Suffolk, Va.
Oct. 2nd 1862
{DIARY - 2 Oct 1862}
Father Mother & Brothers
To night finds me in the Hospital taking care of a soldier from company F and some from our company the one from Co F is Franklin Daniels from Panama son of George Daniels he is very sick with the billious fever and from our company there is a man by the name of Wait & another by the name of Robinson and another Trusdell but none are dangerous I think except Daniels and perhaps he is not.
I have been pretty busy for a little while past Sunday night our company was ordered into an intrenchment to support some artillery so we did not get a great deal of sleep that night & Monday I was sent out on picket with five men from our company and did not return until Tuesday night then slept a part of the night and Wednesday I was running around & at night the boys wanted I should should stay with them so I have been here so much of the night. I presume I will stay in the Hospital quite a spell but do not know it will depend some on how many there are sick & what the surgeon thinks about it. Our whole regiment is working too hard for their health allowing me to be a judge but when we get well fortified we will have an easier time. I got my picture taken today with my uniform on it is not very good but it is the best I could do here, Mother, I will make you a present of it I wanted to have gotten you one before but could not.
If you make out to read this letter you will do well for some of the time I have had my eyes open & sometimes I have not it is about as much as I can do to keep awake.
I cannot see as we are any nearer an attack than we were the first day we came here and not as much I should think.
My health is better than it was when I first came here and
I feel nearly as well as when at home.
How is Mrs. Ellis please Give my respects to her and all the rest of the family.
Camp Suffolk, Va.
March 11, 1863
{DIARY - 11 Mar 1863}
Dear Mother
I believe I will spend the evening in writing to you. I never have wrote to you in particula although every letter has been to you that I have directed to Freeman just as much as to him but you know he can answer them more readily than the rest so I have written to him. I was quite agreeably suprised last evening by receiving a letter stating that you had sent me some things and to night I received the things. I am afraid you are sending things that you really need to use for the benefit of yourself & the family. Now I am as thankful as any one can be for any such thing & I can appreciate it now better than I ever could in any place that I have been. But after all I do not want you to use me better than you do the rest. I often think of home & wish I could be there & stay a while but I never should want to come back here afterwards the thoughts of havinq to return would make me unhappy but as it is I do not think much about it only once in a while when I am alone or at night when I lay down upon my couch I get thinking of the joys of home & it seems as though I should fly but when I think and know that I am bound to stay a long time try to forget all & be as happy as I can. I have a good place to sleep for a man in the army it was warm & dry then I have boards with some straw over them which is nice to what I had when I first came here for a while I slept on the ground under a shelter tent & then after that I got some poles & fixed up & laid some cane over then & then spread one side of my blanket on to that & put the other side over me & my head or heels sticking out from under the tent but just after I was taken sick I got into a better tent & had boards to sleep on the same as I have ever since and the fellow that I have slept with since Wait died Gardner Williams of Clymer has two blankets & the Warden of the Hospital made me a present of a good warm quilt when I was taking care of Captain Curtis so with my blanket it makes us a good comfortable bed to be shure it is not a feather bed. Well hard times have past away I think unlefs we have to leave this place & I hope that never will be until we leave it for home. I will close for this time as I have not wrote anything of much account. I write so many letters sometimes I am at a lofs what to write but not often I have between twenty five & thirty different correspondence.
Remember me to Mrs. Ellis & Mrs. Billston & all the rest of my friends
from your son
Wm Hoyt
Folly Island, SC
Oct 17th 1863
{DIARY - 17 Oct 1863}
Dear Parents
This pleasant morning finds me well & willing to write to you. We returned from picket on Blacks Island day before yesterday after an absence of twenty five days of course we was all glad to get home as we call it & it does seem almost like home to get into a good wedge tent again. There is nothing except digging of any importance going on here & I do not see any prospects of any attempt to take the works around Charleston but still Gillmore is quiet & nothing known any faster than we can see it. We are going to fix up for winter or to stay a spell. I do not suppose there will be any winter but presume it will be a little frosty some of the time. It is very warm & pleasant yet & have not had any signs of frost yet. The nights are quite cool but through the middle of the day it is too warm for comfort. We are having a good living now about the same as when in Suffolk it is much better than when we first came into this department.
I have not heard any thinq about my box only what you wrote. I am sorry that you did not have it directed to Morris Island as there is an exprefs office there & I could have got it much quicker than I can from Newbern & if they do not take a notion to forward it I never shall get it you did not write how much money you had to pay out for things in it please do so & I will send you the money.
Butter is worth 50 cts per lb & cheese 30 cts. dried apple 8 cts & wormy at that dried peaches 20 cts & potatoes are worth two cts per lb. so you can see every thing sells at a qood price. Milk is something that cannot be got but sometimes I wish I could have some. The boys are all well from town line except James Bean he is in the hospital but will be able to join the campaign in a few days I think. There has been three deaths in Co. D since we came here. I had a letter from Freeman last night he was well when he wrote.
Where is Charles Hoyt this fall I heard once he had gone to Mich. or was going. I think that there will be some one go home on a furlough from this regiment in a little while that you know but I will not call any names yet. It is not myself so you need not expect that but some one that you would be glad to see I presume. it is not know for certain yet about their going. I will close remaining as ever your grateful son.
