the building was destroyed.
Oct 25th - Our programs for lectures to be two on anatomy, one on physiology, one on meteria medica, and one on chemistry for the present. The several professors on hand. We received a quizz from Hamiston, the first one we have had. In the evening I visited with Susie Meeker. A cold raw wind. Received letter from I.A.Hall.
Oct 26th - Lectures according to program but no quiz only on Materia Medica and Chemistry. The Hahnemannian Society organized in the evening.
Oct 27th - No lectures at college. I went over the west side. Matriculated. In the evening saw quite a row downtown caused by some men breaking in some girls doors.
Oct 28th - In the forenoon attended meeting at the 3rd Presbyterian Church. In the afternoon we had a good visit with Susie Meeker. Took tea with Buchannon on Superior Street. Then attended meeting at the first Presbyterian Church on Publick Square. Visited with Buchannon until late then retired to rest. The first time I have slept in a feather bed since New Years.
Oct 29th - Rained nearly all night and most of the day. Attended lectures as usual. Found Freeman at my room when I returned from college. We went downtown to attend the lodge but it did not open so we went up to Mr. Pecks on Scovill Street. Did not study very much.
Oct 30th - Did not study much until evening. Freeman presented me with a Masonic pin worth $4.00. In the evening we called at Mrs. Browns and a few other places. Snowed in the evening. I deposited one hundred dollars for Freeman and fifty for myself in Hale's Banking House subject to my order.
Oct 31st - Freeman had operation commenced for fistula by Dr. Biggar. Two more subjects received at college. Our janitor, Mr. Townsend, died last night. Cool.
Nov 1st - We had a postmortem upon the body of Mr. Townsend in the ampitheatre. I concluded to dissect a female subject. Cool weather.
Nov 2nd - I spent quite a share of the forenoon with Mr. Kaufman, a man that had his legs badly broken last night by being run over by the cars. No operation performed as reaction did not come up. He died at two o'clock P.M. Only one lecture on the account of the janitor's funeral. Quite pleasant. Attended a party at Mr. Meekers.
Nov 3rd - We had one lecture in the morning on anatomy and then we had the rest of the day for study. Wrote a long letter to Emma Wheeler. Got my new pants. Quite pleasant.
Nov 4th - In the forenoon I attended Trinity Church with Freeman and Mr. Bucannon. In the afternoon wrote some letters and called on Miss Meeker.
Nov 5th - In the forenoon listened to three lectures. In the afternoon done some dissecting and listened to two more lectures. In the evening called on Miss Gentell and Miss Cooper.
Nov 6th - Saw a peculiar mol formation of a young man from Mich. Done some dissecting. Attended the Cleveland City lodge of Fy.A.M. in the evening.
Nov 7th - No lectures in chemistry today. In the evening I visited Sarah Roscoe and prescribed for her. Very pleasant. Two children burned to death in a house.
Nov 8th - Called twice to see Miss Roscoe but only gave her medicine once. I did not feel much like study. Attended a book auction in the evening.
Nov 9th - Spent the day at college as usual. Spent the evening at Mrs. Browns. Had a very pleasant time with Susie.
Nov 10th - In the morning listened to a lecture from Prof. Allen and then saw some microscopical views that were quite interesting. Attended the Hahnemannian Society. Mild and pleasant weather.
Nov 11th - Attended meeting at 2nd Presbyterian Church in the forenoon. In the afternoon I visited with Susie. Wrote a number of letters. Quite cool.
Nov 12th - Attended college as usual. Dissected some at noon. Had a power of attorney made out for W. B. Wood. Visited the Iris Lodge in the evening.
Nov 13th - Dissected a little after dinner. In the evening called at Sam Coopers with Freeman. A shower of meteors expected tonight.
Nov 14th - Had a headache most of the day and also a sore throat. No meteors appeared last night. In the evening attended a quiry on anatomy at the college. Rainy day.
Nov 15th - No lecture on Materia Medica as Dr. Barnes was quite ill. No chemical experiments in the evening on account of Prof. Hammiston's ill health. Rained nearly all day.
Nov 16th - In the evening I took the post of Prof. Of Physiology at the Hahnnemannian Society. Prof. Allen started for Canada. Mild weather.
Nov 17th - In the forenoon we dissected a dog at college to see his heart beat. In the afternoon I went over on the west side with Freeman. Very pleasant weather.
Nov 18th - Attended meeting in the forenoon and in the afternoon. Went out to Mr. Phillips about three miles. Had a good time. Very Pleasant.
November 19, 1866 - August 3, 1867
Nov 19, Cleveland, Ohio, 15 Huron Road - Freeman had a ligature put in his fistulae. We had two lectures on Materia Medica instead of two on anatomy. I have a very severe cold and do not feel much like work. Rained last night and the most of the day.
Nov 20th - Last evening I had a present of a very nice gold ring from T.B. Buchannon. I got some engraving done on my pin given me by Freeman. Prof. Allen returned and gave us our usual number of lectures. I prescribed for Buchannon. Freeman did not get out much. I feel some better than yesterday. A little cooler than yesterday.
Nov 21st - We got our usual number of lessons. In the evening Dr. Biggar and Buchannon called on us and spent the evening. Snowy in the evening.
Nov 22nd - Freeman heard that his situation at Warren was occupied by another man. I received three letters from Saginaw this A.M. Snow fell most of the day but melted immediately.
Nov 23rd - I received a certificate of membership from the Masonic Lodge at Saginaw. In the evening I attended the Hahnemannian Society. Freezing weather.
Nov 24th - Spent the forenoon at college. In the afternoon went over on the west side and done considerable running around on this side. In the evening called on Susie and Miss Roscoe.
Nov 25th - In the forenoon attended meeting at the 1st Baptist Church with Freeman and Buchannon. In the afternoon went out towards East Cleveland to see what we could see.
Nov 26th - I was at college as usual. I paid my board for three weeks from next Wednesday. Called on Miss Meeker in the evening. Very pleasant.
Nov 27th - I did not sleep very well last night therefore I feel rather miserable. In the evening attended college and saw Prof. Humiston give experiments on pneumatics. Then went to a party at Mr. Berwicks and stayed until half past three A.M. Had dancing in abundance but I did not participate in the exercises. Rainy in the evening.
