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Muster Roll for
Samuel Myers's Company

Muster Roll for
3rd Company of odd Battallion
of Third Brigade of Second Division
of Militia of the State of Ohio

Information About This Document

Information About the Personnel

Names in Order of Appearance

Names in Alphabetical Order

Roster of Ohio Soldiers in the War of 1812
Roll of Capt. Samuel Myers' Company

Click image below for high-resolution version



Information About This Document

This document lists 68 names, which are entered below so they can be found by searches that may be made by descendants. I have tried to spell the names accurately, but the writing and condition make this difficult - in some cases I have added a question mark if I had doubt about the spelling. Another consideration is that the names were mostly not self-entered, so misspellings are possible. Five of the names are lined through, which may have indicated that they were dropped from the roll because of death, injury, capture, or some other reason.

The original document was found folded so that it would fit in a breast pocket. It was archivally framed so that it would not deteriorate further and then scanned. The method of folding it and handwriting variations suggest that this document was actually carried into the field during the war and used as a working record of the company.

The date "1811" written in the top right corner is interesting in that it is in blue ink, and therefore may not be original to the document, but is consistent with Samuel Myers's Commission as Captain, dated 30 November 1811.

If you have additional information or corrections regarding this document, please contact me. (See the Contact Information link at the top of this page.)

Information About the Personnel

I am attempting to research all of the individuals whose names appear on the muster roll. Since they were born before 1800, census information is not helpful, so I have relied on various family trees. If you are a descendant, or if you have additional information, please contact me. (See the Contact Information link at the top of this page.)

Names in Order of Appearance

(+ after a name is a link to the Web Family Card)

Names in Alphabetical Order

(+ after a name is a link to the Web Family Card)

This information is provided for the use of persons engaged in non-commercial genealogical research
and any commercial use whatsoever is strictly prohibited. Copyright © 2005 by John William Myers III.