Wm. Hoyt Co D 112th
N.Y.V. Folly Island S.C.
Jacksonville Duval Co
April 13, 1864
{DIARY - 13 Apr 1864}
Dear Parents,
As some time has elapsed since I have written to you or have heard from you I will write you a few lines to let you know I am well & trying to enjoy life as well as I can but I must say the army is rather a poor place for happinefs but as long as we are engaged in a good cause we should not complain even if we have to endure some privations that we should not if we were at home. We are having very easy times as easy as we have had since we enlisted. Our duties are not very hard but the thoughts of being bound is unpleasant but our time is fast wearing away twenty of the thirty six months have pafsed away but still it does not seem but a little while since I was enjoying the comforts of home. The first day of this month there was a steamboat (the Maple Leaf) sunk by a torpedo all of our tents and cooking utensils were on board & a good deal of clothing all valued at $20000.00 twenty thousand dollars I think twenty five thousand would have been nearer the correct figures & the boat was worth fifty thousand dollars more. I lost quite a lot of stuff a Woolen Blanket a military jacket two shirts one pair socks a hair brush one blacking brush two towels one cap (cost me two dollars & fifty cents looking glafs some dried berries & apple & that tin can you sent me one pair drawers knife & fork & some medicines that I valued highly for they are hard to be got in this country & then a good many notions that I was quite sorry to loose. but so goes the world last year I had to throw away a lot of things on the peninsula & this year a lot of things have been sunk. I hope we shall not meet with a like occurrence next year. Seven regiments have just left here & it is generally thought they are going to North Carolina & we almost wished that we wer going too. for we are expecting warmer weather here than we have been used to seeing & we would love to be nearer home so we could hear from there oftener. The weather is as warm here now as it is in
Chaut Co in July. The troops are very healthy here. To day one of our Regiment killed an Aligator within a little ways of camp at the creek where we wash he was about five feet long (a pretty bird I reckon) I would like to send one to Charles & Edson for a play thing if I was not afraid he would bite. please write often & remember me ever as your absent son.
Wm. Hoyt
Co "Dtt 112th Rept
N.Y. Vols Jacksonville Fla.
Camp of the 112th Regt. in the field
May 27th 1864
{DIARY - 27 May 1864}
Dear Father & Mother,
I have not received any news from you in a long time but knowing that you will be glad to hear from me I will write a very few lines but cannot write much. We are driving around at a savage rate just taking what rest we are obliged to have. We was relived from picket after dark last night & as soon as we got into camp we got orders to pack up every thing & prepare to march, & at half past ten we started off in the mud (as the day & night previous was rainy) but as good luck would have it our march was short. Noon we went about half a mile & camped in the woods & here lay now awaiting orders. Various rumors are afloat about our destination but none that we can give much credit. I think we are bound for Grants' army or around in rear of Petersburg but it is all guefs work. We have three days cooked rations, our regiment has lost about twenty killed & wounded since we came here but none of them that you are acquainted with. We have been the luckiest regiment that I know of the other three regiments of our brigade have lost more than one hundred men to a regiment. God has indeed been very merciful to us ever since we came out. I never heard of a regiment that had seen as much hard service as we have & that had lost as few men by bullets. We may leave here to day or we may not leave in a month. Military movements are kept dark in this department Orders to move immediately will oblige me to postpone the completion of this letter until some other time.
May 28th two o clock P.M.
We moved about two miles last evening & encamped we supposed to rest a few days but orders have just come to be ready to move at four o clock with three days cooked rations. From what I can learn I think we are going to Bermuda Hundred & take transports for some new point but where I cam completely in the fog. I will try & keep you posted on our movements when I have leisure. I am very glad that our armies are accomplishing so much this summer I hope they will continue in well doing. We can well afford to have one hard summers work if it will close the war. You need not be alarmed if you do not hear from me often for we are very busy & the mail facilities are limited are times. With much love I remain your Absent Son
Wm. Hoyt
Monday noon
White House Va
May 30th 1864
{DIARY - 30 May 1864}
We just arrived at this place but have not landed yet but will this afternoon I think we went on board of a boat Saturday night about ten oclock but did not sail until Sunday morning. This place looks quite familiar it being the same place that we landed at when on our peninsula campaign last year. We was here a number of days. I do not think we shall have as hard a time as we did last year. There is not a very large force here yet & I do not think there will be. There was nearly twenty boat loads. I presume ten or twelve thousand in all. We are all in the dark about what part we are to take in the summer campaign. Most of Butler's force that was near Bermuda Hundred have crofsed the Appomattox river & I think they are going to try & take Petersburg & I hope they will succeed for I think that army has lost a large number of men without accomplishing much. You will please direct your letters to Washington D.C.
Yours ever Wm. Hoyt
Co. D 112th Reqt.