Nov 28th - Went to bed at twenty minutes to four and got up at twenty minutes past five to see Freeman off. Did not sleep any during the day but had very hard work to keep awake. Did not learn very much. In the evening attended a quiry on anatomy at college. Purchased some pearl sleeve buttons. Rained most of the day.
Nov 29th - A day appointed as a day of Thanksgiving and prayer by President Johnson and also by the Governor of Ohio. In the forenoon I attended meeting at the 1st Baptist Church and heard a very able address upon Negro sufferage. Partook of a very bountiful dinner at Mr. Rights. Spent the afternoon in calling. Spent the evening at Sarah Rocoe's room and had a good time eating oysters. Wet weather.
Nov 30th - Received a letter from Freeman. F. Buchannon commenced boarding at Mr. Wrights. I attended the Hahnemannian Society in the evening.
Dec 1st - We did not have any lectures at college. We had a quiry at my room in the afternoon. In the evening we had chemical experiments at college.
Dec 2nd - My throat very sore and I feel some like having an attack of the fever. Did not attend church. Studied my chemistry some.
Dec 3rd - I did not feel very well but kept around and attended lectures as usual. Received a letter from Freeman and another from Ella Moore. Had a family guiry at my room. Cool and windy.
Dec 4th - In the afternoon we had our final examination on Inorganic Chemistry which lasted from two o'clock P.M. until six. Twenty five questions. Prof. Humiston said it was the hardest examination he ever held at the Homeopathic College. Spent the evening at Sarah Roscoe's room.
Dec 5th - Miss Sketchler was married this forenoon to a man by the name of Smith, aged fifty-five and she only eighteen. Biggar commenced his lectures on Surgery. A fire down on the bank of the canal but it did not amount to much. In the evening I went to college to attend an Anatomical quizz. Quite muddy.
Dec 6th - A heavy fire in one of the oil refineries near the Atlantic & Great Western Depot. Loss $50,000.00. A number of persons badly injured by the bursting of the tank. In the evening I attended the oppera with Tommy Bucannon but did not like it very well. Tommy gave me a scarf pin. Muddy enough.
Dec 7th - At college as usual. Had a bath. In the evening was at the Hahnemannian Society. Muddy and warm.
Dec 8th - Spent the forenoon at college. We had quite a number of clinics. Spent the afternoon at the fire and visiting. We had 4 or 5 fires in the evening. We had a quiry at Mrs. Ketchener's room. Windy.
Dec 9th - Went to church in the forenoon. Spent the afternoon writing letters and in the evening called on Susie a few minutes.
Dec 10th - A very cold windy day. We had a lecture on fractures by Prof. Bechwith. In the evening I attended a quiry at Mr. Seymore's for Mrs. Ketchener's benefit.
Dec 11th - Very windy and cold. Dr. Sanders sent word that he would give his opening lecture next Wednesday. I do not feel very much like study.
Dec 12th - Sent my muster-in roll and commission to Wood of Washington. Sanders gave a very able lecture this P.M. Prof. Allen gave us a quizz on anatomy in the evening. A little warmer than yesterday.
Dec 13th - Spent nearly all my time studying anatomy. In the evening went down to Mr. Seaman's and had a quiry.
Dec 14th - Prof. Allen examined us on anatomy in the forenoon. I think I answered nearly all the questions correctly. Had quite a chat with Prof. Beckwith. Cool and snowy.
Dec 15th - Spent the forenoon at college. In the afternoon I called on Mr. Peck's folks and had a good visit. Called on Miss Meeker and the Miss Sentells. Pretty cold.
Dec 16th - Attended meeting in the forenoon at the Plymouth Church. Spent the afternoon reading and writing. Snowed very hard quite a share of the day.
Dec 17th - At college as usual. Did not feel very well in the afternoon. Went down to the commercial college in the evening to take lessons in writing but did not stay as Prof. Felton was way. Good slaying.
Dec 18th - Slaying getting worn out so the cutters run a little hard. In the evening I commenced writing at Feltons & Bigalows College.
Dec 19th - Board settled to date. Prof. Beckwith lectured to us on inflammation and its terminations. Spent the evening at commercial college. Snowed considerable.
Dec 20th - The same routine of business at college as yesterday. In the evening I went up to Mr. Polk's on Case Avenue with Mr. Buchannon. What a good sleigh ride. Clear and cold.
Dec 21st - Very cold in the morning but warmer in the evening. In the evening I went to the Masonic Hall but found no fire, then went to college fo the Hahnemannian.
Dec 22nd - Two years ago last night I was out in a terrible storm on the Atlantic Ocean. Visited the Alopathic College. Spent the evening with the Miss Johnson and Miss Roscoe. Quite muddy.
Dec 23rd - In the forenoon I attended meeting at the Baptist Church. In the afternoon wrote some letters and done some reading. Slaying all gone. Rained most of the day.
Dec 24th - Quite lively in town. All getting things for Christmas. I received one of my photographs from Saginaw for Mr. Buchannon. Spent the evening with Miss White. Muddy until evening, then snowed some.
Dec 25th - Christmas Day. We all had fun over our Christmas presents in the morning. I received a silver cup, one scarf, one set gold sleeve buttons and two pocket handkerchiefs. Called on Miss Roscoe and on the Sentell girls and Miss Meaker and had a gay time generally. Two years ago I saw the first attack on Ft. Fisher and enjoyed it very much. Received a letter from Geo Randall and Freeman. Quite snowy but no sleighing.
Dec 26th - Received a letter from Miss Clara Randall and one from Amanda Hoyt. Spent the evening at the commercial college. Snow fell during the day and evening.
Dec 27th - A cab driver and team drowned in the river by going in where a bridge had been carried away. At commercial college in the evening. Very cold and snowy.
Dec 28th - In the evening I attended the Theatre with Mr. Buchannon and saw the Maid Queen played and admired the scenery very much. Cold and windy.
Dec 29th - At college in the forenoon. In the afternoon at Mr. Meakers. In the evening I had a gay time skating. Then called on the Johnson girls. Cold and clear.
Dec 30th - In the forenoon attended meeting at the 1st Methodist Church. Wrote some letters in the afternoon. In the evening was at my room. Pleasant but cool.
Dec 31st - The last day of 1866 has passed. In the evening after college and before tea I rode out towards Newburg with Dr. Beckwith. Was at the Miss Johnsons room until about eleven o'clock.