Camp of the 112th Regt. N.Y.V.
in the Field Near Gaines Mills
Va. June 6th 1864
{DIARY - 6 Jun 1864}
Dear Father & Mother
Yesterday I received two letters from you the first I have had in a long time & I will answer them immediately. One week ago last Saturday we left Bermuda Hundred & Sunday we sailed down the James River & up the York & Pamunkey river to White House & Tuesday night we left White House & marched until two oclock last night & then started early the next morning & marched to New castle & then on towards this place at four oclock we came up to Grants army & where the rebs wer plenty & at six oclock P.M. we got orders to charge upon the enemys works & we did it & suffered severly for it but gained their works & held them our brigade captured about five hundred prisnors. Our regt lost one hundred & fifty eight killed wounded & mifsing & Co "D" thirty of that number but God in his mercy saw fit to spare me from that number. I will give you a list of the casualties as near as I can.
Capt. Curtis wounded in shoulder
Lieut Corbert wounded in leg
David Plofs wounded in hip
John Springer wounded in arm
J.A. Slotsbovin wounded in arm
C. Thompson wounded leg slight
S. B. Keyes wounded both legs
J.J. Hosier wounded jaw & shoulder
I.E. Braley wounded thigh
B. Fritts wounded arm
J. Heuytink wounded thigh
M. Eddy wounded thigh
S. Whitford wounded ankle slight
C. Hunger wounded arm & side
S.E. Chapin wounded arm
George Hearth wounded face (slight
E.E. Slayton wounded Shoulder
C.B. Traver wounded foot (slight
A. Neil wounded arm
P. Austin wounded arm
Henry Findley Was Killed
Homer Austin Was Killed
Issaac P. Miracle Was Killed
J.A. Dorg Was Killed
Lucius Markham is mifsing
Philip Mark mifsing
B.F. Hurlbut mifsing
S. Brooks mifsing
E. King mifsing
J. Kean mifsing
The mifsinq we hope are prisnors & are quite sure Lucius Markham is as he was last seen close to the reb breast works & laid down so there was but little danger of his being hurt if he remained there.
We are not fortifying our position very strong & I hope the heaviest fighting is over. We have had hard marching & need rest & I presume we shall get it.
Gen Grants head quarters are about a mile from here. We are about twelve miles from Richmond.
I want close good bye.
Wm. Hoyt
On board the Mary Washington
Monday June 13th 1864
{DIARY - 13 Jun 1864}
Dear Parents.
As we are again on the move I will inform you of our whereabouts. yesterday at fifteen minutes to ten we got orders to be ready to march in half an hour as quietly as possible & promptly to the time we was on the move. You may think thirty minutes short notice to pack up ones house & furniture but so scant is a solders rig that half that time is all thats necessary. We was not sorry to quit the front having been there twelve days & under fire every day of the time which of course was somewhat tiresome. Our numbers wer considerable smaller than when we went up to the front Co "D" drew rations on our upward trip to sixty five men & yesterday we only drew for thirty six. the rest having been killed wounded or taken sick.
We marched to White House yesterday arriving there at dark. very tired & lame as the day was very warm & the roads very dusty. The distance was about twelve miles I quefs. We rested from dark until about eleven oclock then we embarked for another sail & where is merely conjecture but I think we are going back to Bermuda Hundred to join our Corps again. Grant has made White House his base of supplies but is now going to change it for other place the James River I think. I think by appearances that in twenty four hours more there will not be a tent or waggon there. The cars have been running from West Point by the way of Wnite House. But I think Grant is going to play another flank movement on them & spring his whole army to the left.
I think we have got a hard summers work to get Richmond but still I hope we shall get it in the end. I am glad we are going back for I had rather be under Gillmore than any other General I know. I suppose that you will have big times the 4th at least I hope so.
I presume we shall too but not the same kind that you will. O! how I wish I could be with you I should be happy indeed. But recollect you have my best wishes for your happinefs. You asked how many men in a brigade. We it depends how large the regiments are when we first came into the field last spring our brigade would number three thousand & now we have not more than one thousand with us. there is generally from three to six regiments in a brigade.
Our brigade is now commanded by Col. Curtis. Drake was in command of it until he was killed. We have lost two officers that cannot be replaced that is Cols Drake & Carpenter they wer as good as ever need to draw a sword. Capt Sudwick is now in command of our regiment. Maj. Smith being detailed as assistant Provost Marshall on Gillmores staff. The boat trembles so I cannot write very well so I close.
From your absent Son
Wm. Hoyt
Co D 112th Regt.
N.Y. Vols.
In the field two miles from
Petersburg, Va .
June 17th, 1864
{DIARY - 17 Jun 1864}
Brother Freeman
To day finds me able & willing to write you although I feel rather the worst for wear the same as nearly all the soldiers in the army do at present after a campaign of nearly fifty days during which time we have had to sleep on the ground every night only when on boats. Wet or dry it is all the same to a soldier. And the marching & fighting & being broke of ones rest so much makes a person feel old. But I guefs we can stand it through this campaign if we have good weather.
We left the front near Cold Harbor last sunday & marched to White House & took the boats & came to Bermuda Hundred & landed there at ten oclock AM tuesday & marched back towards our old front about two miles & bivouiacked. Wednesday at one oclock AM we was called up & ordered to be ready to march at two oclock but we did not get started until after daylight. We crofsed the Appomattox river at the Point of rocks at seven oclock & marched slowly until noon. The force ahead having to fight their way. Some colored troops that wer ahead captured six pieces of Artillery. two in the morning & four just night. At noon we came up to their main works & then we spent the afternoon until between seven & eight in feeling the enemys position & in getting our force into position.