Jan 1st - New Year once more with many wishes for a happy one. In the forenoon, I went out to Mr. Pecks on Scovill Avenue and had a good chat. Called on some of the students. In the afternoon I called on some ladies with Mr. Buchannon. In the evening I attended the installation of officers in the Cleveland City Lodge of F.A. M. A large crowd and a free supper. After that had a lively time at Miss Johnsons room. Clear but cool.
Jan 2nd - At the medical college in the day time and commercial in the evening. Was a little sleepy to pay for New Years.
Jan 3rd - We had a clinic that has had his lip destroyed by a cancer so his face is badly disfigured. A large number out skating in the afternoon. Weather a little more mild.
Jan 4th - After the first lecture in the forenoon I went down to the Charity Hospital and saw Dr. Webber amputate one thigh at the lower third and another at the upper third. The first lecture that I have missed this winter. Wrote a letter to Wood of Washington to see if he will purchase my claim against the government. Had a bath after college. Very pleasant weather.
Jan 5th - Was at our college to hear one lecture then heard one at Webbers College. In the afternoon I went down to Mr. Davis' champaign worker. Wrote some letters. Snowy.
Jan 6th - In the forenoon attended meeting and heard a sermon. Spent the afternoon in writing and visiting. A little snowy.
Jan 7th - I loaned $100.00 to Buchannon payable on demand. I set for some photographs. I deposited $50.00 in Merchants National Bank. Only one lecture in the afternoon. The students had a high time.
Jan 8th - The papers speak of exciting times in Congress over the President's vetoeing the suffrage bill. I took Mr. Vietes to the commercial college and gave him an introduction to the professors.
Jan 9th - Two fires in the oil refineries. Only one lecture in the afternoon. I paid my board until next Wednesday. In the evening I attended a party at Miss Nichols on Seneca Street. Weather pleasant.
Jan 10th - I did not feel much like studying as I did not get to bed until near two o'clock this A.M. I purchased a set of obstetrical forceps. Was at the commercial college one hour in the evening. A little snow fell.
Jan 11th - We learned that the graduating class was to be examined on Physiology and Materia Medica next week. I attended the Hahnemannian Society in the evening. Pretty good sleighing.
Jan 12th - In the forenoon attended college. In the afternoon called on some friends around town. In the evening had guiry at my room.
Jan 13th - Wrote letters in the forenoon instead of attending church. Made one call in the afternoon. Attended meeting at the 1st Presbyterian Church in the evening. Sleighing good.
Jan 14th - In the evening I attended the Iris Lodge of FV..A.M. Then went down to Mr. Seamens to a quiry. Received a letter from Mrs. Spinney.
Jan 15th - The second anniversary of the capture of Ft. Fisher. In the evening some young folks called at my room and had a good time. Mrs. Meaker very sick.
Jan 16th - Prof. Wilson examined us on Physiology. I passes ninety eight per cent. In the evening went to college until eight o'clock then went up to Mr. Meakers and went to bed so as to be ready to set up the latter part of the night.
Jan 17th - Got up soon after midnight and set up with Mrs. Meaker until daylight. Miss Davy for company so I did not get sleepy. Wrote at the Commercial in the evening. Snow flew bad last night.
Jan 18th - At college in the daytime. In the evening listened to a very pleasing lecture from N. A. Gray. All laughed heartily. Cold weather and good sleighing.
Jan 19th - We was examined on Materia Medica. I only answered 93 per cent of the questions. Had a bath after examination. Set up with Mrs. Meaker in company with Susie and Jenny Cooper.
Jan 20th - I felt very sleepy from being up all night. Called on Mrs. Johnson. Wrote two letters and slept some. Snowed fast in P.M.
Jan 21st - Prof. Wilson advanced a new theory on the action of medicines. Matter inert--inherently forces inherently active drugs by inherent power. Snow still falling, near two feet deep.
Jan 22nd - Drew what money I had in the bank. In the evening escorted Miss Johnson to Commercial College to hear Mr. Hutchins lecture on N. Y. City. Snowed some.
Jan 23rd - A heavy fire on the west side. Three stores burned. Only one lecture in the afternoon. At Commercial College in the evening. Weather pleasant.
Jan 24th - The boys have some singing books at college, consequently we have singing and a little less noise. Prof. Hooper gave us his last lecture on Botany. Mild and cloudy.
Jan 25th - Prof. Beckwith lectured two hours to us in the afternoon. In the evening we made arrangements (after lengthy discussion) to have the Hahnemannian Society chartered. Rained most of the day.
Jan 26th - Listened to Sanders lecture in the forenoon. Called on Prof. Beckwith in the afternoon to see about a situation. Cold and windy.
Jan 27th - Attend meeting in the forenoon at the 2nd Presbyterian Church. Wrote some letters in the afternoon. Cold and windy.
Jan 28th - After Sanders lecture in the forenoon Prof. Cooper examined us in Botany. I passed 100 percent. Biggar and Beckwith lectured to us in the afternoon. Attended the Masonic Lodge in the evening. Cold weather.
Jan 29th - Last night was one of the coldest nights of the winter. Arrangement made for some singing at the commencement exercises of college. Our first lecture on Medical Jurisprudence.
Jan 30th - We missed one lecture in the afternoon. No writing at Commercial College in the evening because the gas pipe froze up. G.A. Wright iniciated as a Mason in the Iris Lodge. Cold but quite pleasant.
Jan 31st - It commenced snowing early in the morning. Before night the sleighing was nearly gone in town. Spent one hour at the Commercial College in the evening. And spent the rest of the time at the Miss Johnson's room.
Feb 1st - Mr. Adams started home this A.M. No train on the Lake Shore R.R. from Buffalo in last Saturday since last evening on the account of snow. Warm and pleasant.
Feb 2nd - After Sander's lecture in the forenoon I done some writing and had a nap. In the afternoon wrote some letters and done some writing at the Pharmacy. Spent the evening at Mr. Meakers. Rainy.
Feb 3rd - Attended meeting in the forenoon. In the afternoon wrote some letters and had a sing at the Miss Johnsons room. Snowed some in daytime.
Feb 4th - Our usual number of lectures at college. In the evening I went up to Mr. Grosses with Mr. Buchannon to a party. A bad stormy night.
Feb 5th - Feb 5th - Prof. Brainard gave us his first lecture on Toxicology. After college I went down to Mr. Berrys for a quiry on Masonry. In the evening went to Commercial College. Mud and slop under foot.
Feb 6th - Received a letter from Dr. Lodge and also one from Father. Attended writing school in the evening. Weather very pleasant indeed.
Feb 7th - We got subject. Prof. Wilson delivered an inaugural address to the Hahnemannian Society in the evening at the college. Subject: Contrariety. Muddy but pleasant.
Feb 8th - Prof. Beckwith gave us two lectures on opperative surgery. A fire in one of the oil refineries. In the evening I saw two men raised to Master Masons in the Iris Lodge. Warm. Rained in the evening.
Feb 9th - Mr. Evans from Zilwaukee, Michigan arrived last evening to have his eyes treated. Was at college most of the forenoon. Spent the afternoon at home. Very stormy. Snowed all day.
Feb 10th - In the forenoon attended meeting at the Plymouth Church. In the P.M. called on the Miss Johnson. Clear and very cold.
Feb 11th - No opperations in Surgery because the subject was froze. In the evening attended a party at Miss Corkling's rooms on Seneca Street. Cold in the morning but warmer towards night.
Feb 12th - Beckwith absent so our Surgery came out slim. I heard last night that my claim for back pay was not sustained. I paid my board up until tomorrow. Quite warm and very muddy.
Feb 13th - Mr. Evans opperated on for a cataract by Dr. Biggar. A dislocation of the ( ) reduced by Wilson and Biggar at college. Rainy and windy.
Feb 14th - Only two lectures in the forenoon. Dr. Biggar occupied the afternoon. I am getting weary of college and the lectures and shall be glad when it is over. A muddy damp time.
Feb 15th - The ice left the river without doing any injury to the shipping. In the evening I attended the Hahnemannian Society and acted as Chairman and we worked until ten o'clock on the by-laws.
Feb 16th - In the forenoon we had a lecture from Dr. Biggar on Surgery. I then went down to Mr. Davises on Water Street. In the afternoon had a quiry at 14 Webster St. Spent the evening at Mr. Meakers.
Feb 17th - In the forenoon I attended the 1st Baptist Church in company with Mr. Buchannon. In the afternoon I went to college with Miss Meaker and Miss Davy and Mr. Buchannon. Spent the evening at my room. A very pleasant day.
Feb 18th - Received a letter from Dr. Spinney containing $10.00 for Evans. Had a sever headache. Biggar had a review in the evening. Very pleasant.
Feb 19th - I received my medicine from Dr. Fowler. We was again disappointed in Prof. Beckwith lecturing to us. In the evening Miss Meaker and Miss Day made us a visit which we enjoyed much. Stormy in the evening.
Feb 20th - Prof. Blair examined us on Theory and Practice of Medicine. All of the students are getting mighty sick of lectures. In the evening I saw the Sea of Ice played very poor at the Academy of Music. After that saw a Masquerade party at Garrets Hall. Some elegant costumes and some that looked as hideous as one can well imagine. Quite warm but the snow did not all go off.
Feb 21st - Our usual number of lectures. I felt rather sleepy. In the evening I spent an hour at Commercial College. Snow fell very fast most of the day.
Feb 22nd - We had our examination on pathology. Prof. Blair gave his farewell lecture and also Prof. Wilson gave his last lecture. Geo Washingtons birthday. I read considerable in the evening. Pleasant.
Feb 23rd - In the forenoon Dr. Biggar examined us in Surgery. Prof. Beckwith being unable to attend. In the afternoon Prof. Sanders examined us on obstetrics diseases of women and children. The examination very hard indeed, one of the hardest I ever saw. In the evening I made Mr. Pecks folks a visit at one hundred and fifty two Scovill Avenue. Heard from Dr. Stowe. Soft under foot. Snow nearly gone.
Feb 24th - I did not attend meeting but spent the forenoon at my room. Called on Miss Meaker in the afternoon. In the evening called at 26 Prospect St. Cool but pleasant.
Feb 25th - Biggar, Sanders, and Hooper lectured to us. Last lectures of this term. I am glad it is over but feel a little sad to leave so many pleasant associations. Called on the Miss Sentells in the evening.
Feb 26th - Spent quite a share of the day at the Medical Convention at the Kennard House. In the evening I called on Susie and at 36 Prospect St. A pleasant day.
Feb 27th - At ten o'clock A.M. we met at Garrets Hall and received our diplomas from the college and Hahnemannian Society. In the evening attended the banquet at the Kennard House. We had a very pleasant time. Music and toasts after supper was the order of the hour. Adjourned at one o'clock in the morning.
Feb 28, Detroit, Michigan - At nine o'clock A.M. I bid adieu to Mr. Wrights folks and started for the depot where I found a large number of students. Arrived in Toledo about one o'clock in Detroit at six thirty P.M. At half past ten started for Holly where I arrived at three o'clock A.M.
MARCH 1867
March 1st - Went to bed at three o'clock and slept until seven o'clock then went to Uncle Websters and got my breakfast. Went a hunting during the day but did not find any game. Cool and cloudy.
March 2, East Saginaw, Michigan - At half past ten A.M. quit Holly and ad half past twelve arrived in Saginaw. Spent the afternoon and evening visiting.
March 3rd - Attended meeting at the Congregational Church in the forenoon. In the afternoon I visited at James Randalls. Cold weather.
March 4th - Commenced cleaning up the office. Made two office prescriptions and visited one patient. Did not enjoy myself very much. Pleasant but cool.
March 5th - Clifton Arnold was killed last night at the depot by being run over by some cars. A man brought home dead also at Carlton, no one knowing where or how he was killed.
March 6th - I done some business in the medical line. Cleaned some of the bottles in the office. Quite cold and rather disagreeable weather.
March 7th - I did not do much. Visited Mrs. Ellis in the evening. Wendel Phillips lectured on the lost arts at Irvin Hall. He says that nothing is new except photographing.
March 8th - I slept at the office last night for the first time since my return. Called on Miss DeLavergne in the evening. Artemus Ward and S.C. Brown died yesterday.
March 9th - I could not study much because I did not feel able. I get easily confused since college closed. I believe it is from over mental exertion. Visited two patients. A pleasant day.