Just before eight oclock an advance was ordered & at it the men went with a will & in half an hour all their principal works was carried & one hundred prisnors captured & sixteen or seventeen pieces of Artillery including the two pieces captured in the morning. The colored soldiers was on the left of us & the fought nobly, carrying rifle pits & breastworks & Reedoubts the same as the white soldiers. Our lofs was very small for the amount of work done it was the most complete victory I have ever witnefsed. Our brigade was not in the front line at all that day, so we did not suffer any lofs. The 2nd Corps commanded by Gen Hancox is here from the Army of the Potomac. Last night another advance was ordered on the left (we are pretty near the right) Our brigade advanced about half a mile to draw their attention while the second Corps advanced on the left. Our lots was small only one man hurt from our regiment & he was not wounded very bad, he belonged to Co. I. We are in plain sight of the church spires of Petersburg & not more than two miles away our men can shell the city anytime they wish. Never mind this dirty paper for I have not got only one sheet more but have sent for some. I am going to send you a relick of this battle field in the shape of a reb envelop that was picked on the filed they left their clothing knapsacks and every thing I should think by these appearances. Enclosed is one dollar on a northern bank it will not pafs in the army green backs are all the go you can use it for things I send to you from time to time. I would like to spend my 4th Petersburg but do not know as I shall. Gen Grant has been here. Write & often yours in love
Wm Hoyt Co D 112 NYV
In front of Petersburg Va.
July 4th 1864
{DIARY - 4 Jul 1864}
Dear Father & Mother
As to day is the 4th and we have nothing to do I do not know of any better way to spend my time than in writing to you. I am enjoying good health now much better than I have for a month past. We have been having a little easier time for about about two weeks past & it does us good after such rough times. Now we are in the front two days & in reserve two days.
We was relieved from the front last night & for two days now we can rest & then we shall have to take the front again & throw up intrenchments & do picket duty for two days.
Some one of the regiment gets killed or wounded nearly every day when in front but Co. "D" has not had a man injured since we came from Cold Harbor. I will tell you a little good fortune of mine. I have been detailed as Ordnance Sergt of the regiment so I am away from the Co whenever I wish I do not have to carry any gun nor do any fighting nor expose myself to danger unlefs I choose. All I have to do is to keep account of all the arms & ammunition & accounteraments in the regiment & to attend to drawing & issueing all stores of that kind the whole duty will not amount to more than one hours work in twenty four & that will be writing mostly (just what I like) I shall not have any picket duty to do or setting up nights. My pay will be seventeen dollars per month. I expect unlefs that new law takes affect raising the pay of the soldiers if it does I shall get twenty. I have been 1st Sergeant or Orderly as it is called since May & have been getting twenty dollars a month but I had rather have my new position at seventeen for money does not begin to pay a soldier for the hard work he has to do. If I was a citizen there is not money enough in Chaut Co to hire me to go through with what I have since this campaign commenced, But thank God I have lived through it & I think I shall not have any more such times.
I have been looking for lively times for the 4th but am disappointed for there is no more going on to day than usual. There is some cannonading every day about as much as you would have for a good celebration worth but we do not notice it for we hear it week in & week out as regular as daylight comes. I would like to be home & eat dinner with you to day but you must excuse me this time. I will tell you what I had for breakfast Wheat Bread & Milk some boiled pork & apple sauce & coffee. Perhaps you will not admire my taste in the culinary department but my mottoe is when I cannot get what I want to get what I can. Last 4th I had some blackberries to eat & I believe I shall go to day & pick some. With my best wishes to all & Edson & Charles in particular I close you will direct to Washington D.C.
from your son & a soldier Wm. Hoyt
Co "D" 112th Regt. N. Y. Vols
Near Petersburg Va.
Sept. 10th 1864
{DIARY - 10 Sep 1864}
Dear Parents,
I have been looking for a letter from you a number of days, but as it has not made its appearance yet I think I will not wait any longer for it has been twenty days since my last letter to you. I am enjoying myself as well as a person can conveniently & be a soldier in the field.
I have a good tent & a good place to sleep & have my regular rest & that is something that but few soldiers can say. Last evening the news reached us that Hon. R.E. Fenton was nominated for Governor the State of N.Y. & the 112th done some loud cheering over it. he will receive the votes of nearly all the regiment. Good news was received from Sherman & an order was issued that at seven oclock last evening every regiment should receive the news & it would have made you happy to have heard the loud & prolonged cheers that wer raised along the line by each regiment. You cannot think how much the soldiers enjoy a victory over the enemy. they are happy when victorious though it may have cost them dear. Our lines are within speaking distance of the enemy so you can imagine how they liked the cheering. I think they thought "yanks" was happy. I think every thing looks favorable for us & that Grant will soon make a move that will make every loyal man his friend just wait patiently a few days. he is fixing for another death blow to the rebs & they will get it too I believe. The weather is nice just cool enough for comfort. We have just sent a man to Norfolk to get our clothing that
we sent there at the beginning of the campaign. Mr. Peck & Edwards & C. Menawarrent & Sgt. Ellis are well. As I have some work to do I will close for this time: please write often.