March 10th - In the forenoon attended meeting at the Central Baptist Church but did not like the sermon at all. In the evening was at the Congregational Church. Rainy.
March 11th - We got the rest of the office cleaned up. A petition circulated for the Common Council to remove the shows from town. Business good. Weather mild.
March 12th - Dr. Spinney was away the most of the day therefore I was quite busy. Tom Tuckers wifes sister committed suicide last night by taking Axolic Acid. I was at the Lodge in the evening.
March 13th - I felt rather cross grained the most of the day. Received another letter from Mr. Buchannon. Wrote a number of letters. Very cold and windy.
March 14th - Mrs. Spinney quite sick in the afternoon and evening. Wrote quite a lengthy letter to Miss Davy. Very dull times. No money stiring. Very cold and windy.
March 15th - I went to Carlton and also made Mrs. Ellis a professional visit. Pretty rough times at the house as the girl don't understand work and Mrs. Spinney is sick. Called on Miss Phillips in the evening. Cold.
March 16th - A very busy day with us. I spent the most of my time when not attending to patients making out bills. A little warmer than yesterday. Some snow towards night. Mrs. Spinney a little more comfortable.
March 17th - Attended meeting at Jackson Hall in the forenoon. Went to Bridgeport to see Mrs. Walker. Spent the evening at J. Randalls. Quite cold.
March 18th - I worked very hard all day making an invoice of the things in the office. Did not get much more than half done. German opera in the evening. Quite warm and pleasant.
March 19th - I finished up the invoice of the things in the office. I felt pretty blue all day. In the evening I attended the Masonic Lodge. Warm and pleasant.
March 20th - We had one fractured clavical to dress. I received a letter from Mr. Buchannon. Had a very interesting time in the evening at caucus but it went against my wishes.
March 21st - We opened Mr. Mendalls boys leg about six inches. Also opened Mr. Tebro's childs arm which was one of the worst I ever saw. Reported that a disease is prevalent above St. Charles which is very fatal. I think it is cerebral spinal meningitis.
March 22nd - Dr. Spinney went up above St. Charles and left me to do all the work. Had to walk a good deal. Set up with Mrs. Spinney in the night. Sloppy under foot.
March 23rd - I got me a pocket case of instruments. I sat up all last night with Mrs. Spinney. Worked hard during the day. Went to Saginaw City. Muddy and bad walking.
March 24th - Did not attend meeting for I did not feel able. Two saloons burned on Franklin Street at five A.M. One man, Mr. Godfry, was burned to death. Snowed all day.
March 25th - I feel a little better than yesterday. Opperated upon a man's face for a fistula. John Akins child died last night. Sickness principally lung troubles, very severe.
March 26th - I commenced proving a medicine that Dr. Barnes gave me to prove. Did not do much business. Attended the Lodge in the evening. Cold and snowy weather.
March 27th - Attend my second case of obstetrics and had excellent success. Was busy the most of the time during the day. In the evening I attended a candy party at Randalls Gallery and had a good time. Sleighing fair.
March 28th - I had a very busy day as Dr. Spinney was not well. I had to do a little more than my part. Patients doing nicely. A very pleasant day.
March 29th - I did not do much medical business. Went to the City in the afternoon. Sent my papers for one months pay as an enlisted man. Weather very pleasant.
March 30th - I had quite a busy day. Sent Mr. Buchannon $12.00 to pay for money borrowed to pay my expenses home to Saginaw. Pleasant and warm.
March 31st - Heard Prof. Esterbrook preach in the forenoon at the Congregational Church. Wrote some letters. No fire last night which is odd for Saginaw. Went to meeting in the evening at same place as in daytime.
APRIL 1867
April 1st - Election day and quite lively times in the 2nd Ward. Dr. Spinney went to St. Charles which left me alone. Business dull. Snowy in the morning but clear in the afternoon. The Gage Click badly beaten.
April 2nd - I had to work pretty hard to make up for Dr's absence. Took out three pieces of bone from Mendal's boys leg. Weather very pleasant.
April 3rd - I had a pretty easy time as Dr. Spinney was at home. Six deaths reported from Trichianesis in Springfield, Mass. Went to Saginaw City in the afternoon. Pleasant but rather cool.
April 4th - Dr. Spinney purchased another horse. He had a very sick patient that he had to stay with all the forenoon and with which I spend the afternoon. Damp cool day.
April 5th - Dr. Spinney discharged Plesner. I feel about sick from eating a late lunch last eve. Snow fell nearly all day. A festival at the Templars Hall for the benefit of the M. E. Church in the evening.
April 6th - Our very sick patient died about midnight last night. Business pretty lively. I sent my vouchers for bounty. A very windy day.
April 7th - indecipherable
April 8th - We opperated on Mendal's boys leg removing quite a large amount of bone. Mrs. Thomas buried today. I spent the afternoon ( ). Pleasant day.
April 9th - We opperated upon a boys head for a mothers mark which covered a large part of his forehead. A busy day for Spinney. Quite pleasant.
April 10th - I ordered some cards for myself. Received a letter from Mr. Buchannon. Last evening received one from Susie Hopps. I only done one dollars worth of business. Fish in abundance in the market.
April 11th - But little to do which makes me almost homesick. That boy at Everett House quite ill that had the opperation performed upon his head. Cool but pleasant.
April 12th - I went to Zilwaukee in the afternoon collecting but did not get only five dollars. I got my cards from the printing office. Very bad time for money. Warm and pleasant.
April 13th - I had a number of patients to see one of which was very sick with pneumonia. Has been bled and blistered by Van ( ). Cloudy.
April 14th - In the forenoon I listened to sermon from Elder Howard of Saginaw City. In the afternoon I wrote some letters and visited one patient.
April 15th - Two years ago yesterday President Lincoln was assasinated. A very busy day with Dr. Spinney but I had quite easy time. Rainy and warm.
April 16th - Dr. Spinney went to St. Charles which left me to get along as best I could. A new show in town doing a ( ) business. Mendal's boys leg doing nicely. Misty in forenoon but pleasant in the afternoon.
April 17th - I was away until 4 o'clock this A.M. which makes one rather sleepy. Our sick man near the depot improving nicely. Dr. Spinney returned this A.M. Very nice weather.
April 18th - A day of fasting and prayer according to the President. Business places closed in the middle of the day. Cloudy with a cool, raw wind.
April 19th - I had a busy day as Dr. Spinney was away from the office the most of the time. A large number of ruffs in town from the lumber woods.
April 20th - I feel a little more contented than usual for the reason that money is a little easier and business is good. Had some warm sugar in the evening at a friends. Saw a barque launched at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Very windy.
April 21st - In the forenoon I heard Elder Hough preach at Saginaw City upon the subject of young mens Christianity. Wrote a couple letters and visited James Randals in the evening.
April 22nd - I could not get out much on the account of poor boots as the snow was about four inches deep in the morning.
April 23rd - Dr. Drake of Detroit came up as counsel for Steel's child. I had a very busy day of it. In the evening I saw young Harrison raised to Master Mason. He fainted away. Snow nearly gone.
April 24th - We got a barrel of alcohol and some instruments out of the Express Office. I worked on the books some. A cold raw wind towards night.
April 25th - I had quite a job distilling alcohol. I went to see a patient about four miles below Carlton. A nice pleasant day except a little windy.
April 26th - I received and P. O. order for $30.00 from Freeman and sent the same amount to Dr. Sanders. A house of ill fame broken up last night on Cass St. Society pretty tough in town. Cool and damp.
April 27th - A little more quiet in town than it has been previously but I think it is only temporary. I was out until midnight. Cool weather.
April 28th - Attended Elder Hough's church at Saginaw City in the forenoon and heard an excellent sermon on future punishment which he believes to be eternal. Warm and pleasant.
April 29th - I done considerable work in the office. Went to Carlton to dunn some men but did not get any money. A pleasant day. Frogs singing in the evening.
April 30th - I did not visit a single patient during the day. Done considerable work in the office. Attended the Lodge in the evening. Quite pleasant.
MAY 1867
May 1st - Mrs. Packard and children went home. Davis went to Detroit. Dr. Spinney went to St. Charles. Heard that Mr. Ripley was at Ft. Reno as hospital steward of the regular army. Cool and windy.
May 2nd - Dr. Spinney and Mr. Davis returned. I worked quite hard fixing medicine but did not attend many patients. Quite a fuss between Mr. Thomas and Smith. Cool raw wind.
May 3rd - I ordered a new vest and pair of pants of Mr. Carpenter of Sag. City. Some excitement over the liquor question, the Templars trying to quit the sale of it. Weather very cold for this time of year.
May 4th - I had a bad stitch in my hip which made it uncomfortable working. A man injured his hand badly by a premature explosion of a blast in a stump. Warm and rainy.
May 5th - I wrote three letters and visited Mr. Bell in the forenoon. In the afternoon I went to Bridgeport to see Mrs. Armstrong. Mild and windy.
May 6th - Mr. J. M. Frenches Circus came in this forenoon and afternoon and evening. They performed over the river. I worked hard in the office the most of the day. Cold and windy.
May 7th - Quite a snow squall this morning but more pleasant towards night. I received seven letters. Dr. Spinney went to St. Charles. Circus again today.
May 8th - Dr. Spinney returned from St. Charles. I was very busy in the office. Got my boots from Holly. A hard frost last night but quite warm today.
May 9th - I worked busily in the forenoon packing medicine and in the afternoon posted the books. Was out on a regular wild goose chase in the evening.
May 10th - I felt miserable all day to pay for last nights chase. A very large fire at Saginaw City last night which destroyed two blocks on Water Street. Warm and pleasant.
May 11th - I got my pants and vest from Mr. Carpenter. A good day for collecting. Mr. Steels child died this A.M. I had an exciting time over a ( ) that I loaned. Warm weather.
May 12th - At half past three o'clock A.M. a fire across Genesee St. Four wooden buildings destroyed-Birdsells and blacksmith shop with the rest. I did not sleep any until after daylight after the fire commenced.
May 13th - I had a good nights rest. Set another lot of Bitters going. Done considerable work on Dr's books. Minstrels in town tonight. Rainy day.
May 14th - Dr. Spinney went to St. Charles. A foetus found in the bayou beyond the Engine House but no clue to its parents. I had quite a disagreeable job at the Genesee House in the evening. Rainy.
May 15th - I spent the most of my time posting books. My left eyelid quite sore. Dr. Spinney returned from St. Charles. A damp day.
May 16th - I sent Mr. Wright $12.00 to square up my board bill. My eye too sore for me to work much. I wrote to Nashville, Tenn. To see if I could a good location. Rainy afternoon.
May 17th - Last night a Mr. Sealy was killed by a man by the name of King. $250.00 reward offered for King. I did not work usual. My eye troubled me considerable. Cool and pleasant.
May 18th - Received the acknowledgment of the receipt of the money I sent to Sanders. I felt rather blue in the afternoon and evening. Cloudy.
May 19th - Attended meeting at the Congregational Church. Wrote six letters. Spent the evening at J. Randalls. Quite rainy in the afternoon and evening.
May 20th - Mrs. Wellington Burt was buried this afternoon. A man brought in from Farrandsville supposed to be King but proved to be someone else. Quite icy on the sidewalks this morning. Cool today.
May 21st - I commenced boarding at Steckerts on E.A. Sturtevants account. Mr. Thomas went into the woods looking land. A very stormy day and one of the worst nights that I ever was out. Wind blew very hard. I was out until one o'clock.
May 22nd - I felt rather sleepy from being out so late last night. Got the books nearly up even. Storm continued all day.
May 23rd - A large excursion started for Godrich today to celebrate Queen Victoria's birthday. I saw Ella Hoyt. Mr. Gillford came today to continue his studies. Cleared up in the forenoon.
May 24th - Queen Victoria birthday. E.A.Sturtevant nominated for Alderman in the first Ward on the Republican ticket. Quite pleasant but rather cool.
May 25th - The excursionists returned from Godrich. I took dinner with Mr. Buttons folks. Had quite a long chat with Miss P. in the evening. Rained some during the day.
May 26th - Attended meeting at the Congregational Church in the forenoon and heard an uncommon good sermon by Prof. Esterbock. Wrote a number of letters.
May 27th - Spent the forenoon moving the things out of the large back room. Spent the afternoon at work on the books.