Yours truly
Wm. Hoyt
112th N.Y. Vols.
Chaffins Farm Henrico Co. Va.
Oct 18th 1864
{DIARY - 18 Oct 1864}
Dear Mother
God being my helper I am still well & enjoying the comforts of a soldier which are more than many imagine I presume.
Although they have hard times occasionally but they are like a thunder shower "soon over". We have not had much to do since the 7th of this month only building fortifications which does not affect me much for I do not have any of it to do. My work is all writing & for a week or so I have had as much as I could well attend to & shall have for a few days longer than I can get a resting spell again.
You know writing was always a favorite study with me so I do not get very tired of it. We have had cold nights quite a spell but no snow yet. I have just been getting me some bedding so I sleep pretty comfortable. Enclosed you will find ten ($10.00) dollars which I wish you to use towards getting me some woolen shirts made I want good nice ones for I think they are the cheapest to wear out. I will send you some more money as soon as I find how much you want. I want a box sent when we get settled & I should be glad of a feather pillow of some kind to use through the winter & then send it back in the spring for I cannot carry it in the summer time. if you have one you will let go I would as soon pay you as any one if not buy one & I will pay for it.
I shall want twenty five pound of butter & if you are making butter to sell save that amount for me & I will pay as much as any one for it. I shall want some dried fruit but cannot tell how much until we get into winter quarters.
John Wood of Co "G" is going home & I will send this letter by him & must close for he is off in a few minutes.
Yours Truly
Your Absent & Affectionate Son
Wm. Hoyt
Co "D" 112th Reg. N.Y. Vols.
P.S. Sgt Ellis has been recommended for Second Lieutenant tell H.O.E.
Chaffins Farm
Henrico Co. Va.
October 23rd 1864
{DIARY - 23 Oct 1864}
Dear Parents,
As I have a little time to spare I will spend it in writing to you.
We are having pretty good time here with but little to do except drill. The regiment has to drill five hours each day Sunday excepted. I get tired of drilling. I have not had to drill any since we left Gloucester Pint the first of May last. The weather is getting so cold that I would like my shirts before I have a box for I shall not want a box until we get into winter quarters which may be a number of weeks. I wish you would send them by mail as soon as they are made. You may put on three 3ct stamps on each one or six on the package if you send them to gether. You need not seal them up just do them up in a paper with a good piece of twine. If that $10.00 I sent the 10th of this month is not enough to pay for them I will furnish more. I have sent to W. Cook to have him make me a pair of Keif boots & I want you to get them & pay for them as soon as they are done & send me word what their expense is & I will endeavor to make it all right. Sgt. Corbett started for home this morning he has been discharged on the account of the wounds received at Cold Harbor last June.
All of our first lot of officers have left us.
As the mail will leave soon I must close of this time.
Yours Truly Your
Absent Son.
New York City
Nov 6th 1864
{DIARY - 6 Nov 1864}
Dear Parents
We arrived here this morning the 112th Regt & a number more we have come to guard the poles during the election. If my boots & shirts are not done please hurry them up & I will try to get the boots before I go back & I want you to send the shirts as I directed you only direct them to Co "D" 112th Regt. N.Y. Vols New York City.
I presume we shall go north farther soon but cannot tell I will write more as soon as I find out about it.
Write soon
Yours Truly William Hoyt
Ft. Richmond
Staten Island
N.Y. Harbor
Nov. 13th 1864
{DIARY - 13 Nov 1864}
Dear Father & Mother & Brothers
I feel quite sad tonight we have just received orders to prepare three days cooked rations & we expect that we shall sail south tomorrow. I have been in hopes that we could stay in this state this winter but we are doomed to disappointment.
I had already begun to hope for a good visit at home but all is vanity & this is vexalious enough.
We have had a bad time since we left the front for we have been on boats all the time except three days since one week ago last Wednesday night. You may make calculations on sending me a box in a few days for I think we shall go into winter quarters as soon as we get back.
I will write as soon as I can conveniently after we get back.
As the evening is far advanced I will close hoping this may find you well & happy
Your Absent Son & Brother Wm.
Chapins Farms Va
Nov 24th 1864
{DIARY - 24 Nov 1864}
Dear Parents
Your letter of Nov 13th was received this morning & in answer I would say I am well. I have got me a log house House built & have got it fixed as warm as I know how it is about six by ten & a half feet inside. Made of small logs split in the center & laid up about five feet high & covered with shelter tents. I call it very nice indeed & answers the same purpose as a nicer house would. I am going to purchase a small stove & then I shall be all right.
I wish you could come & see me I think you would almost want to trade homes with me. I am sorry you sent my books alone for it will cost a dollar or two to send them in that shape.
I did not tell you to send them. I wrote to you to send my Shirts by mail & I would endeavor to get my Boots before T came back. You look of the letter & see if I am not right. But as you have sent them all right I have not received them but presume I shall. You may send me a box any time you wish I would like to have you send me a Tack or Quilt I had rather you would send
About dried fruit you may send whatever you think best that you can by & I will send the money to pay you next pay day if I am alive & well.