May 28th - Had a sore eye so I could not do much. Quizzed Gillford on anatomy considerable. Attended the Lodge in the evening until called from labor to refreshment.
May 29th - Attended the laying of the cornerstone of the M.E.Church. Many things deposited under it. Ceremony rather tiresome. Cool and cloudy weather.
May 30th - Had Dr. Smith commence work on my teeth again. We had quite a busy day of it. I spent considerable time on the books. Quit boarding at Steckerts. Pleasant.
May 31st - Business for the last month has accounted to nearly $800.00 being about seventy five or eighty dollars less than last month. Warm and pleasant.
JUNE 1867
June 1st - I was rather sleepy oweing to being broke of my rest last night. Received a number of letters. Took a bath in the evening. Warm and pleasant in the forenoon. Rainy in the evening.
June 2nd - Wrote five letters and slept considerable as I was nearly sick. Came near having an ague chill. Did not attend church. Warm and showery. I spent the evening at Randalls.
June 3rd - I examined my first life insurance applicant, Hamilton Bogardus. Dr. Spinney very busy. I spent my time in the office. Cooler than yesterday.
June 4th - Some rows last night in town but none that resulted very seriously as I can learn. I went to Carlton to see a patient. Very warm.
June 5th - Wrote a letter to Dr. Childs. I felt pretty near sick to pay for being out late last night. Business increasing considerable. Saw a man have delirium tremens unless I am mistaken in my diagnosis.
June 6th - I got some cloth for shirts and got Mary Purdy to make them. I did not do much only post books. Very warm.
June 7th - Charles Shays Quincuplexals arrived in town and performed in the evening. Dr. Spinney was not able to be out so I had to attend to business alone. Had one job of surgery. Quite warm.
June 8th - Dr. Spinney was busy at Mr. McGees therefore I was alone at the office again. In the evening I washed the floor of the office.
June 9th - Attended meeting at the Congregational Church in the forenoon. Wrote two letters. Done about six dollars worth of business. Quite a row on the St. Boyden shot at one man but did not hit him.
June 10th -I received a letter from Dr. Breysagle of Louisville. A German picknick in town today. Dr. Spinney's health so poor that he cannot do much which adds to my work somewhat. Very warm indeed.
June 11th - I had quite a busy time. My eyes too sore to do much work on the books. Dr. Spinney went to St. Charles as usual. Very warm.
June 12th - A amputated two fingers and a thumb for Mr. Bozea they having been injured in a mill. The lightning struck three times in town this P.M. Very warm.
June 13th - The Genesee House destroyed by fire this A.M. Dr. Spinney went to Pine Run in the afternoon. I done $30.00 worth of business yesterday. Showery and warm.
June 14th - Dr. Spinney went to Towas and Ausable to be bone until next Tuesday. Gillford sick so I was alone in the P.M. Business dull. Heard that Boyden wounded that man that he shot at last Sunday eve.
June 15th - Business very dull so I had no trouble in getting along alone. I was busy until quite late in the evening. Thermometer at 80 this P.M.
June 16th - I wrote four letters and kept office. Done considerable business for Sunday. In the evening I listened to Rev. Mr. Thope at East Tennessee.
June 17th - My eye very sore from the affects of a stye on the lid. Business dull. I had rather an unpleasant day of it. A heavy shower in the afternoon.
June 18th -I done a good business considering everything. A. Mr. Ripleys house caught fire but was soon put out. Cool and pleasant weather.
June 19th - Dr. Spinney returned from Towas and Ausable and Alpena this A.M. but left for St. Charles at two o'clock. Mr. Bozea sent for Dr. Osburn to take care of his hand because I was two hours late. Mild and pleasant.
June 20th - Dr. Spinney returned from St. Charles. Pretty stormy times at the house. I did not do much as practice seems very light. A very nice day.
June 21st - I had the blues bad as there was nothing of any account to do. I heard from Mr. Buchannon and learned that he coud not spare me that money longer. Very warm.
June 22nd - A very hot day. The thermometer stood at 100. I felt quite blue. Cannot make up my mind what to do having various things to contend with.
June 23rd - I wrote three letters but did not get to church as it was very warm. Had a strawberry cake for dinner. Spent the evening at Randalls.
June 24th - I did not do a very large amount of business. But had a rough old time in the evening by getting into various troubles. A fire next to Marks Store. I did not sleep but very little.
June 25th - I rode nearly all day as Dr. Spinney expected to go home until near night. Between four and five o'clock P.M. I concluded to go home tomorrow.
June 26th - Did not sleep but little. Got up at four o'clock A.M. and worked until breakfast time. At 10 minutes past seven A.M. bid goodbye to Saginaw. Took dinner at Uncle Isaacs at Holly. Arrived in Detroit at five P.M. and went on board the Morning Star. Retired early and slept very well as it was still and nice.
June 27, Cleveland, Ohio - In the morning at five o'clock we landed and I took breakfast at Mr. Wrights then called at Mrs. Browns, Mr. Barbers, and numerous other places. At nine o'clock A.M. left Cleveland, arrived at Erie at one o'clock and had to wait until five then went to ( ) and took supper with Geo Davis and then went to Oil City and spent the rest of the night with Freeman.
June 28, Panama, New York - At 9 A.M. we quit Oil City and came to Irvinton and got dinner then came to Panama and called on all my old friends. Rode home with Edson. All pleased to see me I think.
June 29th - I spent the most my time at home. Called on Mr. Ellises folks and Mr. Pecks folks. Cool and pleasant.
June 30, Town Line, N.Y. - In the forenoon I walked over to Town Line and made a number of calls. Took dinner at Uncle Spinneys. Afternoon I went to meeting and hear a very good sermon by Rev. Stubbs it being his farewell sermon. Went up to Lucases and spent the remainder of the time until eve. Went to Uncle Spinneys and spent the night. Cool and pleasant.
JULY 1867
July 1st - I did not go to bed until near 12:15 o'clock this A.M. which makes me sleepy. Visited Robertson. Called at Chadwicks then walked home.
July 2nd - Went up to Lewises and spent the forenoon. Had some warm sugar for dinner. Uncle Hoyt and Aunt visited Mother in the afternoon.
July 3rd - I walked to Panama in the morning and spent the day visiting with Charles Hoyt and the rest of my friends. Saw Col. Dunham. Visited the rocks and saw many wonders. Rode home with Vet Terry and learned many particulars of the Clymer folks. Had a visit with Joseph and his wife and Lewis. A very warm day and quite dusty.
July 4th - Joseph and Lewis and their families and Mr. And Mrs. Ellis at fathers which makes quite a home full. I did not enjoy myself much because of Mother's ill health. Showery.
July 5th - Joseph and Lydia went home. I walked to Panama and back in the forenoon. Ada Ellis commenced work for Mother. Showery all day.
July 6th - I walked over to Uncle Spinneys and stayed until after dinner then called on Barker Chadwick then walked to Panama and then rode home with Mr. Ellis.
July 7th - Went a strawberrying and had excellent luck. Took dinner at Lewises. Called at Mr. Ellises. Got ready to leave tomorrow. Showery.
July 8, Irvinton, Pa. - Left home at six o'clock A.M. Rode to Panama with Eddie then went to the station with Mr. Sherman then to Corry by R.R. and waited there until noon. Then went to Irvinton with messenger Carrols. Visited with Geo Orswalter and Charley Davis. Was up until midnight with Geo and had a good time. Cool and pleasant.
July 9th - Arose about six o'clock and visited with the boys until one o'clock P.M. then rode to Williamsport, Pa. 188 miles from Irvinton. Had dinner at Kane and supper at (R ). Arrived in Williamsport at ten o'clock P.M. A nice town of 18,000 inhabitants. Quite cool during the afternoon and evening.
July 10, Erie, Pa. - Was called at 4 o'clock A.M. and at half past we started for Erie where we arrived at twenty minutes to four P.M. having rode 148 miles and stopped about thirty five times. I was somewhat weary. Spent the evening in a billiard room with Freeman and some more R.R. boys. Had some ice cream and streawberries.
July 11th - Visited with Freeman and the R.R. boyus until half past ten then started for Cleveland where I arrived at half past two P.M. Made a number of calls. Ate supper at Mr. Wrights. Called on the Johnson girls and had quite a good time. Slept with Dr. Veites at the Pharmacy.
July 12, Cleveland, Ohio - In the forenoon I called on the Dr's around town. Took dinner at Mr. Wrights then called on Miss Davy and had a grand time calling on old acquaintances with her. At eight o'clock P.M. I bed adieu to friends and walked to the boat. We did not leave Cleveland until after ten o'clock.
July 13, Holly, Michigan - Did not sleep very much as the N.C.Rice pitched badly it being rough outside. Arrived at Detroit at seven o'clock and at eight took the Express for Holly where I arrived at 9:58 A.M. Went to Uncle Websters and stayed until six o'clock P.M. Then came to Saginaw and had quite a lively time seeing friends. Warm and pleasant.
July 14, Saginaw, Michigan - In the forenoon listened to Elder Cowles from the portion of Christ's sermon on the mount. Afternoon I visited at Mr. Keelers. In the evening at Mr. J. Randalls. Pleasant.
July 15th - Had a busy time cleaning up around the office and putting up medicines. Felt rather indisposed so much so that it was quite a task to work.
July 16th - I wrote three or four letters and done considerable business as Dr. Spinney was absent at St. Charles in the afternoon. Warm and pleasant.
July 17th - I had a lazy day of it. Was rather discontented. Had quite a good chat with Miss Keeler in the evening. A barn burned on Franklin St. about midnight.
July 18th - Spent quite a share of the day posting books. A boiler exploded on a tug boat last night and killed 4 men. Was out in the evening bumming around. Warm and cloudy.
July 19th - Got up at half past four o'clock. Went to the river and took a bath. Did not do very much. An excursion down the river in the evening but very poorly attended.
July 20th - Got up at 20 minutes to four this A.M. and went to work putting down a new carpart. Had a busy time until after dinner.
July 21st - In the forenoon attended meeting at the Hall and heard a good sermon. In the afternoon visited at Keelers. Weather very warm.
July 22nd - I did not do but little except tend office and post books. Very hot indeed full as much so as anything we have had. Thermometer 95 in the shade.
July 23rd - Did not do much in the morning, only post the books up even. In the afternoon went to Mr. Hopkins to attend a case of confinement. Was detained until six o'clock then went home to see a patient but returned soon and spent the night.
July 24th - Did not get through until two o'clock P.M. and was then completely used up. Dr. White refused to come with me so I got Dr. Farnsworth. Very hot.
July 25th - Slept soundly. Was called up once in the night. Visited two patients and repaired my trunk. Rather dull with us. Rainy nearly all day.
July 26th - Visited Mrs. Hawkins and done some business in the office. Posted the books to date. Horse races at the race course in the afternoon. Cool and pleasant.
July 27th - Went to the river and took a bath with Leb Sherman before breakfast. Did not feel very well during the day but kept at work.
July 28th - In the forenoon wrote some letters. Then went to the house and stayed until about four o'clock P.M., then called at Mr. Keelers and at J. Randalls. Windy and warm.
July 29th - Worked very busily in the forenoon. But in the afternoon did not do much. Slept considerable. A race for three hundred dollars stakes on the race course. Cool and pleasant.
July 30, St. Charles, Michigan - Did not feel well so I did not go to breakfast. Slept most of the forenoon. After dinner went to St. Charles on the Excelseor to attend to Dr. Spinneys patients. Had a very pleasant time with a pleasure party. Worked until about eleven o'clock at night and then retired and slept very soundly.
July 31st - Arose at half past four and finished my work. At half past 8 A.M. bid adieu to St. Charles and sailed for Saginaw where I arrived about noon. Did not do much in the afternoon. Attended meeting in the evening.
Aug 1st - Went to Saginaw City in the forenoon. Done considerable work on the books. Saw the cornerstone of the Congregational Church laid at half past seven P.M. Cool and cloudy.
Aug 2nd - Mr. Brown, one of Spinneys patients, died this P.M. of diarrhea. I feel much better than for a few days previous. Sent my provings of a drug to Dr. Barnes of Cleveland.
Aug 3rd - Two funerals in town today. Dr. Spinney quite busy as usual but I did not do much outside of the office. In the evening I had a gay time trying to make oxygen gas. Broke numerous bottles and then did not succeed in getting enough to amount to anything. Have concluded not keep a diary any longer for the present.