I do not wish to have you send me anything you need to use to eat or wear out for I am better able to do without them than you are. You may direct the box to Wm Hoyt Co "D" 112th Regt N.Y. Vols Ft. Monroe Va Army of the James.
From your absent Son
William Hoyt
112th Regt N.Y.V
On board the Charles Thomas
Saturday December 10th 1864
{DIARY - 10 Dec 1864}
Dear Parents
Our Regt is at Ft Monroe bound on a trip South but I do not know where but think to Wilmington N.C. There is a large expedition going.
I understand we are to sail to night.
Direct your letters as usual. I presume you will not hear from me very soon but don't feel uneasy we take twenty days rations with us.
Yours Affectionately
Wm. Hoyt
112th Regt
Camp of 112th Regt N.Y.V
Chapins Farm Va
Dec. 20th 1864
{DIARY - 20 Dec 1864}
Dear Father
If you have not sent my Box please do not until further orders.
Respectfully & Truly
Wm. Hoyt
112th Regt NYVols
Federal Point N. C.
Feb 8th 1865
{DIARY - 8 Feb 1865}
Dear Parents
As it has been some time since my last letter I will write you a few lines to let you know of my travels.
I left Bermuda Hundred Va (near where we have spent the last few months) one week a go to day & after a very smooth & pleasant voyage arrived here yesterday morning & found the regiment in a good camp a short distance from Ft. Fisher.
I also found two letters from you & eleven from others but as I have been quite busy I could not get time to write before
About the things that Mrs. Ellis sent I am indeed much obliged for them but cannot say I think I deserve such treatment from one that I never had had a chance to do a single favor but one thing I will do & that is remember her ever as a friend to the soldiers. Please tell Mrs. Ellis I am sorry for one thing & that is that I did not know that she sent any thing to me or Sgt. Ellis until I got your two last letters (yesterday morning) The consequence was I had used up all the Butter & cheese except about two pounds before I knew that a part belonged to him but the Berries I had not used any of them. So I gave him what Butter I had & some berries & will give him something that will satisfy him on the Butter & cheese.
I felt worse about it as Ellis is one of my particular friends & as good as any I have or want. You may think strange of my useing butter so fast but the way of it was a number of us board together & whatever one furnishes the rest help pay for & as lonq as the butter lasted of course we ate of it instead of buying.
You need not feel bad about the Boots for I know I did not write my letter plain I remember how how I worded it they are lost but all right I will send the money for them & the Butter & as soon as pay day comes again.
I have bought a pair of boots so I am all right.
I received Grandmothers letter & will answer it as soon as I can get time. I met with quite a mishap yesterday morning. I left my valise worth $16.00 on the beach with the rest of the baggage of the regiment & the tide came up & wet it & all my clothes papers & C, but I have dried them so it has not done me many dollars damage.
I have been lucky I think I have received a Commission as second Lieutenant but have not been mustered yet but expect to be soon then my pay will be about four times as much as it is now. I find Fort Fisher the largest & strongest work I ever saw & I wonder how it was ever taken. Co "D" had one man killed John Sprinqer of french Creek & James Green. Philip Decker John Esselink. George Whitford & John Hosier wounded. the regiment lost 44 killed & wounded & two Officers I think I shall like living here pretty well. If you have a good chance to send that paper you may do it & if not let it remain in my trunk until I get back. If I would write more but have not send paper & a good many letters to write. There is no chance to buy paper here but will be in a week or two.
Yours ever William Hoyt
Wilmington, N .C.
March 5th, 1865
{DIARY - 5 Mar 1865}
Dear Mother
As I have no meeting to attend to day I will spend my time in writing to you knowing that you will be glad to hear from me at any time.
We have not been here a great while consequently we have not got any place fixed to hold meetings in but I presume that if we should be here another week we shall either go down town to church or have a temporary building for that purpose.
We are encamped on Market Street but about one mile from the city. Nearly all of the troops except our brigade are under marching orders to move tomorrow morning. I think we are to remain here & rest awhile. I hope we can stay all summer for we could have a good time & have plenty to eat & drink & wear & enjoy life. It would seem like being at home more than it does to be marching around the county.
I would not ask for anything better while I am a soldier than to do duty around this place. I think we have earned a little rest as much as any troops in the army for we have been moving all winter while the rest of the army has been laying in winter quarters.
I feel quite confident that this war will close this season. I don't see what the Rebs can think of to try to hold out any longer.
I believe their only hope is the Negroes that they are arming but I think they will not fight against us & if they will not the enemy must give up very soon too.
The time seems very long since I left home & I almost count the days as they pafs that I have got to remain a soldier.
I hope you do not trouble yourself about me because I am in dixie's land for I am just as well off as I should be in York State with the exceptions of not getting quite as many delicacies to eat as I should there but still I get a plenty, such as it is & most of the time good enough. I think every one should be willing to suffer a little for his Country such times as these. I never have seen the time that I regretted my enlisting. Although I have wished myself out of the service a great many times. I feel confident that I shall be spared to return home & I look for a joyful time & enjoying much thinking of our meeting which I believe is not far away.
I am now living in a comfortable house of three rooms the family that lived here moved away before we came here.
For breakfast I had meat & potatoes biscuit & apple pie & coffee & the same for dinner except pie & presume that is as good as many folks would get at home. I have got a lot of nice photographs that I wish was at home but I do not want to risk them by mail. I want to get a nice album that will hold fifty or one hundred pictures & fill it up with friends & officers of the army that I know. We have not had any snow for nearly two months past. These are the winters for me. Hoping this will find you well & happy I close.
From your affectionate Son Will
March 22, 1865
{DIARY - 22 Mar 1865}
Dear Parents,
This afternoon I will write you a few lines to let you know where I am & hoping I may have a chance to mail this letter in two or three days.
We left Wilmington one week ago today & since then have done some very hard marching & are now eleven miles west of Goldsboro NC & are cut off from all communications with the ocean so we cannot get any mail or send any. but I understand we are going to Goldsboro tomorrow & there remain until we get clothing & supplies so we shall have a chance to send mail. We joined General Shermans army yesterday & they are also going to rest to get clothing as they are quite needy not having had supplies since they left Savannah about two months ago.
They live upon the country taking every thing they want. We have done so some of the time down here for we could not get any thing else we find Pork Potatoes Beans & Meal in abundance & some Beef Chickens Geese & so we fare first rate. I think that we shall qet a qreater variety of food than when near the ocean.
If you do not hear from me very often you need not worry for after we get our supplies probably we shall be without any communications for a month or two until we get up near Suffolk Virginia. The Rebs do not try to fight very often. Yesterday they attacked the left of Gen Shermans Army & got nicely whipped.
Greely of Clymer that you wrote to me abut being there a visiting last winter was here to see me this morning. He is the one that had been a prisnor. I now belong to Co "I" having been assigned to that Co by Col Sudwick.
I have but very little to do only to keep up with the regiment on a march. I go on picket about once in two weeks.
This is a beautiful country here large nice farms & good buildings & every thing comfortable & nice. The weather is warm but rather windy. I wish I had some warm sugar to eat but shall have to wait. I left ___________ to be ________________ to Wilmington to be stored until fall but the pillow I kept along to use this summer. If any thing new turns up before I send this I will write some more.
As ever Will
March 26th 1865
{DIARY - 26 Mar 1865}
I am now at Faison Depot just below Mount Olive Station. I expect we shall stay here a number of weeks. Please tell me what Regt the Nash Boys are in & all particulars about them as we are with Sherman And tell me where the Hawkins boys are in if you know. Write all particulars & oblige.
Lieut Wm. Hoyt
Faison's Depot N.C.
April 3ird 1865
{DIARY - 3 Apr 1865}
Dear Parents,
Your letter of the 12th was a welcome visitor & today I will pen a few lines in answer to it I am well & enjoying myself as well as most of soldiers do I think, & just before I left Wilmington I sent some pictures of confederate soldiers to you a drefs & since I have been here I sent my commission & I am going to send some Photographs in this letter & I wish you to keep them as clean as possible for I want them for an album if I should ever live to get home, & do not want them to look old & worn, but new & neat they are all strangers to you & the folks around there so you will have no occasion for showing them.
That picture of a child is a poor motherlefs child about three years old & prize it very highly for its beauty & it was a present to me from a friend of mine. I would keep the pictures with me but I am afraid they will yet damaged. Our baggage is so apt to get wet. I had my valise wet all through once last winter.
I except we shall leave here in a week or two & try marching again.
You may always direct your letters to Washington D.C. & they will come through all right.
I take the weekly tribune & get a chance to buy some daily papers.
The weather is very warm & pleasant & crops look nice.
I wish I could help you make sugar this spring but I have got a job to do for Uncle Sam before I can do any such work. I am still of the same mind I was when I wrote my last letter I think the
war will soon close.
Well Charley you wrote a good long letter & if I had time I would like to give you a long answer. but I will try & do better next time. Edson I think you cut your letter pretty short but hoping you will do better next time I will wait & see.
Remaining as ever your absent Son & Brother
Camp 112th Regt. N.Y. Vols.
Raleigh N.C.
April 20th 1865
{DIARY - 20 Apr 1865}
Dear Parents,
I am glad to have the privalege of acknowledging the myself of recipient of a letter from you. To day I received two or three lines from you acknowledging the receipt of my commission I am glad
that it got through all right. I hope that those photographs that I sent will also go through all right.
In reply to Mrs. Greeley's letter you may tell her that her son was all right last Sunday or Monday & was here to see me but I was away & his regiment is now some distance from here so I do not know when I can see him.
I am happy to think this war is so near over I do not think there will be any more fighting.
Our division has received orders to remain here & guard this city so our hard soldiering is over, we shall not have any more fighting to do & not much marching, we are going as a permanent camp so we can live first rate & be nearly as comfortable as we should be at home.
I should not be at all surprised if we was discharged in lefs than two months. I hope I can be there & help you cut your hay. I do not think it necessary to keep any army as large as this one in times of peace.
I think the people of Old Cautauqua may as well begin to fatten their calves for the feast when the 112th shall return to their homes to enjoy the peace the have so long been contending for.
It will be a happy day day to the regiment whether it is to the people or not.
I get the Tribune regular. Gen. Sherman reviewed our corps (10th) to day, his army is encamped a few miles from here. I mean his old army. We now constitute a part of his army. But our travels are over. Blefs the Lord for he has helped us.
We are still expecting pay soon but I do not know but I shall be disappointed again.
Crops look very fine for the time of year. The trees are all leaved out.
Surgeon C.E. Washburn died a few days ago with the feaver that he contacted at Wilmington taking care of our paroled prisnors. he came out with us & has worked hard for the regiment. he is the last one of our first three Drs. the other two having resigned, we now have only his name is Charles Mead & is a very nice man & loved by all.
The weather is very hot & I have to sit on the ground to write & use my valise for a table so excuse me until I get better conveniences for writing.
Hoping soon to hear your are well & happy I close.
Respectfully & Truly your
Absent Son William
Camp of the 112th Regt N.Y. Vols
Near Raleigh N.C. June 3ird 1865
{DIARY - 3 Jun 1865}
Dear Parents,
As I am out of work for a few moments I will write a few lines to let you know I am alive & well. We are encamped in a beautiful Oak grove. We do not have to drill any now so we get along very well although it is very warm. We are making out the muster out rolls now & I expect in about ten days we will be discharged & sent home or sent into York State & there paid off & then sent home. I think we shall get home about the first of July unlefs we have some bad luck but you need look for us very much then even for it s a slow job to settle up the companies accounts.
I don't want you to write to me again after you get this unlefs you hear from me for we shall be moving so much that I should not get the letters.
If any letters come for me please keep them for me until I get home or until give you directions for sending them.
We are all very impatient about getting home now the war is over have no interest in a soldiers life & all want to go home & see Ma
I expect we shall gay times when we get home but still I may be mistaken.
As I soon expect to see you I will not tire your patience with a long letter.
Yours Truly Will H.
VOLUME 101. No. 23
Passed Away At His Home Last Sat-
urday Evening.
Marked Tribute Paid To Memory Of
Hillboro Beloved Physician
And Citizen.
A deep sense of personal loss came to each one as the word went out that Dr. William Hoyt, one of Hillsboro's best loved men, had died about 5 o'clock p.m. May 31. Dr. Hoyt was a man in the highest meaning of the word. His visits to homes were, in addition to his medical aid, a benediction as he impressed all with his rigid, yet broad, conception of right living, by his faithfulness to his belief, but his sincere and helpful charity toward the weak or erring. It is not too much to say that every man, woman and child coming within the circle of this influence was benefitted.
Though not in robust health for several years his indomitable will triumphed over physical disease and he lived an active, useful life to the end. Concerned about and busy with right living he had no fear of death. Knowing it was at the end of life's road, believing it was full of rich blessing and
opening to a life of higher duties he went out as calmly and confidently as though going about his professional duties of over a half century.
Dr. William Hoyt was born in Bolton, Canada, Sept. 8, 1839, though his parents were born in the United States. He was of the ninth generation of American born Hoyts. Coming to the U.S. about fourteen years of age he lived in New Hampshire and New York until the breaking out of the Civil War. Enlisting in Co. D. 112 N.Y.V.I. he was in service until the close of the war, being discharged June 13, 1865. He was made a Second Lieut. Oct. 17, 1864.
Graduating from the Cleveland Homeopathic Medical College March, 1866 he practiced about a year in Saginaw, Michigan, coming to Hillsboro Sept. 22, 1867. Nov. 12, 1868 he married Miss Sarah E. Keeler, of Saqinaw, Mich.
A charter member of the G.A.R. he was interested in all of its work. A valued member of the Masonic Fraternity he had taken all degrees both York and Scottish Rite except the thirty-third. For fifteen years he was a most efficient and popular member of our board of education, always working for the
community benefit.
Mrs. Hoyt and five children, Mrs. J.W. Myers, Williamsport, O., Mrs. R.L. Boulware, Dr. Maurice Hoyt, Hillsboro, and Leslie J. Hoyt. Norwood, O., and twelve grand-children are left to remember a true husband and father.
Dr. Hoyt was one of eleven children, all preceding him in death.
From 2 to 3 o'clock Tuesday Dr. Hoyt's body lay in state at the M.E. Church and was viewed by many tear-dimmed eyes. Revs. C.E. Bennett and L.E. Durr assisted by the G.A.R. had charge of the funeral services at the church. The church was filled with countless friends of the beloved doctor, who had come to pay their last respect to him who had been their friend and physician. Highland Lodge of Masons attended in a body, and there was also an escort of the Past Commanders of Highland Commandery Knights Templar. John M. Harrere Post, G.A.A. and the physicians of Hillsboro also attended in a body. The Masonic Order conducted the services at the cemetery.
Mr. Edward Clayton, of Cincinnati, representing the Scottish Rites consistory recited, in a marvelously sweet voice, a touching poem before telling of the worth and virtue of Dr. Hoyt in words of strong feeling, then crossing to the elder son, Dr. Maurice Hoyt, he presented him with his father's Masonic ring. Returning to the open grave he gave for all brother Masons fond words of
farewell and hope, refusing to say "goodbye," but "goodnight" voicing the belief that as one they entered thru the portal of the world beyond that their loved brother Hoyt would greet each with "good morning".